Faculty | Evaluation Science

More than 40 faculty members — many of whom are practicing evaluators — representing departments from colleges throughout UD share their individual expertise and unite to equip students with the tools and knowledge required for in-demand careers in a growing field.
Affiliated Faculty*
*Core faculty are in bold type.
Name/Profile | Department | |
Mary Culnane | Evaluation Science, Public Policy, CRESP | mculnane@udel.edu |
Laura Desimone | Evaluation Science, Education and Social Policy, SOE, Biden (secondary) | lauramd@udel.edu |
Sue Giancola | Evaluation Science, CRESP | giancola@udel.edu |
Gail Headley | Mixed Methods Research, CRESP | gheadley@udel.edu |
Gary Henry | Evaluation Science, Education and Social Policy, HDFS, Biden (secondary) | cehd-dean@udel.edu |
Jason Hustedt | Research Design, Early Childhood, HDFS | jhustedt@udel.edu |
Allison Karpyn | Evaluation Science, Education and Social Policy, CRESP, HDFS | karpyn@udel.edu |
Jeff Klein | Quantitative Methods, CRESP | kleinjef@udel.edu |
Henry May | Quantitative Methods, CRESP, SOE | hmay@udel.edu |
Katrina Morrison | Qualitative Methods, CRESP | katrinam@udel.edu |
Florence Ran | Quantitative Methods, Higher Education Policy, SOE | fxran@udel.edu |
Ken Shores | Survey Research, Education and Social Policy, SOE | kshores@udel.edu |
Bryan VanGronigen | Qualitative Methods, Education and Social Policy, SOE | bvg@udel.edu |
Martin Heintzelman | Applied Statistics | mheintze@udel.edu |
Thomas Ilvento | Applied Statistics | ilvento@udel.edu |
Cecilia Arighi | Bioinformatics Data Science | arighi@udel.edu |
Karen Hoober | Bioinformatics Data Science | khoober@udel.edu |
Shawn Polson | Bioinformatics Data Science | polson@udel.edu |
Cathy Wu | Bioinformatics Data Science | wuc@udel.edu |
Jack Baroudi | Business Analytics | baroudi@udel.edu |
Hemant Kher | Business Analytics | kher@udel.edu |
Junbo Son | Business Analytics | junboson@udel.edu |
Shabbir Wardhawala | Business Analytics | shab@udel.edu |
Jennifer Gallo-Fox | Early Childhood | gallofox@udel.edu |
Myae Han | Early Childhood | myaehan@udel.edu |
Ana Whitaker | Early Childhood | awhit@udel.edu |
Martha Buell | Early Childhood, Education and Social Policy | mjbuell@udel.edu |
Rena Hallam | Early Childhood, Education and Social Policy | rhallam@udel.edu |
Tia Barnes | Early Childhood, Social-Emotional Development | tnbarnes@udel.edu |
Lauren Bailes | Education and Social Policy | lbailes@udel.edu |
Fred Hofstetter | Educational Technology | fth@udel.edu |
Teya Rutherford | Educational Technology | teomara@udel.edu |
Jen Horney | Epidemiology | horney@udel.edu |
Susan Conaty-Buck | Health Policy | sconaty@udel.edu |
Jennifer Graber | Health Policy | jgraber@udel.edu |
Jennifer Saylor | Health Policy | jsaylor@udel.edu |
Elizabeth Speakman | Health Policy | speakman@udel.edu |
Jinwei Cao | Management Information Systems | jcao@udel.edu |
Stephen Metraux | Public Policy | metraux@udel.edu |
Andrea Pierce | Public Policy | alpierce@udel.edu |
Sarah Bruch | Public Policy | skbruch@udel.edu |
Tibor Toth | Public Policy | tibi@udel.edu |
Joseph Trainor | Public Policy | jtrainor@udel.edu |
Rosalie Rolon-Dow | Qualitative Methods, Equity and Diversity | rosa@udel.edu |