Accelerate to Industry (A2i) | For Industry Partners

Power up your talent pipeline with A2i at UD

The Graduate College at University of Delaware can help your organization build brand awareness and effectively attract top-tier talent, through our Accelerate to IndustryTM (A2i) program which specializes in helping organizations build a pipeline of graduate-level candidates from STEM, humanities and social sciences disciplines. 

A2i offers concierge recruitment services and customized recruitment efforts for our employer partners, and supplements traditional recruiting by connecting our sponsors with their target applicant pool and strengthening their relationships with graduate programs at University of Delaware.

Engagement opportunities for your organization 

Organizational events at UD — Exclusive, customized company events anytime during the academic year, complete with event marketing and program logistics support to maximize attendance.

Pipeline Development — Specialized long-range recruitment services such as A2i internships, planning and administrative support for team-based projects, company site visits, and job-shadow programs.

Sponsorship opportunities — Organizational sponsorship of graduate student-focused events to build relationships and brand awareness such as the biannual Spark! Symposium and GradCONNECT career conference. 

Diversity Recruitment - Sponsoring a graduate diversity event or reception is an excellent way to engage with our high-caliber graduate students from underrepresented and historically marginalized backgrounds. Company representatives are also welcome to speak about the organization’s diversity, equity, and inclusion practices.

Digital Exposure — Premier placement on the UD Graduate College’s high-traffic professional development website, job postings with a logo and hyperlink, and marketing of your employment needs on our university-wide e-newsletter.

A2i Internship Program


The University of Delaware Graduate College is excited to announce a new opportunity for organizations to connect with high-caliber graduate-level talent through the Accelerate to Industry™ (A2i) Internship Program. The program enables you to supercharge your organization’s early career recruiting pipeline and vet potential new hires by seeing them in action. 

The A2i Internship Program is intended to: 

  • Bring highly motivated graduate interns with strong research skills and complementary expertise to your team

  • Familiarize graduate students with the types of problems that your organization faces

  • Enable you to identify, attract and assess UD’s brightest graduate students for future opportunities

  • Boost brand awareness, drive interest and build relationships with early career talent and leaders at the University of Delaware



During the A2i Internship Program, graduate students will engage in project-based work under the guidance and mentorship of an internship supervisor. The sponsoring partner organization determines the project scope and deliverables. The work can be performed in in-person, hybrid or remote formats based on your organization’s policies and labor laws. Duties, responsibilities and time commitment will vary and be determined in advance. Upon completion of the internship, the supervisor will be asked to provide an evaluation of the intern’s performance and areas for growth.

We understand that interns may be involved in projects with proprietary information of a sensitive nature. Please indicate if you would like your A2i interns to sign a nondisclosure agreement and waive the intellectual property rights on any discoveries that could result from their work for the industry sponsor. In addition to the standard provisions, the students understand that their internship grades are based in part on professional conduct.


Stipend and Duration

All internship projects have a minimum stipend rate. Organizations may choose to provide a higher stipend commensurate with industry sector and job function. The duration of the internship is flexible. Precise dates and hours of employment are agreed upon between the internship supervisors and students and can be in the following blocks of time. Students can be hired for multiple consecutive blocks. 

To help streamline the recruitment process and lessen the administrative burden of our sponsoring partner organizations, UD’s team will handle all the logistics, including posting the position, promoting the opportunity to the target group, providing an electronic booklet containing prescreened resumes, and assisting with interview scheduling. 

During the internship period, the sponsoring partner organization should plan to hire and onboard the graduate student as a non-benefited employee. The organization will be responsible for adding the A2i intern on their payroll and withholding any necessary Federal and/or State taxes.


Internship Duration

Estimated work hours

September 1 - December 31

Up to 9 hours per week

Up to 20 hours per week

January 1 - January 31

Up to 9 hours per week

Up to 20 hours per week

Up to 30 hours per week 

Up to 40 hours per week

February 1 - May 31

Up to 9 hours per week

Up to 20 hours per week

June 1 - August 31

Up to 9 hours per week

Up to 20 hours per week

Up to 30 hours per week 

Up to 40 hours per week

Already have a project in mind?

Please submit details here. Have questions or need some help? Please contact Dr. Suprawee Tepsuporn, senior assistant dean for graduate professional development, at

Frequently Asked Questions for New A2i Partners

Internships need to meet the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) criteria for internships: 

  • There needs to be clearly defined learning objectives related to the intern’s career goals and the experience must have a defined beginning and end

  • The skills or knowledge learned should be transferable to other employment settings.

  • There must be supervision by a professional with expertise in the field who provides routine feedback

  • There must be resources, equipment, or facilities provided by the internship host that support the learning objectives/goals

We encourage the industry sponsor to determine the desired qualifications and skills of the intern.

The A2i internship program draws graduate students from a broad range of disciplines, including the STEM, humanities, arts, and social sciences. Our graduate students possess a multitude of transferable skills and are interested in a variety of careers. Examples include business development, data analytics, medical affairs, operations, project management, regulatory affairs, and writing and communications. 

If you have a project in mind and are not sure if the students might be interested, please contact us. We would be happy to help tailor the position description so that you attract a strong pool of candidates.

The industry sponsor has the ultimate discretion in selecting the intern(s) for their project(s).

The start date and duration of an internship varies depending on the position. The internship duration can be during the fall, winter, spring, and summer sessions. Precise dates and hours of employment are agreed upon between the internship supervisors and students prior to the start of the internship.

The internship stipend is provided by the industry sponsor. During the internship period, the sponsoring partner organization should plan to hire and onboard the graduate student as a non-benefited employee. The organization will be responsible for adding the A2i intern on their payroll and withholding any necessary Federal and/or State taxes.

The intern will remain enrolled as a full-time graduate student at the University of Delaware and will continue to have coverage through the student health insurance plan. 

No. The students participating in on site, in-person internships are expected to arrange their own transportation and accommodation. However, any guidance you can provide regarding safe and affordable neighborhoods that are convenient for the intern to commute to the internship site is much appreciated.

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