The Graduate College is currently offering the following professional development opportunities:
Accelerate to Industry
A bold new approach to graduate career education.
In the Fall of 2020, University of Delaware Graduate College launched Accelerate to IndustryTM (A2i), a workforce development program for STEM trainees founded by the NC State University Graduate School.
Alumni Mentoring Program for Graduate Students
The University of Delaware Graduate College is pleased to launch Grad Leveraging Engaged Alumni Program (LEAP). The innovative mentorship program is designed to provide holistic support for graduate students from Blue Hen graduate alumni mentors.
Applied Career Exploration Program
Experiential learning that enhances our students’ graduate education
As part of our commitment to prepare students from all backgrounds, experiences, viewpoints and identities for career success, the Graduate College established the Applied Career Exploration (ACE) program to provide doctoral students with the opportunity to pursue experiential learning opportunities at various offices within the University of Delaware.