The School of Nursing has several named scholarships and assistantships that are awarded to undergraduate and graduate students. In most cases, scholarships are renewed annually provided that the criteria continue to be met (i.e., GPA, financial need, etc.). Scholarships are not transferable to another major and are forfeited if the student changes his/her major outside of medical technology.
General Information (Undergraduate Students):
- School of Nursing scholarships require a student to be enrolled in the nursing major and are not transferrable to another major. Scholarships awarded at the University level may or may not be transferrable. Please check with the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid for more information.
- In many cases scholarships may be renewed annually provided the scholarship criteria continue to be met (e.g., GPA, financial need, residency, etc). Your award letter may stipulate whether or not your scholarship is renewable. For non-renewable scholarships, you will need to reapply each year.
- Some scholarships are based on financial need. Financial need is determined by the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid and requires the completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA form) each year.
- If you have completed the FAFSA form and your personal circumstances have changed (e.g., job loss, death of a family member), please contact the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid to file an appeal. For more information, click here
- Academic merit is typically defined as a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or higher (on a 4.0 scale). Some scholarships have different stipulations.
- Scholarship monies are awarded once a year for the entire academic year. Applications are due May 1st of each year for the following academic year.
Application Instructions (Undergraduate Students):
- Applicants must complete the Scholarship Application and return it to zjackson@udel.edu by May 15th.
- Deadline: May 1st for monies distributed in the following academic year
Special Instructions for Incoming Freshman:
- First year scholarships are awarded through the Admissions Office (302-831-8123) rather than the School of Nursing.
- Incoming freshman students may be eligible for need-based federal aid. To determine eligibility, incoming freshman will need to complete the FAFSA application. Tax information is necessary to complete the FAFSA form.
- Nursing scholarships through the School of Nursing are ONLY AVAILABLE to sophomore, junior, and senior students–they may be applied for in ones’ freshman year.
This fellowship is awarded to a graduate student in the School of Nursing who demonstrates the ability to problem solve in the healthcare setting to promote best practice and individualized care.
This is a $2,000 one-time award for a graduate student who has a G.P.A. of 3.3 or higher at time of application. The award is given once per year.
Applicants must:
- Complete the SON scholarship application: click here
- Cut and paste a recent resume/CV under “work experience” on the scholarship application.
- Complete a 300 – 500 word essay providing an example of: “how your problem solving promoted best practice and individualized patient care in the clinical setting”, enter this information under “Areas of Interest” on the scholarship application.
- Complete all other sections of the application.
This application is due by August 1 each year.
The Dr. Jeanne K. Buxbaum Scholarship is awarded to at least one undergraduate and one graduate student interested in gerontological nursing.
This application is due by May 15th.
- Matriculated undergraduate or graduate student in the UD School of Nursing.
- Demonstrated academic excellence (GPA ≥ 3.0).
- Full-Time matriculated undergraduate (registered for at least 12 credits each semester) or graduate student (registered for at least 9 credits each semester) in the UD School of Nursing.
- Articulated/demonstrated sincere interest in older adults with vision or other sensory impairments.
At least one undergraduate nursing student scholarship and one graduate nursing student assistantship stipend will be awarded each academic year. Number of annual scholarships and award amount will depend on quality of applicants and available Endowment monies.
If you have any questions about the scholarship, please email Dr. Pia Inguito at pia@udel.edu.
Matriculated undergraduate or graduate student in the UD School of Nursing:
- Complete the online application here
- Write a brief essay, 1-2 page, single-spaced word document, describing your:
- Interest in older adults/persons experiencing sensory impairments
- Experiences that have influenced your interest in older adults/persons experiencing sensory impairments
- Short and long-term goals toward a career in gerontological nursing
- Submit completed application and email your 1-2 page essay and resume to Dr. Inguito, pia@udel.edu by May 15th
- Email Dr. Inguito at pia@udel.edu to schedule an interview between May 16 and May 23.
All applications submitted and interviews completed in May will be considered in the selection of award recipients.
Scholarship decisions will be made in July for the subsequent academic year.
In the event that no qualified applications are received in May, applications will be sought during the fall semester, with receipt of applications by December 1, interviews completed by December 15th and final decision for the spring semester made by the first week in January.
Alfred I duPont Nursing Scholars Fund Award for students enrolled in a doctoral nursing program.
This is a $4000 one-time award for a full-time student who has a G.P.A. of 3.5 in the PhD program at time of application. If applying as an entering student to the program, a GPA of 3.3 is required from previous degree. The award is given once per year.
Applicants must:
- Complete the SON scholarship application: click here
- Cut and paste a recent resume/CV under “work experience” on the scholarship application.
- Complete a 300 – 500 word essay explaining why you are worthy of this scholarship and your career goals after PhD completion.
- Complete all other sections of the application.
This application is due by August 1.
- $1,000 scholarship is awarded to a Master’s or doctoral degree student to be used for tuition for a graduate course required for the program degree.
- Must be a current member of Beta Xi.
- Scholarship monies will be forwarded to the recipient upon proof of successful completion (grade transcript) of a post baccalaureate course applicable to a graduate nursing degree.
- Past and/or present involvement in the chapter will be heavily considered in this award.
- Submit the following to Kathleen Schell, Chair, Research & Awards Committee, kaschell@udel.edu:
- Cover page with name, address, phone #, university/college and date of graduation
- Summary of your professional goals
- Essay on “The importance of research and scholarship in professional nursing”. This 500 to 750-word essay should address a current research or scholarly interest/project and will be published in the chapter newsletter.
The School of Nursing has several named scholarships that are awarded to undergraduate students. In most cases, scholarships are renewed annually provided that the criteria continue to be met (i.e., GPA, financial need, etc.). Scholarships are not transferable to another major and are forfeited if the student changes his/her major outside of medical technology. Contact the School of Nursing at 302-831-1253 for further information about how to apply for these scholarships.
- Zeneca Scholarship
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Delaware
- Linda Brinton Harra Scholarship
- Muriel Gilman Scholarship for Returning Nurses
- Betty J. Paulanka Scholarship
- Frances Cahn Scholarship
- Kittleman Public Health Nursing Scholarship
- KL Esterly Nursing Education
- AI duPont Hospital Scholarship in Nursing
- Helen E. Bancroft Scholarship
- Ines Monica Taylor Nursing Scholarship
- Patricia and Edwin Fleck Scholarship
- Inguito Nursing Scholarship
- Bayuk Scholarship
For more information on these scholarships click here
To download the application, click here
- The University of Delaware awards more than $100 million annually in federal, state, and institutional aid.
- Merit
- Athletic
- Army or Air Force ROTC Participants
- Outside Scholarships with Financial Aid
The Dr. Jeanne K. Buxbaum Scholarship is awarded to at least one undergraduate and one graduate student interested in gerontological nursing.
This application is due by May 15th.
- Matriculated undergraduate or graduate student in the UD School of Nursing.
- Undergraduate students must be enrolled as a full-time student
- Demonstrated academic excellence (GPA ≥ 3.0).
- Full-Time matriculated undergraduate (registered for at least 12 credits each semester) or graduate student (registered for at least 9 credits each semester) in the UD School of Nursing.
- Articulated/demonstrated sincere interest in older adults with vision or other sensory impairments.
At least one undergraduate nursing student scholarship and one graduate nursing student assistantship stipend will be awarded each academic year. Number of annual scholarships and award amount will depend on quality of applicants and available Endowment monies.
If you have any questions about the scholarship, please email Dr. Pia Inguito at pia@udel.edu.
Matriculated undergraduate or graduate student in the UD School of Nursing:
- Complete the online application here
- Write a brief essay, 1-2 page, single-spaced word document, describing your:
- Interest in older adults/persons experiencing sensory impairments
- Experiences that have influenced your interest in older adults/persons experiencing sensory impairments
- Short and long-term goals toward a career in gerontological nursing
- Submit completed application and email your 1-2 page essay and resume to Dr. Inguito, pia@udel.edu by May 15th
- Email Dr. Inguito at pia@udel.edu to schedule an interview between May 16 and May 23.
All applications submitted and interviews completed in May will be considered in the selection of award recipients.
Scholarship decisions will be made in July for the subsequent academic year.
In the event that no qualified applications are received in May, applications will be sought during the fall semester, with receipt of applications by December 1, interviews completed by December 15th and final decision for the spring semester made by the first week in January.
Helene Fuld Health Trust Scholarships for Accelerated BSN students
The Helene Fuld Health Trust’s mission is to support and promote the health, welfare, and education of student nurses. The Helene Fuld Health Trust is the nation’s largest private funder devoted exclusively to nursing students and nursing education. These scholarships partially support tuition and lab fees.
- Student admitted to and in good standing in the Accelerated Second Degree Baccalaureate in Nursing Science program with a minimum of a 3.0 nursing GPA by fall semester of senior year in the nursing program.
- Student enrolled full time in the fall semester and winter session of the senior year of the accelerated nursing program.
- Preference given to Delaware residents and University of Delaware alumni.
- Financial need considered.
A limited number of scholarships are awarded to Accelerated Second Degree Baccalaureate in Nursing Science students who are from under-represented groups in nursing or who are economically disadvantaged. As defined by HRSA:
”Underrepresented minorities” are racial and ethnic populations who are underrepresented in the registered nurse population relative to the percentage of that racial or ethnic group in the total population. This would include Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, American Indian or Alaska Native, and any Asian or Pacific Islander group other than Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Asian Indian, or Thai. According to National Sample Survey of registered nurses, males also are underrepresented in the registered nurse population relative to their number in the total population.
An “economically disadvantaged” person comes from a “low income family,” meaning a family with an annual income that does not exceed 200 percent of HHS’s poverty guidelines; a family is a group of two or more individuals related by birth, marriage or adoption who live together, or an individual who is not living with any relatives.
Scholarship funds may be used by students to pay tuition, academic fees and living expenses.
NOTE: Availability of the grant for University of Delaware students is announced on a yearly basis and awarded to newly admitted accelerated BSN students.
- The Dept. of Education website lists opportunities available to residents of Delaware in their Compendium
- The Delmarva Education Foundation serves Delmarva residents from Sussex County down to Cape Charles, VA
To find information about resources for your specific state, you can access the sites below: