Honors & Awards
In general, awards are one-time honors. They may or may not carry a monetary award. In most cases, they are recognized at Convocation.
Applications are due the first week of spring semester. Students will be notified via e-mail when to apply for the awards below:
- Senior Nursing student with Gerontology interest
- Minimum 3.0 GPA required
- Senior Nursing student
- Outstanding clinical skills, academic achievement, exceptional professionalism
- Minimum 3.0 GPA required
- Junior Nursing major
- Demonstrates significant personal and professional growth while pursuing Nursing education
- Minimum 3.0 GPA required
- Senior nursing student
- Motivation to pursue nursing education despite personal obstacles
- Promise of making meaningful contribution to profession
- Minimum 3.0 GPA required
- Nursing major
- Outstanding scholarship, dedication and commitment which exemplify nursing professionalism
- Awarded in honor of Martha Zeisloft, LPN
- Minimum 3.0 GPA required
- Senior Nursing major
- Active in professional and community service
- Exemplifies high competence in professional nursing
- Recommended by faculty
- Exceptional academic achievement and personal qualities
- Minimum 3.0 GPA required
- Senior Nursing major
- Outstanding service to the school, university, community and/or profession
- Minimum 3.0 GPA required
- Members of Beta Xi Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau
- One award to an accelerated degree student and one award to traditional nursing student
- Best represent vision and mission of honor society
- For more information refer to Beta Xi website
- Nursing major
- Motivation to pursue nursing education despite personal obstacles
- Minimum 3.0 GPA required
- In memory of Sherry Grim Schuler, RN. Sherry was a dedicated practicing nurse who was taken by breast cancer in 2010. This award is given by her parents, Dr. Daniel J. and Patricia G. Grim
- One or more Senior Nursing students
- Preference given to a student with special interest in the neurologically impaired patient
- Potential to be outstanding practitioner
- Minimum 3.0 GPA required
- The Zalenski Memorial Award is given by a University of Delaware Nursing Alumni to honor her father, Thomas Zalenski.
- It is presented to an undergraduate nursing major who maintains a kind-hearted and positive spirit despite facing personal challenges during their college career, and who is hard working and longs to make a difference through their nursing practice.
- Criteria for the student receiving this award shall be further determined by the nursing SAC Committee. it is preferred that the receiving student maintain a 3.0 GPA, but, exceptions may be evaluated at the discretion of the Nursing SAC Committee. The award will be for $1,000.00/year. It will be a single payment award (not renewable yearly unless deemed appropriate by SAC Committee).