Lorraine J. Phillips
Associate Professor
Office Location:
519 Tower at STAR
Dr. Phillips’ research addresses physical activity and fall prevention in older adults and nursing home quality of care. Working on interdisciplinary teams, she tests and evaluates sensor technology to support aging-in-place. She has been funded by the John A. Hartford Foundation, NINR, Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, and internal grants. Her teaching expertise includes quantitative research and meta-analysis methods. She serves as Treasurer for the National Hartford Center of Gerontological Nursing Excellence.
- Postdoctoral scholar, University of Missouri
- PhD, The University of Texas at Austin
- MSN, University of Delaware
- BSN, The Pennsylvania State University
- Phillips, L.J., Birtley, N. M., Petroski, G. F., Siem, C., & Rantz, M. (In press). An observational study of antipsychotic medication use among long-stay nursing home residents without qualifying diagnoses. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing.
- Orique, S. B., & Phillips, L. J. (2018). The effectiveness of simulation on recognizing and managing clinical deterioration: Meta-analyses. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 40(4), 582-609.
- *Rantz, M., Phillips, L. J., Galambos, C., Lane, K., Alexander, G. L., Despins, L., Koopman, R. J., Skubic, M., Hicks, L., Miller, S., Craver, A., Harris, B. H., Deroche, C. B. (2017). Randomized Trial of Intelligent Sensor System for Early Illness Alerts in Senior Housing. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 18, 860-870.
- *O’Connor, J.J., Phillips, L.J., Folarinde, B., Alexander, G. A., & Rantz, M. (2017). Assessment of Fall Characteristics from Depth Sensor Videos. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 43, 13-19.
- *Chase, J. D., Phillips, L. J., & Brown, M. (2017). Physical activity intervention effects on physical function among community-dwelling older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 25, 149-170.
- *Phillips, L. J., Deroche, C., Rantz, M., Alexander, G. L., Skubic, M., Despins, L., Abbott, C., Harris, B. H., Galambos, C., & Koopman, R. (2017). Using embedded sensors in independent living to predict gait changes and falls. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 39, 78-94. Selected for Sage Publishing Celebration of International Nurses Day 2017.
- *Rantz, M., Lane, K., Phillips, L. J., Despins, L. A., Galambos, C., Alexander, G. L., Koopman, R. J., Hicks, L., Skubic, M., & Miller, S. J. (2015). Enhanced registered nurse care coordination with sensor technology: Impact on length of stay and cost in aging in place housing. Nursing Outlook, 63, 650-655.
- *Phillips, L. J., Petroski, G., & Markis, N. (2015). A comparison of accelerometer accuracy in frail older adults. Research in Gerontological Nursing, 8, 213-219.
- *Rantz, M., Skubic, M., Popescu, M., Galambos, C., Koopman, R. J., Alexander, G. L., Phillips, L., Musterman, K., Back, J., & Miller, S. (2015). A new paradigm of technology enabled “Vital Signs” for early detection of health change. Gerontology, 61, 281-290.
- *Phillips, L. J. (2015). Retirement community residents’ physical activity, depressive symptoms, and functional limitations. Clinical Nursing Research, 24, 7-28.
- *Ruppar, T., Conn, V., Chase, J., & Phillips, L. (2014). Lipid outcomes from supervised exercise interventions in healthy adults. American Journal of Health Behavior, 38, 823-830.
- *Rantz, M.J., Popejoy, L. L., Galambos, C., Phillips, L. J., Lane, K. R., Marek, K. D., Hicks, L. L., Musterman, K., Back, J., Miller, S.J., & Ge, B. (2014). The continued success of RN care coordination in a state evaluation of aging in place in senior housing, Nursing Outlook, 62, 237-246.
- NIH. Customized Health Alerts and Consumer-Centered Interfaces Using In-Home and Wearable Sensors, 2018-2021. Role: Consultant.
- Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services. Quality Improvement Program for Missouri; Leadership Coaching, 2017-2018. Role: Principal Investigator.
- University of Missouri Office of Research. Usability Testing of the Kinect-based Fall Risk Evaluation and Feedback System, 2016-2917. Role: Principal Investigator.
- Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services. Quality Improvement Program for Missouri; Leadership Coaching, 2016-2017. Role: Principal Investigator.
- Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services. Quality Improvement Program for Missouri; Leadership Coaching, 2015-2016. Role: Principal Investigator
- Agency Healthcare Research and Quality. Seniors On the Move in Assisted Living (pilot study), 2014-2015. Role: Principal Investigator for pilot study.
- Mizzou Alumni Association. Meta-analysis of Physical Activity Intervention Effects on Physical Function among Older Adults, 2014-2015. Role: Co-investigator.
- NIH. Intelligent Sensor System for Early Illness Alerts in Senior Housing, 2013-2016. Role: Co-investigator.
- NIH. Physical Activity and Disability in Residential Care/Assisted Living Residents, 2011-2014. Role: Principal Investigator.
- NIH. Meta-Analysis of Interventions to Improve Medication Adherence, 2010-2014. Role: Co-investigator.
- Mather Lifeways, Innovative Research on Aging Award Honorable Mention, 2017
- Gerontological Society of America, Fellow, 2017
- University of Delaware, Nursing Alumni Star, 2017
- Mather Lifeways, Innovative Research on Aging Award, 2016
- American Academy of Nursing, Fellow, 2016