Lauren Covington
Assistant Professor
Office Location:
Tower at STAR
Dr. Covington’s program of research focuses on sleep and health outcomes in socioeconomically disadvantaged families. She is interested in identifying multi-level determinants of sleep health in hopes of ascertaining modifiable intervention targets to improve family sleep and overall health outcomes. She is clinically trained as a Pediatric ICU nurse and maintains her practice as an RN at Sinai Hospital of Baltimore. She teaches Nursing Care of Children and Professional Nursing Practice in the Undergraduate Program.
- MS, Clinical Nurse Leader, University of Maryland School of Nursing, Baltimore, MD
- BA, Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, PA
- PhD, University of Maryland School of Nursing
- NURS 356: Care of Children and Families
- NURS 337 Nursing Care of Children
- NURS 357 Nursing Care of Children Practicum
- NURS 233 Professional Nursing Practice
- Ji X, Covington LB, Patterson F, Ji M, and Brownlow JA. Exploration of social determinant moderators of the association between sleep and obesity in adolescents. Journal of Advance Nursing. 2022; Published online ahead of print. DOI: 10.1111/jan.15513.
- Covington LB, Satti A, Brewer B, Blair R, Duffy I, Laurenceau J, Mayberry S, Cordova A, Hoopes E, Patterson F. Concordance in sleep health metrics between socioeconomically disadvantaged caregiver and child dyads: A pilot study. Journal of Applied Research on Children: Informing Policy for Children at Risk. 2022; 13(1), Article 2. Available at: https://digitalcommons.library.tmc.edu/childrenatrisk/vol13/iss1/2.
- Trude ACB, Armstrong B, Machado AKF, Wickwire EM, Covington LB, Wang Y, Hager E, Black MM. In Press. Waking Up to Sleep’s Role in Weight Gain and Blood Pressure among Predominantly Black Adolescent Girls in Low-Income, U.S. Urban Communities: A Longitudinal Analysis. Sleep Health. 2022; 8(2): 200-207. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sleh.2021.12.001.
- Covington LB, Trude ACB, Armstrong B, Black MM. Regular bedtime: Implications for obesity prevention during the pandemic and beyond. Childhood Obesity. 2021. 17(7): 493-495. DOI: 10.1089/chi.2021.0063.
- Covington LB, Patterson F, Hale LE, Teti DM, Cordova A, Mayberry S, Hauenstein EJ. The contributory role of the family context in early childhood sleep health: A systematic review. Sleep Health. 2021; 7(2): 254-265. DO1: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sleh.2020.11.010. Highlighted as CME.
- Covington LB, Armstrong B, Trude ACB, Black MM. Longitudinal associations among diet quality, physical activity, and sleep onset consistency with body mass index z-score among toddlers in low-income families. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 2020. DOI: 10.1093/abm/kaaa100.
- Armstrong B, Covington LB, Hager ER, and Black MM. Objective sleep and physical activity using 24-hour ankle-work accelerometry among toddlers from low-income families. Sleep Health. 2019; 5: 459-465. Doi: 10.1016/j.sleh.2019.04.005.
- Covington LB, Armstrong B, and Black MM. Bed Sharing in Toddlerhood: Choice Versus Necessity and Provider Guidelines. Global Pediatric Health. 2019; 6:1-3. Doi: 10.1177/2333794X19843929.
- Covington LB, Rogers VE, Armstrong B, Storr CL and Black MM. Toddler Bedtime Routines and Associations with Nighttime Sleep Duration, Maternal and Household Factors. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. 2019; 15(6):865-871. Doi:10.5664/jcsm.7838. Highlighted as CME and invited commentary.
Covington LB, Rogers VE and Black MM. Sleep Measurement in a Low-income Sample of Toddlers. Journal of Developmental and Behavioural Pediatrics. 2019; 40(3): 219-223. doi: 10.1097/DBP.000000000000065.
Armstrong B, Covington LB, Unick J and Black MM. Bidirectional Effects of Sleep and Sedentary Behavior Among Toddlers: A Dynamic Multilevel Modelling Approach. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 2019; 44(3): 275-285. doi: 10.1093/jpepsy/jsy089.
- Covington, LB, Armstrong, B., and Black, MM (2018). Perceived Toddler Sleep Problems, Co-sleeping and Maternal Sleep and Mental Health. Journal of Developmental & Behavioural Pediatrics. 2018; 39(3):238-245.
- Hager, ER., Calamaro CJ., Bentley LM., Hurley, KM., Wang, Y., and Black MM (2016). Nighttime Sleep Duration and Sleep Behaviors among Toddlers from Low-Income Families: Associations with Obesogenic Behaviors and Obesity and the Role of Parenting. Childhood Obesity. 2016; 12(5): 392-400.
- College of Health Sciences, University of Delaware. Sleep Lab Equipment for Community-based Pilot Study, 2022-2023. Role: Co-investigator
- Heilbrunn Nurse Scholar Award, Rockefeller University. Sleep and Stress in Families with Socioeconomic Disadvantage: A Snapshot of Daily Life. 2022-2024. Role: Principal Investigator
- Delaware CTR ACCEL Program. Day-to-day Associations Between Sleep and Stress in Real-life Family Contexts, 2022-2023. Role: Principal Investigator
- Center for Innovative Health Research Interdisciplinary GOLD Research Grant. Sleep and Diet Quality Among Families with Preschoolers, 2020-2021. Role: Co-principle Investigator.
- General University of Research Grant, University of Delaware. Identifying Multi-level Determinants of Child Sleep Health in Under-resourced Families, 2019-2021. Role: Principle Investigator.
- University of Delaware School of Nursing. Exploration of Sleep Concordance in Under-resourced Parent-child Dyads, 2018-2019. Role: Principle Investigator.
- Sigma Theta Tau International, Pi Chapter Doctoral Student Award. Exploration of toddler sleep and maternal sleep/mental health in low-income families at risk for sleep disparities, 2016-2018. Role: Principle Investigator.
- 2022 NIH NIMHD Health Disparities Research Institute Scholar
- Delaware Top Nurse Advancing and Leading the Profession, Honorable Mention in 2022
- Nominated for the University of Delaware Excellence in Teaching Award in 2021
- Nominated for the University of Delaware Excellence in Teaching Award in 2020
- 2018 Karen Soeken Excellence in Dissertation Award
- 2017 Sigma Theta Tau International Rising Star of Research and Scholarship Award
- 2016-2017 Biology and Behaviour Across the Life Span Canter of Excellence ResearchFacilitation Award, University of Maryland School of Nursing
- 2016 Maryland Sleep Society 7th Annual Conference Best Poster Award
- 2014-2016 Jonas Scholar for Excellence in Nursing Leadership
Collaborating team member of the Sleep and Health Research Program
- Family sleep health
- Sleep and health disparities
- Health equity
- Health behavior change