Jennifer Saylor
Associate Dean, Faculty and Student Affairs
Associate Professor
Office Location:
McDowell Hall
Dr. Saylor’s program of research focuses on type one diabetes of emerging young adults and the transition to college. Dr. Saylor previous research experience in simulation with funding and publication. She has methodological expertise is in mixed methods research and large databases. She has been funded by ANF, Delaware Health Science Alliance, General University Grant, private foundations. She teaches in the Graduate, Accelerated, and PhD programs in the areas of research and clinical education.
- PhD, University of Maryland at Baltimore, 2011
Focus: Metabolic Syndrome and Depressive Symptoms - MSN, University of Delaware, 2000
Major: Cardiopulmonary Clinical Nurse Specialist
Focus: Interventional Cardiology - BSN, Drexel University, 1998
- Intro to Population Health Nursing
- Public and Global Health
- Concepts of Chronic Disease Management
- Transition to Professional Nursing Practice II
- Adult-Gerontology I
- Adult-Gerontology II
- Advanced Quantitative Research Science
- Health Assessment Across the Lifespan
- Health and Physical Assessment
- Clinical Applications: Care of Populations
- Clinical Preceptorship
- Clinical Adult Health I
- Clinical Adult Health II: DEU
- RN-BSN Role Transition
- BRN Role Practicum
Course Interdepartmental
- Concepts of Chronic Disease Management
- Ji, X., Saylor, J., Earle, S. (2021, Sept.), Sufficient sleep attenuates COVID-19 pandemic-related executive dysfunction in late adolescents and young adults. Sleep Medicine, 85, 21-24. doi: 10.1016/j.pedn.2021.06.010.
- Graber, J., Saylor, J., Jackson, A., & Hayes, E.R. (2021, Aug 03). Living Legacy Across the Nursing Career Spectrum: A Qualitative Study. Nursing 2021, 51 (8), 44-49. (2020-2021, Most cited Article)
- Graber, J., Saylor, J., Jackson, A., & Hayes, E.R. (2021). A “living legacy” for nurses. Nursing Management, 52(9), 42-48. doi: 10.1097/01.NUMA.0000771736.07169.d1
- Ness, M., Saylor, J., DiFusco, L., & Evans, K. (2021, July) Leadership, Professional Quality of Life, and Moral Distress during COVID-19: A mixed-methods approach. Journal of Nursing Management. https://doi.org/10.1111/jonm.13421
- Ji, X., Wang, Y. & Saylor, J. (2021, Jun) Sleep and type 1 diabetes mellitus management among children, adolescents and emerging adults: a systematic review. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, (25), 61, 245-263 doi: 10.1016/j.pedn.2021.06.010
- Saylor, J., Yorgason, J., +Ness, M., +Millett, M., +Jackson, A., & Floreen, A. (2021, Jun). Workplace Experiences of Young Adults with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: A Social-Ecological Perspective. Emerging Adulthood. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F21676968211020234
- Yorgason, J., Saylor, J., +Millett, M., & +Ness, M. (2021, Feb). Health Technology Use and Perceptions of Romantic Relationships by Emerging Adults with Type 1 Diabetes. Family Relations 70, 1427-1434, https://doi.org/10.1111/fare.12537
- Ness, M., Saylor, J., DiFusco, L., & Evans, K. (2021, Jan 22). Healthcare Providers’ Challenges During the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic: A Qualitative Approach. Nursing and Health Sciences. https://doi.org/10.1111/nhs.12820
- Ness, M., Saylor, J., Ji, X., Bell, A., Habermann, B. (2020, October). Challenges Experienced by Parents of Emerging Young Adults with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus During the Transition to College. Diabetes Educator, 46(5), 435-443. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F0145721720943120.
- +DiFusco, L, Saylor, J., & Schell, K. (2020). Maternal experiences of caring for a child with a ventricular assist device. Pediatric Transplant, 24, e13620. doi:10.1111/petr.13620
- +DiFusco, L. A., Schell, K. A., & Saylor, J. (2019). Risk-Taking Behaviors in Adolescents with Chronic Cardiac Disease: A Scoping Review. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 48, 98-105. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pedn.2019.07.011
- Ji, X., Saylor, J., & Lui, L. (2019). The Interactive Effect of Habitual Midday Napping and Nighttime Sleep Duration on Impaired Fasting Glucose Risk in Healthy Adolescents. Sleep Medicine, 64, 77-84. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sleep.2019.06.016
- +Ness, M., Saylor, J., & Selekman, J. (2019). Barriers and Facilitators Influencing Parental Transition of College-Bound Youth with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: An Integrative Review. Current Diabetes Reports, 19(8), 56-63. doi: 10.1007/s11892-019-1179-5.
- Saylor, J., Ji, X., Calamaro, C. J., & Davey, A. (2019). Does Sleep Duration, Napping, and Social Jetlag Predict Hemoglobin A1c among College Students with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus? Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 148, 102-109. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.diabres.2019.01.007
- DiGregorio, H., Graber, J., Saylor, J., & +Ness, M. (2019). Assessment of Interprofessional Collaboration Before and After a Simulated Disaster Drill Experience. Nurse Education Today,79, 194-197. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2019.05.023
- Saylor, J., Hanna, K., & Calamaro, C. J. (2019). Experiences of college students who are newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Journal of Pediatric Nursing 44, 74-80. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pedn.2018.10.020.
- Saylor, J., Lee, S., +Ness, M., Ambrosino, J., Ike, E., Zieglar, M., Roth, C., & Calamaro, C. J. (2018). Positive health benefits of peer support and connections for college students with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Educator 44(4), 340-347. http://doi.org/10.1177/0145721718765947
Saylor, J., Calamaro, C. J., Hardie, T., +Ness, M., & Selekman, J. (2018) Are college students told by healthcare providers about their risk factors for developing diabetes? Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 30(7), 398-405. DOI: 10.1097/JXX.0000000000000051
Calamaro, C. J., Saylor, J., & Hanna, K. (2018). Healthcare Experience of Young Adults Diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 14(6), 484-490. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nurpra.2018.02.002.
Ness, M., Saylor, J., & Selekman, J. (2018). Maternal Experiences of Transitioning Their Emerging Adult with Type 1 Diabetes to College. Diabetes Educator, 44(2), 178-187. DOI: 10.1177/0145721718759980.
Saylor, J., Hertsenberg, L., +McQuillan, M., O’Connell, A., Shoe, K., & Calamaro, C., J. (2018). Effects of a service learning experience on confidence and clinical skills in a baccalaureate nursing students. Nurse Education Today, 61, 43-48. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2017.11.009
- Saylor, J., Wrainright, S., Herge, E. A., & Pohlig, R. T. (2016). Peer-Assessment Debriefing Instrument (PADI): Assessing faculty effectiveness in simulation education Journal of Allied Health, 45(3), e27–e30.
- Saylor, J., & Calamaro, C. (2016). Transitioning young adults with type 1 diabetes to campus life. Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 12(1), 41-46.
- Saylor, J., Herge, E. A., Wrainright, S., & Pohlig, R. T. (2016). Development of Instrument to Assess the Clinical Effectiveness of the Debriefer in Simulation Education. Journal of Allied Health, 45(3), 191-198.
- Saylor, J., Vernooy, S+, Selekman, J., & Cowpethwait, A. (2016). Interprofessional Education using a palliative care simulation. Nurse Educator, 41(3), 125-129. DOI:10.1097/NNE.0000000000000228
- Saylor, J. & Friedmann, E. Biopsychosocial contributors to metabolic syndrome: A secondary analysis of 2007-2010 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Data. (2015). Nursing Research, 64(6), 434-443. DOI:10.1097/NNR.0000000000000121
- Saylor, J., Schell, K. A., Mandell, M. & Graber, J. (2015). Development of a clinical competency checklist for care of patients experiencing substance withdrawal delirium or and delirium: Use of a Delphi technique and expert panel. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing, 55(6), 29-36. DOI: 10.3928/02793695-20150526-01
- Salam, T., Saylor, J., & Cowperthwait, A. (2015). Attitudes of nurse and physician trainees towards an interprofessional simulated education experience on pain assessment and management. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 29(3), 276-278. doi:10.3109/13561820.2014.950726
- Cowperthwait, A., Saylor, J., Schmitt, L. A., Salam, T., Melby, M. K., & Baker, S. D. (2015). Healthcare Theatre and Simulation: Maximizing Interprofessional Partnerships. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 11(9), 411-420. DOI:10.1016/j.ecns.2015.05.005
- Cowperthwait, A., Saylor, J., & Schell, K. (2013). Healthcare Theatre: A unique simulation partner. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 10(1), e41-46. DOI:10.1016/j.ecns.2013.05.012
- Saylor, J, Friedmann, E., & Lee, H.J. (2012). Navigating complex samples analysis using a national survey data. Nursing Research, 61(3), 231-237.
- Opioid and Behavioral Support Program (OABSP) Agency: State of Delaware, $65,000 Role: PI, 09/01/2022- 02/28/2023
- Title: Rapid Workforce Training: Increasing Diversity in Baccalaureate Prepared Registered Nurses Agency: Highmark Blueprints, $76,500 Role: PI with Pia Inguito, 7/1/2021-5/31/2023
- Risk-taking Behavior among Adolescents with Congenital Heart Disease Agency: Beta Xi Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, $1,000 Role: Co-I with Leigh Ann DiFusco, 01/2020-12/2021
- Cardiovascular Risk Assessment among Late Adolescents: Sleep Variability, Napping and Inflammatory Biomarker Agency: American Nurses Foundation, $8,197 Role: Co-I with Xiaopeng Ji, 09/2018-09/2020
- The Relationship among Sleep, Executive Function and Diabetes Management in Late Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Transition to college campus living with a chronic condition: Type 1 diabetes exemplar Agency: General University Grant, University of Delaware, $15,000 Role: Co-I with Xiaopeng, Ji, 6/2018-5/2020
- American Nurses Foundation/Eastern Nursing Research Society. Transition to college campus living with a chronic condition: Type 1 diabetes exemplar, 2016-2017. Role: Principal Investigator.
- General University Grant, University of Delaware. Transition to college campus living with a chronic condition: Type 1 diabetes exemplar, 2016-2018. Role: Principal Investigator.
- Beta Xi Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International. Health and college life among young adults with/without diabetes and asthma: A secondary analysis of NHANES data, 2016-2017. Role: Principal Investigator.
- Delaware Health Science Alliance Education Grant. Instrument development to assess a debriefing facilitator in simulation education of healthcare provider, 2012-2015. Role: Principal Investigator.
- State of Delaware. Disaster Preparedness Training, 2012-2013. Role: Co-Investigator.
Board Certified Clinical Nurse Specialist in Adult Health
by American Nurses Credentialing Center
- APRN-BC 2011-Present
- RN (Delaware) 1998-Present
- RN (Pennsylvania) 1996-Present
- 2016- Delaware Today, DE Top Nurses Nursing Excellence As Academic Educator
- 2016- Nominated for University of Delaware Excellence in Teaching Award
- 2016- Nominated for University of Delaware Excellence in Undergraduate Academic Advising and Mentoring Award
- 2013- Nominated for American Association of Colleges of Nursing Innovations in Professional Nursing Education Award
- 2012- Christiana Care Health Services, Most innovative educational program
- Educator for Health Professions Harvard Macy Institute
- 2021- Leadership Institute: LEAD Program- National League of Nursing
- Transitions (HS to college, workplace, mothers during menopause)
- Emerging young adult populations
- Diabetes
- Cardiovascular health
- Vulnerable populations
- Organizational Leadership Network- American Association of College of Nursing
- Delaware Organization of Nurse Leaders
- Sigma Theta Tau International
- National League of Nursing
- American Nurses Association
- Delaware Nurses Association
- Harvard Macy Institute