Elizabeth Speakman
Elizabeth Speakman
Senior Associate Dean, School of Nursing
Chief Nurse Administrator
Office Location:
McDowell Hall
Elizabeth Speakman, EdD, RN, FNAP, ANEF, FAAN, was appointed as Senior Associate Dean and Professor of Nursing at University of Delaware on August 1, 2020. Prior to this appointment, Dr. Speakman was the Associate Provost for Interprofessional and Tele-health Education and Professor at the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Dr. Speakman also held faculty and administrative appointments at Thomas Jefferson University, as Professor in the Jefferson College of Nursing and Co-Director of the Jefferson Interprofessional Education Center, Associate Dean of Student Affairs and Assistant Dean of the RN-BSN program in the Jefferson College of Nursing. Dr. Speakman is a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing, Fellow in the Academy of Nursing Education, Fellow in the National Academies of Practice and a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Executive Nurse Fellow.
Dr. Speakman's work has been widely recognized both nationally and internationally. She authored two books Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice: Creating a Blueprint for Nurse Educators (recipient of AJN 2nd place Book-of-the- Year Award), and Body Fluids and Electrolytes: and has been a contributing author in numerous books concentrating on nursing curriculum models.
Dr. Speakman has been a nurse for more than 40 years and a nurse educator for over 35 years and serves as a curriculum expert and consultant with over 150 presentations. Dr. Speakman was recently Chair of the Nursing Academy of the National Academies of Practice and served two three-year terms as a Board of Governor for the National League for Nursing. In 2014, Dr. Speakman was awarded the Louise McManus Medal for Distinguish Service to Nursing Education and inducted into Columbia University Nursing Hall of Fame for her Extraordinary Contribution to Nursing and Health Care. Dr. Speakman received a BS in Nursing from Wagner College, New York and her Master Degree and Doctorate in Nursing from Columbia University and a Certificate in Healthcare Education from the Harvard-Macy Institute at Harvard University.
2000 | Ed.D. | Columbia University, New York, New York Teachers College - Nursing Doctoral Dissertation: "The Phenomenon of Attachment between Faculty and Students and its Effect on Self-Empowerment at an Urban Community College" |
1985 | M.Ed | Columbia University, New York, New York Teachers College - Nursing |
1980 | BSN | Wagner College, Staten Island, New York |
- Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing
- Fellow in the National Academies of Practice
- Fellow in the Robert Wood Johnson Executive Nurse
- Fellow in the Academy of Nursing Education
2025, Board of Directors-Education Representative- Delaware Nurses Workforce Institute
2025, Honorable Mention, Delaware Today Top Nurses 2025-Advancing & Leading the Profession
2023, Finalist, Delaware Today Magazine Top Nurses 2023- Advancing & Leading the Profession
2023, Appointed American Academy of Nursing State Grassroots Liaison in Delaware
2021, Appointed American Academy of Nursing Expert Panel- Nursing Theory-Guided Practice
2021, Finalist, Delaware Today Magazine Top Nurses 2021- Advancing & Leading the Profession
2021, Elected Chair, National Academies of Practice-Nursing Academy
2019, Elected Vice Chair, National Academies of Practice- Nursing Academy
2019, Editorial Board, NLN, TEQ Blog
2018, American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year- 2nd Place Speakman, E. (Ed.).(2017). Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice: Creating a Blueprint for Nurse Educators. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Lippincott.
2018, Partners In Health, Nursing Strategic and Clinical Advisory Board
2017, Editorial Board, Journal of Allied Health
2016, Summit Chair, Inaugural Nurse Leadership Summit: 13th Annual World Health Care Congress, Washington, DC
2015, Invited Futures of Nursing; The Campaign for Action Summit, Washington, DC
2014, Louise McManus Medal for Distinguished Service, Teachers College, Columbia University
2014, Nursing Hall of Fame, Teachers College, Columbia University
2013, Editorial Board- Journal of Modern Education Review
2012, Institute of Medicine- Global Forum on Innovation in Health Professional Education - Invited Testimony- National Academies of Practice- Washington DC
2012, Selected Sigma Theta Tau International Sharecare Expert
2012, Co-Editor, Jefferson InterProfessional Education Center – Interprofessional Education and Care E-Newsletter
2012, Editorial Board- Population Health Matters- Thomas Jefferson University
2012, Elected to the Executive Board, of the Board of Governors, National League for Nursing
2010, Jonas Foundation Faculty Mentor
2010, Elected Board of Governor, National League for Nursing – 3-year term
2009, Dean’s Faculty Achievement Award, Thomas Jefferson University
2009, American Journal of Nursing – Contributing Author-Medical Surgical Nursing Book of the Year
2008, Johnson & Johnson Faculty Leadership Mentor
2007, Elected Board of Governor, National League for Nursing – 3-year term
2006, Recognition Award, Cherry Hill Fire Department
2002, Distinguished Service Award, Cherry Hill Fire Department
1998, Dorothy Del Buono Scholarship, Teachers College, Columbia University
1982, Professional Nurse Trainingship Award, Teachers College, Columbia University
Research/Federal Grants:
Principal Investigator- Department of Labor Nursing Expansion Grant
Expanding Equitable Nurse Educator Opportunities in Delaware (E-NOD)
$ 4,631,689.00 [submitted 1/20/2023]
Co-I Jennifer Saylor, Jennifer Graber, and Kelly Davis
2015- 2017
Co-Investigator, Health Resources and Service Administration [HRSA]
UD 7HP28529-01-00 Lewis and Clark Family Health Clinic- An Interprofessional Nurse Managed Center Practice Model- Program Evaluator
Principle Investigator, Donna Meyer, Lewis and Clark Community College
Principal Investigator, Thomas Jefferson University, Jefferson College of Health Professions
Development of an instrument to measure the impact of attachment relationships between nursing faculty and students.
Co-Investigator, National Institute of Health
Project IMPART (Improving Minority Professional’s Access to Research Tracks).
$ 650,000
Principal Investigator, Margaret Griffiths
Principal Investigator, Pennsylvania Vocational Education Fund
Monitoring ‘at risk’ nursing students as a COHORT group: Developing an IPEDS (Integrated Post-Secondary Education Data System) for tracking and describing retention and attrition.
Principal Investigator, Independence Foundation
D.A.T.A.-I.N.C. Refinement of a tool to analyze health promotion/disease prevention Data in nursing centers.
Co-Investigator, Elaine Tagliareni
2001 - 2003
Principal Investigator, Pennsylvania Vocational Education Fund
Retention Strategies That Work.
$ 10,000
2001 - 2002
Co-Investigator, National League for Nursing
Community Based Nursing Education: Settings Used and Supervision of Pre-Licensure Students.
Co-Investigator with Betsy Frank, Indiana University, Marsha Adams,
University of Alabama, and Jan Edelstein, Marion College of Fond du Lac
Principal Investigator, Independence Foundation
Vulnerable Population, Development of a tool to describe and track comprehensive health promotion services to vulnerable populations in neighborhood based sites.
Co-Investigator, Independence Foundation
Tracking and describing vulnerable population in lower North Philadelphia,
Co-Investigator, Elaine Tagliareni
Co-Investigator, Helene Fuld Trust Foundation
Community health nursing in the zip code: Helene Fuld Trust National Dissemination Conference Series.
Principal Investigator, Elaine Tagliareni
Principal Investigator, Community College of Philadelphia Foundation
Using Early Intervention Strategies to Increase Retention and Success of At Risk Nursing Students.
Co-Investigator, Independence Foundation- 19130 Zip Code Grant.
Principal Investigator, Elaine Tagliareni
Principal Investigator, Community College of Philadelphia
Tracking students in Culture, Science and Technology curriculum who indicate nursing as an interest.
Co-Investigator, Independence Foundation
Helping students think beyond the hospital: Providing health promotion in the 19130 Zip Code
Co-Investigator, Elaine Tagliareni
Co-Investigator, Independence Foundation
D.A.C.U.M. Designing an Associate Degree Curriculum to Understand and Meet Community Health Needs
Principal Investigator, W. K. Kellogg Foundation
Assessing critical thinking in the clinical setting
Principal Investigator, W. K. Kellogg Foundation
Evaluating gerontological fact sheets as a teaching tool for students in long term care clinical rotations.
Program Grants:
Principal Investigator, Josiah Macy Jr Foundation
Genius in Motion Program, University of the Sciences
Co-Investigators- Judith Parker Kent & Lora Packel
Submitted but not funded
Principal Investigator, Josiah Macy Jr Foundation
2014 Jefferson Interprofessional Education Conference:
Interprofessional Care for the 21st Century: Redefining Education and Practice
ID # 96601
Co-Investigator- Christine Arenson
2012 - 2013
Principal Investigator, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
New Careers in Nursing: Embracing Diversity in Nursing.
ID # 70070
2012 - 2013
Principal Investigator, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
New Careers in Nursing: Embracing Diversity in Nursing.
ID # 70070
2012 - 2015
Principal Investigator, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Executive Nurse Fellowship.
ID # 70240
2011 - 2012
Principal Investigator, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
New Careers in Nursing: Embracing Diversity in Nursing.
ID # 68964
Principal Investigator, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
New Careers in Nursing: Embracing Diversity in Nursing.
ID # 68964
2010 - 2011
Principal Investigator, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
New Careers in Nursing: Embracing Diversity in Nursing.
ID # 67717
2010 - 2011
Principal Investigator, Jefferson School of Health Profession, Jefferson School of Nursing and Jefferson School of Pharmacy
Defining Quality Clinical Education with the Context of Pre-licensure Nursing Education
Co-Investigator, Mary Hanson-Zalot, Karen Papastrat, Cecilia Borden, Susan Egger, Francis Amorin and Christine Muldoon
2008 - 2009
Principal Investigator, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
New Careers in Nursing: Embracing Diversity in Nursing.
ID #02366
Principal Investigator, Community College of Philadelphia
Feasibility study on an evening option generic associate degree nursing curriculum.
Non-Funded Research:
Principal Investigator
Addressing staff and faculty workforce; A grassroots effort to build a strong connection between nursing curricula and nursing practice. [ID # 2220-145-1]
Principal Investigator
Examining understanding of team function and individual team performance through the use of the Jefferson Teamwork Observation [JTOG]
Control # 15E.453
Principal Investigator
A mixed methods analysis of the Jefferson Teamwork Observation Guide [JTOG] for patients. Using an innovative JTOG mobile application for assessing teamwork
Control # 15E.454
Examining health mentors perceptions of student teamwork
Principal Investigator- Elena Umland
Control #15E.336
Examination of the role of interprofessional teamwork in the implementation and maintenance of the ABCDE bundle in Jefferson Intensive Care Units
Principal Investigator- Nethra Ankam Control # 15E.399
Examination of the implementation of the early mobilization program in Jefferson Intensive Care units and its effect on patient discharge to home
Principal Investigator- Nethra Ankam Control # 15D.400
TeamSTEPPS pilot evaluation, JCIPE
JeffCHAT Focus Group Qualitative Analysis, JCIPE
Interprofessional Student Reflections: What, So What, Now What? DFCM, summer research assistantship program
Principal Investigator, Lauren Collins Control # 13E.339
Principal Investigator
FACT Nursing Student’s Intention to Secure Positions in a Collaborative
Practice Environment Post-Graduation.
Co-Investigator, Mary Hanson-Zalot, Reena Antony
Chronic Illness Care Education: A Qualitative Study
Co-Investigator, Christine Arenson, Christine Jerpbak, Nethra Ankam
Principal Investigator
Interprofessional Clinical Rounding.
Co-Investigator, Mary Hanson-Zalot, Julia Ward, Reena Antony, Kevin Lyons
Principal Investigator
Interdisciplinary education using simulation to facilitate grief counseling with 4th year medical students and senior nursing student.
Co-Investigator, Katherine Berg, Agnes Morrison, Thomas Loveless
Principal Investigator
Analysis of attachment relationships between faculty and students and its comparative value between baccalaureate and associate degree nursing students
Principal Investigator
Creating teaching recipes: Educational activities in community health nursing that can be employed in a variety of settings.
P.A.S.S. Promoting Academic Success for Students
Co-Investigator- Barbara McLaughlin
Principal Investigator
Evaluating student learning of health promotion activities in the community clinical settings and its implications for health promotion research.
Principal Investigator
Test driving the new associate degree nursing graduate competencies: Utilizing evidence based practice to enhance clinical decision making.
Principal Investigator
The phenomenon of attachment between faculty and students and its effect on self-empowerment at an Urban Community College.
Principal Investigator
Using the humanities to bridge theory to practice: A clinical experience at the Philadelphia Museum of Art
Principal Investigator
Problem-Based Learning: A model for teaching nursing and fostering critical thinking.
Principal Investigator
Using televised math prep video to increase student’s success in math computation.
Non Funded Projects:
Student Scholar Project
BSD-Pipeline for Middle Schoolers and University School of Nursing
RQI Early Adopter- National League for Nursing
Articles Peer-reviewed:
Pelletier, E. Richards, K., Roberts, N. & Speakman, E. (2018). Socialization of first year students through interprofessional education activities. Auburn University International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning Conversation Starter Essays, 75-77.
Michalec, B., Giordano, C., Dallas, S., Arenson, C., & Speakman,E. (2018). A Longitudinal Study of IPE Students’ Perceptions of Health Professions Groups: Revisiting the Contact Hypothesis. Journal of Interprofessional Care.
Lyons, K., Giordano, C., Speakman, E., Smith, K., & Horowitz, J.(2016). Jefferson Teamwork Observation Guide [JTOG]: An Instrument to observe teamwork behaviors. Journal of Allied Health, 45(1), 49-53.
Nowak, M., Speakman, E., & Sayers, P. (2016). Evaluating PowerPoint presentations: A retrospective study. Nursing Education Perspectives,37 (1), 28-31.
Speakman, E., & Sicks, S. (2015). Nursing in the 21st Century: Finding opportunities to practice in interprofessional teams. IMPRINT, Sept/Oct, 35-37.
Speakman, E., & Arenson, CA. (2015). Going Back to the Future- What is all the buzz about interprofessional education and collaborative practice? Nurse Educator, 40(1), 3-4.
Speakman, E., Bouchaud, M., Sicks.S., Giordano, C., & Lyons, K. (January 2015). FACT ACE Days: Understanding interprofessional approaches to collaborative patient-centered care. Transformative Education for Health Professionals. Available at: http://whoeducationguidelines.org/.
Speakman, E., Lyons, K., Giordano, C., Shaffer, K., & Sicks, S. (January 2015). Utilizing the Jefferson Teamwork Observation Guide (JTOG) during interprofessional clinical rounding, a collaborative practice experience. Transformative Education for Health Professionals. Available at: http://whoeducationguidelines.org/.
Michalec, B., Giordano, C., Pugh, B., Arenson, C., & Speakman E. (2015). Health professions students’ perceptions of their IPE program: Potential barriers to students’ engagement with IPE goals. Journal of Allied Health. (Accepted with revisions for publication).
Roy, V., Collins, L.G., Sokas, C.M., Lim, E., Umland, E., Speakman, E., Koeuth, S., & Jerpbak, C. (2015). Student reflections on interprofessional education: Moving from concepts to collaboration. Journal of Allied Health. (Accepted for publication).
Speakman, E. (2014). Creating an infrastructure and culture of empowerment. Clinical Scholars Review, 7(2), 90-91.
Speakman, E., & Hanson-Zalot, M. (2014). Using the bartering system in nursing: Can service learning curricula be barter for tuition reimbursement? Clinical Scholars Review, 7(2), 160-163.
Smolowitz, J., Speakman, E., Wojnar, D., Whelan, E.M., Hayes, C., & Wood, L. (2014). Role of the registered nurse in primary health care: Meeting the needs in the 21st Century. Nursing Outlook, (63), 130-136.
McDaniel, C., Ankam, N., Forstater, A., Speakman, E., Duffy, J., Collins, L., Papanagnou, D., & Weinstein, M. (2014). Reinforcing ABCDE bundle concepts through interprofessional simulation and TeamSTEPPS training. Critical Care Medicine, 42(12):A308.
Lyons, K., Giordano, C., Speakman, E., Isenberg, G., Antony, R., Hanson-Zalot, M., Ward, J., & Papastrat, K. (2013). Jefferson interprofessional clinical rounding project: An innovative approach to patient are. Journal of Allied Health, 42(4), 197-201.
Ankam, N.S., Panichelli, A., Brown, K., Jerpbak, C.M., Speakman, E., Umland, E., & Arenson, C. (2013). Student Appreciation of the Interaction between a Person’s Health Conditions and Impairments and their Personal and Environmental Factors after the Health Mentors Program. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 92(3). Supplement 1).
Adelman-Mullally, T., Mulder, C., McCarter-Spalding, D., Hagler, D., Gaberson, K., Hanner, M.B., Oermann. M., Speakman, E., Yoder-Wise, P., & Young, P. (2013). The clinical nurse as leader. Nurse Education Practice, 13(1), 29-34.
Frank, B., Adams, M., Edelstein, J., & Speakman, E. (2005). Community based nursing education: Settings used and supervision of pre-licensure students. Nursing and Health Care Perspectives, 14(5), 283-286.
Invited Publications:
Leonardo, I. & Speakman, E. (Nov/Dec 2024).Clinical Scholar Model as a Sustainable Solution for Nursing Education and Workforce Development. IMPRINT. 31-33.
Speakman, E. (Jan 19, 2023). As stressed nurses leave, challenges endure to replace them. Delaware Business Times.
Speakman, E. (Jan 19, 2023). As stressed nurses leave, challenges endure to replace them. Delaware Business Times.
Speakman, E. & Yarrish, J. (Sept/Oct2018). Using Effective Interprofessional Communication: A How. to for Prelicensure Students. IMPRINT. 42-44.
Forstater, A., Speakman, E., Pettit, A.M., & Duffy, J. (2015). Jefferson Center for Interprofessional Education [JCIPE] creates TeamSTEPPS workshops for patient safety training for students. Population Health Matters, 28(3), 3-4.
George, E., Speakman, E., Smith, K., Lyons, K. & Giordano, C. (2014). Jefferson Teamwork Observation Guide (JTOG): A Pilot Project. Jefferson Center for Interprofessional Education Interprofessional Education and Care newsletter, 5(2), 1.
Shaffer, K., & Speakman, E. (2014). Using Technology to Enhance Interprofessional Collaborative Practice: Creating Virtual Clinical Opportunities by Implementing Google Doc and Google Hangout in Clinical Rounding, Jefferson Center for InterProfessional Education (JCIPE) Interprofessional Education and Care e-Newsletter, 5(1). Available at: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/jcipe/vol5/iss1/2
Speakman, E. (2013). Push for interprofessional education picks up steam health professions' accreditors take steps to ensure educational programs prepare students to participate in team-based care. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Publication. Available at:
Speakman, E., & Arenson, C. (2013). The promise of interprofessional education. Journal of Change, 2(1), 12. Available at: http://webversion.staywellcustom.com/ibc/2013/spring/
Lyons, K., Isenberg, G., Speakman, E., & Antony, R. (2013). Jefferson interprofessional clinical rounding project: An innovative approach to patient care. Population Health Matters, 26(1). Available at: http://jdc.jefferson.edu/hpn/vol26/iss1/4
Speakman, E., & Schaal, M.G. (2008). Reducing obesity in adolescent girls and the power of positive education: A collaboration of the Police Athletic League Positive Image Program and Jefferson School of Nursing. Population Health Matters, 21(2), 7.
Speakman, E. (April 2020). How the COV-19 Coronavirus Underscore Why Nursing Education Should be Offering Tele-Learning and Tele-Health Experiences. NLN TEQ. http://nlnteq.org
Speakman, E. (Ed.). (2017). Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice: Creating a Blueprint for Nurse Educators. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Lippincott. American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year- 2nd Place
Speakman, E., & Weldy, N.J. (2002). Body Fluids and Electrolytes. St. Louis: Mosby.
Book Chapters:
Speakman, E., (2023). Interprofessional Education & Collaborative Practice. In Billings, D.M & Halstead, J. Teaching in Nursing (7th Ed) Philadelphia: Elsevier Health.
Speakman, E., Davis,S., & McMahon, C. (2020) (In progress) Interprofessional Education & Collaborative Practice: National and International Contemporary Education and Practice Opportunities. In The Handbook of Nursing Education. Sage Publishing: London UK.
Speakman, E. (2019). Interprofessional Education & Collaborative Practice. In Billings, D.M. & Halstead, J. Teaching in Nursing (6th Ed) Philadelphia: Elsevier Health.
Speakman, E. (2018). Interprofessional and Collaborative Practice in Clinical Settings. In Oermann, M., Shellenbarger, T. & Gaberson, K. Clinical Teaching Strategies in Nursing (5th Ed). New York: Springer Publishers.
Speakman, E. (2015). Interprofessional education and collaborative practice. In Billings, D.M., & Halstead, J. Teaching in Nursing (5th Ed). Philadelphia: Elsevier Health.
Speakman, E. (2013). Implementing Interprofessional Education for Improving Collaboration. In Institute of Medicine Workshop Summary Interprofessional Education for Collaboration. Washington DC: National Academies Press.
Speakman, E. (2009). Student-centered, interactive, innovative programs and curricula: Needed to achieve excellence in nursing education. In Adams, M., & Valiga, T. (Eds.). Achieving Excellence in Nursing Education. New York: NLN Publishing, 43-62.
Speakman, E. (2007). Electrolyte management: Hypokalemia. In Ackley, B.J., Ladwig, G.B., Swan, B.A., & Tucker, S. (Eds.). A Clinical Guide to Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing. Philadelphia: Mosby, 290-296.
Speakman, E. (2007). Electrolyte management: Hyperkalemia. In Ackley, B.J., Ladwig, G.B., Swan, B.A., & Tucker, S. (Eds.). A Clinical Guide to Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing. Philadelphia: Mosby, 284-289.
Speakman, E. (2005). The elephant in our living room: Associate Degree education in nursing. In Bridges. C., Lowenstein, A., Andrist, L., Nichols, P., & Wolf, K. (Eds.). The History of Nursing Ideas. Bloomfield: Jones and Bartlett, 363-375.
Tagliareni, E.M., & Speakman, E. (2003). Community based curricula at the ADN level: A service learning model. In Oermann, M.H. (Ed.). Annual Review of Nursing Education. New York: Springer, 27-41.
Speakman, E. (2002). Fluid and electrolyte and acid-base balance. In Potter, P., & Perry, A. (Eds.). Basic Nursing: Essentials for Practice, (5th Ed). St. Louis: Mosby.
Speakman, E. (2001). Fluid and electrolyte and acid-base balance. In Potter P, Perry A. (Eds.) Fundamentals of Nursing, (5th Ed). St. Louis: Mosby, 1193-1249.
Speakman, E., Tagliareni, E., Sherburne, A., & Sicks, S. (2016). A guide to effective interprofessional education experiences in nursing education. NLN Press: Washington DC
Lee, B., Marshall. B., Holland, C. Speakman,E., Masters, J., Cowan, P., Shealy, S., Lemaire, G.S., Jeanty, J., & DeWitty, V. (2005, 2012). Pre-Entry Immersion Program Toolkit. AACN: Washington, DC.
Speakman, E. (2022, Decemeber). Vivian Health. Easing the transitions of graduate nurses into the workforce.
Speakman, E. & Yarrish, J. (2019, June). Georgia IPE Curriculum Advisory Board Network
Using interprofessional telelearning opportunities to prepare students for virtual health care delivery.
Speakman, E. (2019, May). Georgia IPE Curriculum Advisory Board Network. The challenges of creating interprofessional education and collaborative practice partnerships: Preparing a 21st Century ready workforce.
Speakman, E. (2018, August). Education Management Services Webinar Series. Using the Realism of Simulation to Teach the Tenets of Interprofessional Education & Collaborative Practice
Speakman, E. (2016, May). Wolters Kluwer Nursing Education Speaker Webinar Series. Effective Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice in Nursing Education
Speakman, E., Arenson, C. & Lyons, K. (2013, April). Interprofessional Webinar Series. American Interprofessional Health Collaborative (AIHC): Transcending Boundaries, Transforming Learning. Developing a Culture for Interprofessional Education: A Case Study.
Speakman, E. (2000). The 19130 Zip Code Project Monograph. Philadelphia: PA.
Featured articles (selected):
2021 Featured in “School of Nursing faculty honored as Top Nurses in Delaware” by Kelly Bothum. College of Health Sciences News. May 26.
2013 Featured in Journal of Change May 6
2010 Featured in Metro, September 16
2009 Cover featured article in Advance in Nursing May 12
2008 Featured in Working Nurse November 10
2006 Featured in Metro, October 15
2001 Speakman E. Featured in Faculty Matters. Nursing and Health Care Perspectives, Sept/Oct 2001.
Speakman, E. (2023). NLN Early Adopter RQI. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/8ux9axao3ym8t5p6x5rij/h?dl=0&preview=8+University+of+Delaware.mp4&rlkey=imi07ou2ml0gaodn83ibtatrs
Arenson, C., & Speakman, E. & Trial, J. (2016). Module 08 on Interdisciplinary Teams with Doc.comProfessionalFormation.org: An interactive resource for healthcare professionalism. http://webcampus.drexelmed.edu/doccom/AnnotatedVideos/annotatevideoV2.aspx?a=1319
Speakman, E. (2013). Executive Producer. JCIPE 5-Year Anniversary. EuroPacific Productions.
Speakman, E., & Tagliareni, M.E. (1999). Executive Co-Producer. A Conversation with Mildred Montag and Verle Waters. EuroPacific Production.
Speakman, E. (1997). Executive Producer. Math for Meds: Four Part Series of Math Videos. Community College of Philadelphia.
Other Media:
Speakman, E. (2023) Executive Nursing Programs Help Prepare for Top-Level Leadership Minority Nurse The article has posted and you can find it here: https://minoritynurse.com/executive-nursing-programs-help-prepare-for-top-level-leadership/
Speakman, E. (2023) Nursing Trends for 2023. AMN Healthcare https://www.amnhealthcare.org
Speakman, E. (2022, Dec) Addressing the nursing workforce shortage crisis. Delaware Talk Radio WDDE.
Speakman, E. (2001). Data Dictionary for the 19130 Zip Code. Philadelphia, PA.
Speakman, E. (2000). Unpublished dissertation, Teachers College, Columbia University. The Phenomenon of Attachment between Faculty and Students and Its Effect on Self-Empowerment at an Urban Community College.
Speakman, E. The future of Healthcare Workforce in Delaware. DHA Forum. Dover, DE. Oct, 2022
Speakman, E. Examining 21st Century Care Delivery Modalities: Evidence-Based Practice of Telehealth. Beebe Health System. Lewes DE. May, 2020.
Speakman, E. Toxic Stress & the Opioid Crisis:An Interprofessional Approach: Keynote Speaker. Community College of Philadelphia Nursing Student Professional Development Day. Philadelphia, PA November, 2019.
Speakman, E. Using gaming to develop interprofessional collaboration- The Escape Room Activity. National League for Nursing Leadership Retreat, Washington, DC, June 2019.
Speakman, E. The Challenges of Interprofessional and Telehealth Education & Collaborative Practice: What Leaders Ought to Know. Ohio League for Nursing Annual Forum Keynote, Columbus OH, March 2019
Speakman, E. Navigating Complex Health Care Delivery Through Interprofessional Team-Based Care. Pennsylvania State Nurses Association, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, November 2018
Speakman, E. Navigating Complex Health Care Delivery through Interprofessional- Collaborative Practice Team-Based Care: Are We Ready? Pennsylvania State Nurses Association, Star Leadership Program, Bethlehem PA, October 2018.
Speakman, E. The Challenges of Interprofessional Education & Collaborative Practice: What Leaders Ought to Know. The Leadership Institute, National League for Nursing, Washington, DC, June 2018
Speakman, E. A Crisis in Pain: How to Combat the Opioid Epidemic through Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice care. University of the Sciences- The Substance Use Disorder Institute, Philadelphia, PA April 2018
Speakman, E. Developing Effective Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice Experiences in Nursing Education. Wolters Kluwer Education Summit, New Orleans, LA, February 2018
Speakman, E. Developing Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice Opportunities: Preventing the Siloed 2 Phenomenon. Montgomery County Community College, Blue Bell, PA January 2018
Speakman, E. Building Global Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practices Initiatives. Partners In Health Nightingale Fellows Program, October 2017.
Speakman, E. Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice for Nursing Education. Mary Lou Yam Distinguished Lecture Series- St Peter’s University, Jersey City, NJ, September 2017.
Speakman, E. Going Back to the Future: Developing Interprofessional and Collaborative Practice Initiatives. Sigma Theta Tau Spring Leadership Conference Adelphi College of Nursing and Public Health, Hempstead, NY, May 2017
Speakman, E. Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice: A Framework For Action. CUNY Faculty Workshop, Baruch College, New York, NY, March 2017.
Speakman, E. Engaging in Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice: Preparing Nursing for the 21st Century. Leadership Summit, National League for Nursing, Washington DC, June 2017.
Speakman, E. Strategies to Engage Patients as Partners in Developing Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice Opportunities. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Philadelphia, PA, November 2016
Speakman, E. Practicing Healthcare in the Future Keynote Speaker- Leadership Live Graduation, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, May 2016.
Speakman, E, & Sherburne, A. Effective Team Training, Thomas Jefferson University- PA Students Class Session. Philadelphia, PA, May 2016
Speakman, E. Foster Interprofessional Collaborative Practice to Achieve Value Based Care. Inaugural Nurse Leadership Summit at the 13th Annual World Health Care Congress. Washington DC, April 2016
Speakman, E. Bridging the Great Divide: Developing Nurses to be Members of High Functioning Teams is the Responsibility of both Nursing Education and Service. Illinois Organization of Nurse Leaders Mid-Year Conference. Bloomington-Normal, IL, April 2016
Speakman, E. Going Back to the Future- Creating Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice Opportunities at all Levels of Nursing Education, National Student Nurses Conference. Orlando, FL, March 2016.
Speakman, E. Interprofessional Education and Practice: Nursing’s Critical Contribution and Perspective University of Alabama- DNP Symposium. Huntsville, AL, March 2016.
Speakman, E. Interprofessional Practice: Co-creating Collaborative Environments. NLN Leadership Conference. Atlanta, GA, February 2016.
Speakman, E. Professional Stories in Palliative Care Symposium. BSMSOT Program, Thomas Jefferson University. Philadelphia, PA, December 2015.
Speakman, E. Interprofessional Education as a Model for Creating Effective Teams. National League for Nursing LEAD Summit. Washington, DC, June 2015.
Forstater, A., Speakman, E., Duffy, J., Pettit, A.M., & Sicks, S. Department of Family & Community Medicine- TeamSTEPPS™, Thomas Jefferson University. Philadelphia, PA, March 2015.
Speakman, E. Building a Framework for Collaboration: Enhancing Communication Skills and Interprofessionalism Allied Health Students at Community College of Baltimore County. Catonsville, MD, January 2015.
Collins, L., & Speakman, E. Interprofessional Approach to Quality & Safety. 12th Annual Inter-clerkship Day, Sidney Kimmel Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University. Philadelphia, PA, January 2015.
Speakman, E., & Shaffer, K. Hail, Hail, The Gang’s All Here: Interprofessional Clinical Rounding done Virtually. Community College of Philadelphia, Nursing Student Development Day. Philadelphia, PA, November 2014.
Arenson, C., & Speakman, E. Lessons from the Jefferson University Center for Interprofessional Education. Rush University Faculty Development Day. Chicago, IL, November 2014.
Speakman, E., & Arenson, C. Emerging Trends in Interprofessional Education, Impact of Health Care Reform on Practice and Education. Annual University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center Education Day. Albuquerque, NM, October 2014.
Speakman, E., & Collins, L. Building a Framework for Collaboration: Enhancing Communication Skills and Interprofessionalism among Medical and Allied Health Student at Rowan University. Rowan University Faculty Workshop. Glassboro, NJ, October 2014.
Speakman, E. Interprofessional Collaboration Practice. Contemporary Issues in Clinical Education 2014, Thomas Jefferson University. Philadelphia, PA, August 2014.
Speakman, E. Interprofessional Patient Centered Care: RNs Rally the Team. 2014 Nurses Week, Methodist Hospital, Thomas Jefferson University. Philadelphia, PA, May 2014.
Speakman, E. Interprofessional Patient Centered Care: RNs Rally the Team. 62nd Annual National Student Nurses Association Convention. Nashville, TN, April 2014.
Speakman, E., & Koeuth, S. Impacting Community & Population Health through Interprofessional Education, St. Catherine’s University Interprofessional Symposium. St Paul, MN, April 2014.
Forstater, A., Papagnou, D., Speakman, E., McDaniel, C., Rogan, J., & Duffy, J. Effective Interprofessional Teamwork to Liberate your Patients from the ICU. Thomas Jefferson University. Philadelphia, PA, April 2014.
Arenson, C., & Speakman, E. Advancing Interprofessional Team-Based Learning. Rowan University New Jersey Institute for Successful Aging Faculty Development Program. Cherry Hill, NJ, October 2013.
Speakman, E. Utilizing a Team-Based Model to Ensure Safe and Effective Patient Care Through Interprofessional Collaborative Practice. Jefferson College of Nursing, CRNA Class. Philadelphia, PA, October 2013.
Speakman, E., & Zierler, B. Providing Interprofessional Educational Opportunities for the Accelerated Nursing Student. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, New Careers in Nursing Annual Liaison Meeting. Washington, DC, October 2013.
Speakman, E., & Moughrabi, S. Successful Retention Strategies for the Accelerated Nursing Student. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, New Careers in Nursing Annual Liaison Meeting. Washington, DC, October 2013.
Speakman, E. Lessons Learned on the Journey toward Implementing Interprofessional Education. Seton Hall University School of Health and Medical Sciences IPE Faculty Retreat. South Orange, NJ, August 2013.
Speakman, E. Leading Interprofessional Education: Lessons Learned on the Journey towards Implementing Interprofessional Education. Northeastern/central Pennsylvania Interprofessional Education Coalition Faculty Development. Scranton, PA, May 2013.
Speakman, E., Arenson, C., & Antony, R. Lessons Learned on the JCIPE Journey. Rutgers College of Nursing, 31st Annual Interprofessional International Technology Conference. Atlantic City, NJ, April 2013.
Speakman, E. JCIPE as an Educational Innovation: Institute of Medicine, Global Forum on Innovation in Health Professional Education. Washington, DC, November 2012.
Speakman, E., Arenson, C., Tagliareni, E., Tavolaro-Ryley, L. Working Together to Improve Care of Older Adults: Interprofessional Collaboration – Partnerships to Improve Care of Older Adults Independence Blue Cross. Philadelphia, PA. October 2012.
Speakman, E. Pre-Immersion Program, Networking, Mentoring and Leadership Of New Careers in Nursing Students. 5th Annual RWJF, NCIN Program Liaisons Summit. Washington, DC. October 2012.
Speakman E. & McLaughlin, B. Navigating the Summit. NLN Education Pre-Summit Workshop, Anaheim, CA, September 2012.
Speakman, E. Contemporary Issues in Clinical Education. Thomas Jefferson University. Philadelphia, PA, September 2012.
Arenson, C., & Speakman, E., Setting Up Base Camp: Developing an Interprofessional Educational Activity, Thomas Jefferson University, Faculty Development Days. Philadelphia, PA, June 2012.
Speakman, E. Defining Quality Clinical Education within the Context of Pre-licensure Nursing Education. Sigma Theta Tau, Delta Rho Conference. Philadelphia, PA March 2012.
Speakman, E. Out with Articulation Agreements, In with Dual Admission Agreements: True Academic Progression for RNs- Looking at the Margins to Define the Whole. NLN Leadership Conference. Atlanta, GA. January 2012.
Speakman, E. Dual Admission Model. 3rd Annual Meeting of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation New Jersey Initiative. Princeton, NJ, October 2011.
Speakman, E., & McLaughlin, B. Navigating the Summit. NLN Education Pre-Summit Workshop. Orlando, Florida, September 2011.
Speakman, E. Defining Quality Clinical Education within the Context of Pre-Licensure Nursing Education. JSHP Research Forum. Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, April 2011.
Speakman E. Teaching, Scholarship, Service, OH MY: Successful Mentoring Approaches for New Faculty NLN Educational Summit Workshop. Las Vegas, NV, September 2010.
Glasgow, M.E., Speakman, E., Furlong, B. Reflections from the Fast Track: A Panel Discussion on Accelerated Second Degree Nursing Education. Drexel University Nursing Education Institute Conference. Myrtle Beach, SC, June 2010.
Speakman, E. Stress and the Adult Learner in an Accelerated Education Nursing Program. Drexel University Nursing Education Institute Conference. Myrtle Beach, SC, June 2010.
Speakman, E. Nursing: Opportunities, Trends and Issues. 27th Annual Midyear National Student Nurse Association Conference. Phoenix, AZ, October 2009.
Speakman E. Proceed with Caution. Nurse Anesthesia Program Clinical Faculty Development Workshop. Thomas Jefferson University. Philadelphia, PA, October 2009.
Speakman, E. Recognizing Excellence in Schools and Individuals. NLN Educational Summit, Workshop. San Antonio, TX, September 2008.
Speakman, E. Orchestrating Evaluation. Thomas Jefferson University. Philadelphia, PA, August 2008.
Speakman, E. Nursing Education: The State of Affairs. Kean University, 4th Annual Research Conference. Union, NJ, July 2009.
Speakman, E. Evaluation Criteria and Methods. Thomas Jefferson University. Philadelphia, PA, June 2008.
Speakman, E. The Leadership Forum. Widener University, Chester, PA. March 2008.
Speakman, E. Nursing and Allied Health Programs: Cost, Challenges and Controversies. Hechinger Institute on Education and the Media, Teachers College Columbia University. New York, NY, October 2007.
Speakman, E. Project IMPART. Virginia Deans and Director Annual Meeting. Fairfax, VA, April 2006.
Speakman E. Meeting Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Needs in the Local Neighborhood, North Virginia Community College Faculty Workshop. Fairfax, VA, December 2002.
Speakman E. The Integration of Community-Based Care, San Diego Community College, Faculty Workshop. San Diego, CA, September 2002.
Speakman E. Journey to a Neighborhood Introducing Community Based Care, Kentucky County Technical College Faculty Workshop. Louisville, KY, May 2002.
Speakman E. Caring for the Local Community: The 19130 Zip Code Project, The Integration of Services and Learning in the Associate Degree Nursing Curriculum, NLN Educational Pre Summit, Workshop. Baltimore, MD, September 2002.
Speakman E. Fostering the Faculty-Student Relationship in an Adult Learning Community, Community College of Philadelphia Faculty Workshop. Philadelphia, PA, August 2002.
Speakman E. Promoting Academic Success on NCLEX, Delaware County Community College Faculty Workshop. Media, PA, March 2000.
Speakman E. Emerging Practice and Career Paths for the Associate Degree- Nursing Graduate in Community Health Nursing, Miami-Dade Community College Faculty Workshop. Miami, FL, September 1999.
Speakman E. Strategies to Enhance Problem-Based Learning Competence in Baccalaureate Nursing, Thomas Jefferson University Faculty Workshop. Philadelphia, PA, September 1998.
Peer Reviewed Paper Presentations:
Saylor, J., Graber, J., & Speakman, E. (July 2025). Innovative Leadership for Success Among BIPOC and First Generation Students. 36th International Nursing Research Congress Sigma Theta Tau International Honors Society for Nursing. Seattle, WA.
Wurster, R., & Speakman, E. (March 2025). The Scholars Pipeline Project: Striving to Address Current Staff and Faculty Workforce Challenges. American College of Healthcare Executives 2025 Congress on Healthcare Leadership. Houston, TX.
Speakman, E., Graber, J., & Saylor, J. (September, 2023). Peer Mentoring to Generate New Ideas and Innovation in Nursing Education. National League for Nursing Education Summit, Washington, DC.
Saylor, J., Graber, J., Speakman, E. (November, 2021). The future of nursing education: innovative leadership strategies during the pandemic. 46th Biennial Convention of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society for Nursing, Indianapolis, IN.
Farabaugh, D., Speakman, E., & Yarrish, J. (2019, October), Collaborating Across Boarders 2019. Preparing Healthcare Professionals for the Role as a Virtualist. Indianapolis, IN.
Speakman, E., Yarrish, J., & Matrone, D. (2019, September). National League for Nursing Educational Summit. Are your nursing students ready for the new interprofessional clinical role- The Virtualist?: Preparing students to deliver quality care virtually. Baltimore, MD.
Speakman, E., Richards, K., Giordano, C., Pelletier, E., & Roberts, N. (2018, October). Interprofessional Care for the 21st Century. An Interprofessional Escape Room: Using a Current Gaming Strategy to Teach the IPEC Core Competencies. Philadelphia, PA.
Zupec, J., Karpa, K., Szelewa, J., Speakman, E., & Poon, C. (2018, October). Interprofessional Care for the 21st Century. Implementation of an Interprofessional Education Activity Using Telehealth in Primary Care. Philadelphia, PA.
Pelletier, E., Richards, K., Roberts, N. & Speakman, E. (2018, June). International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning Symposium Conversation Starter and Roundtable Discussion. Socialization of First Year Students through Interprofessional Education Activities. Orlando, Florida.
Arenson, C., Valco, G., & Speakman, E. (2016, September) ATBH VII Conference Using Principles of Interprofessional Education to Transform Primary Care Practice, Oxford England
Giordano, C., Speakman E., Sicks, S., Lyons, K., & Collins, L. (2016, September) ATBH VII Conference. The Jefferson Teamwork Observation Guide: Using a Mobile Application Platform to Assess Behavior of Interprofessional Teams, Oxford England
Speakman, E., Sicks, S., & Sherburne, A. (2016, September) Implementing Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice Initiatives: Utilizing the NLN Interprofessional Education & Collaborative Practice Toolkit Part I, National League For Nursing Education Summit, Orlando Florida
Speakman, E., Sicks, S., & Sherburne, A. (2016, September). Implementing Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice Initiatives: Utilizing the NLN Interprofessional Education & Collaborative Practice Toolkit Part II National League For Nursing Education Summit, Orlando Florida
Sicks, S., Collins, L., Giordano, C., & Speakman, E. (2016, September). The Jefferson Teamwork Observation Guide: Using a Mobile Application Platform to Assess Behavior of an Interprofessional Team. 8th Annual Jefferson Faculty Days. Philadelphia, PA
Lyons, K., Giordano, C., Smith, K., & Speakman, E. (2015, September). Jefferson Teamwork Observation Guide: An Interprofessional Education Teaching Tool. CAB V, Roanoke, VA.
Collins, L., Vause-Earland, T., Arenson, C., Sicks, S., Dallas, S., & Speakman, E. (2015, September). Creating a Menu of Interprofessional Learning Activities. CAB V, Roanoke, VA.
Giordano, C., Sicks, S., Speakman, E. & Collins, L. (2015, September). The Jefferson Teamwork Observation Guide: Using a Mobile Application Platform to Assess Behavior of Interprofessional Teams, Drexel University 2nd Annual Conference on Teaching and Learning. Philadelphia, PA.
Collins, L., Vause-Earland, T., Dallas, S., & Speakman, E. (2015, April). Creating a Menu of Interprofessional Learning Activities, Annual Society of Teachers for Medicine Conference. Orlando, FL.
Sicks, S., Collins, L., Dallas, S., Lyons, K. Speakman, E., & Giordano, C. (2015, April). The Jefferson Teamwork Observation Guide: Using a Mobile Application Platform to Assess Behavior of Interprofessional Teams. Annual STFM. Orlando, FL.
Collins, L.G., Sokas, C., Umland, E., Speakman, E., Koeuth, S., Jerpak, C., Lim, E., & Roy, V. (2014, October). What? So What? Now What?. Student Reflections on Interprofessional education and Collaborative Practice. Interprofessional Care for the 21st Century: Redefining Education and Practice. Philadelphia, PA.
Speakman, E., Smolowitz, J., Wojnar, D., Whelan, E.M., Ulrich, S., Hayes, C., & Wood, L. (2014, October). The Role of the Registered Nurse in an Interprofessional Primary Health Care Team. Interprofessional Care for the 21st Century: Redefining Education and Practice. Philadelphia, PA.
Bouchaud, M., & Speakman, E. (2014, October). The Use of Narrative Pedagogy and Unfolding Case “Ivan” to Promote Interprofessional Collaboration and Education among Nursing and Radiology Science Students. Interprofessional Care for the 21st Century: Redefining Education and Practice. Philadelphia, PA.
Speakman, E., Forstater, A., & Duffy, J. Ankam, N., McDaniel, C., Collins, L., & Pettit, A.M. (2014, October). Teaching TeamSTEPPS to Interprofessional Students or Staff to Promote Teamwork and Patient Safety. Interprofessional Care for the 21st Century: Redefining Education and Practice. Philadelphia, PA.
Shaffer, K., & Speakman, E. (2014, October). Using Technology to Enhance Interprofessional Education to Promote Collaborative Practice for Students. Interprofessional Care for the 21st Century: Redefining Education and Practice. Philadelphia, PA.
Giordano, C., Fox, S., Deaner, J., Collins, L., Escuder, A., Weber, D., Lyons, K., Speakman, E., & Pohl, C. (2014, October). JeffCHAT: A Novel Student-Led Extracurricular IPE Experience Increases Humanistic Approaches to Care. Interprofessional Care for the 21st Century: Redefining Education and Practice. Philadelphia, PA.
Smith, K., George, D., Giordano, C., Lyons, K., & Speakman, E. (2014, October). Jefferson Teamwork Observation Guide (JTOG): A Teaching Tool for Interprofessional Education. Interprofessional Care for the 21st Century: Redefining Education and Practice. Philadelphia, PA.
Speakman, E. & Shaffer, K. (2014, September). Hail, Hail, The Gangs All Here: Interprofessional Clinical Rounding Done Virtually. NLN, 2014 Educational Summit. Phoenix, AZ.
Dickter, D., Speakman, E. Arenson, C. & Zierler. B. (2014, June). Crew Resource Management and Team STEPPS Approaches for Measuring Interprofessional Competencies in Teamwork Simulation. All Together Better Health. Pittsburgh PA.
Collins, L.G., Speakman, E., Koeuh, S., Jerpbak, C., & Roy, V. (2014, May). Student Reflection on Interprofessional Education: Moving from Concepts to Collaboration. STFM Annual Spring Conference. Orlando, FL.
Speakman, E. (2013, November). Cutting Edge Graduate Education: Interprofessional Education & Simulated Patients Annual American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Chicago, IL.
Speakman, E. (2013, November). A Qualitative Study Examining Interprofessional Clinical Rounding with Nursing, Medical, and Pharmacy Students. Sigma Theta Tau International 42nd Biennial Convention. Indianapolis, IN.
Speakman, E., Pettit, A.M., Duffy, J., Antony, R.R., Umland, E., Forstater, A., & Gilman, F. (2013, October). Building collaborative partnerships through simulation: Using TeamSTEPPS™ with medical, nursing, pharmacy, radiologic science, occupational and physical therapy students. NLN’s Eighth Annual NLN Technology Conference. Philadelphia, PA.
Lyons, K.J., Giordano, C., Speakman, E., Arenson, C.A., & Antony, R.R. (2013, October). Interprofessional education: Competency based curricular map. ASAHP. Orlando, FL.
Speakman E. Arenson, C.A., Lyons, K.J., & Koeuth, S. (2013, September). Interprofessional Clinical Rounding with Nursing, Medical and Pharmacy Students: Creating Opportunities to Communicate, Collaborate patient Centered Care, NLN, 2013 Educational Summit. Washington, DC.
Speakman, E., Lyons, L., & Koeuth, S. (2013, June). The Jefferson Interprofessional Ambulatory Practice: Leveraging Interprofessional Education to Support Interprofessional Practice. CAB IV, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Lyons, K.J., Speakman, E., Giordano, C., & Antony, R.R. (2013, June). Interprofessional clinical rounding: An innovative approach to clinical rounding. CAB IV, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Jerpbak, C., Panichelli, A., Brown, K., Arenson, C., Ankam, N., Speakman E, & Umland, E.(2013, May). Student Reflections on the Interplay between Chronic Illness, Function, and Quality of Life. STFM Annual Spring Conference. Baltimore, MD.
Ward, J., & Speakman, E. (2012, November). Clinical Rounding: An Interprofessional Model, Christiana Hospital 7th Annual Nursing Research Conference. Newark, DE.
Speakman E. (2012, November). Interprofessional as an Educational Innovation. Institute of Medicine, Global Forum on Innovation in Health Professions Education. Washington, DC.
Speakman E., & Arenson, C. & Lyons, K. (2012, May). Impact of an Interprofessional Education and Care Initiative on Institutional Culture Change. Interprofessional Care for the 21st Century: Redefining Education and Practice. Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA.
Speakman E., Schaal, M., & Forbes, E. (2011, September). Out with articulation agreements, in with dual admission agreements: True academic progression for RNs - looking at the margins to define the whole. NLN Educational Summit. Orlando, FL.
Speakman E., Hanson-Zalot, M., & Papastrat, K. (2011, September). Defining Quality Clinical Education within the Context of Pre-licensure Nursing Education. NLN Educational Summit. Orlando, FL.
Speakman E. (2010, September). Meaningful Mentorship: Outcomes of the NLN/Johnson & Johnson Faculty Development Cohort 2008-2009. NLN Educational Summit 2010. Las Vegas NV.
Speakman E., Hanson-Zalot, M., Papastrat, K., & West, M.M. (2010, September). Management Issues Related to Professional Development and Compensation. NLN Educational Summit. Las Vegas, NV.
Speakman E. (2009, September). The Clinical Nurse Educator a Leader: State of the Science. NLN Educational Summit. Philadelphia, PA.
Speakman E. (2009, August). Challenges of Student Clinical Evaluation. Jefferson 3rd Annual Clinical Education Conference. Philadelphia, PA.
Speakman E. (2008, September). Building Bridges for Associate Degree and Diploma Graduates by Re-conceptualizing BSN Education for the RN Student: Looking at the Margins to Define the Whole. NLN Educational Summit. San Antonio, TX.
Speakman E. (2007, September). What does Thinking Outside the Box Really Mean-Bridging Culture: Understanding Academic Needs of Diverse Students? NLN Educational Summit. Phoenix, AZ.
Speakman E. (2007, September). Making Interdisciplinary Learning Work: Rising to the Challenge of Collaborative Practice for Nursing and Medical Students. NLN Educational Summit. Phoenix, AZ.
Speakman E. (2007, September). Elephant in the Room, Faculty-Student ratios in the clinical setting: How much is too much. NLN Educational Summit. Phoenix, AZ.
Speakman E. (2007, February). Developing Research Competence: An Innovative Design for Students and Researchers. Thomas Jefferson University. Philadelphia, PA.
Speakman E., & Griffiths, M. (2006, September). Developing Research Competence: An Innovative Design for Students and Researchers. NLN Education Summit. New York City, NY.
Speakman, E. (2006, July). Project IMPART. Sigma Theta Tau 17th International Nursing Research Congress Focusing on Evidence-Based Practice. Montreal, Quebec.
Speakman E. (2005, September). Facilitating Artistic Reality: A Journey into Professional Nursing Role Development. NLN Education Summit. Baltimore, MD.
Speakman E. (2005, September). Challenging Traditional Assumptions about Minority Students in Nursing Education: Providing the Evidence for Innovation and Experimentation. NLN Education Summit. Baltimore, MD.
Speakman E. (2005, July). Facilitating Artistic Reality: A Journey into Professional Role Development. Chicago Institute for Nursing Education. Chicago, IL.
Speakman E. (2005, July). Creating Caring Practitioners for Underserved Populations. Institute for Nursing Education. Chicago IL.
Speakman E. (2005, June). Creating Caring Practitioners for Underserved Populations the Nuts and Bolts of Research. Thomas Jefferson University. Philadelphia PA.
Speakman E. (2005, January). Development of an instrument to measure the impact of attachment relationships between nursing faculty and students. Thomas Jefferson University, College of Health Profession Faculty Development. Philadelphia, PA.
Speakman E. (2004, October). A Research-based Model: A Unique Approach to Address the Health Needs of Growing Diverse Communities. Pennsylvania Public Health Association. Philadelphia PA.
Speakman E. (2004, September). Examining Experiences in Community Nursing at an Urban Community College and Baccalaureate Program: Implications for Designing Complementary Curriculum Models. NLN Education Summit. Orlando, FL.
Speakman E. (2004, July). An Accelerated Research-based Program for Minority Nursing Students: A 10-Year Retrospective Analysis of Accomplishments. Bridges Program: Minority Opportunities in Research Division, National Institute of General Medical Sciences. Denver, CO.
Speakman E. (2004, March). Preparing minority nurse leaders to address health care disparities. Paper Presentation. Tenth annual research conference, Howard University. Washington, DC.
Speakman E. (2004, February). Empowering Students through Adult Attachment Relationships. Faculty Research Day, Thomas Jefferson University. Philadelphia, PA.
Speakman E. (2003, September). Community Based Nursing Education: Settings Used and Supervision of Pre-Licensure Students. NLN Educational Summit. San Antonio, TX.
Speakman E. (2003, April). Mildred Montag: Her Legacy and Her Impact. 40th Annual Isabel Maitland Stewart Research Conference, Teachers College, Columbia University. New York, NY.
Speakman E. (2002, September). Data Collection Strategies in Health Promotion Sites. NNCC (National Nursing Centers Consortium) Annual Conference. Philadelphia, PA.
Speakman E. (2002, September). Conversation about innovation and change. NLN Educational Summit., Anaheim, CA.
Speakman E. (2002, April). Celebrating 50 years of associate degree education in nursing. 39th Annual Isabel Stewart Research Conference, Teachers College, Columbia University. New York, NY.
Speakman, E. (2002, February). Teaching in the Neighborhoods and Student Readiness for Learning in the Neighborhoods. National Dissemination Helene Fuld Conference Series. Berkeley, CA.
Peer Reviewed Poster Presentation:
Saylor, J., Graber, J. Crawford, S., Jackson, Z. Speakman, E. (April 2025) Fostering Success and Well-Being: A Community-Building Initiative for BIPOC and First-Generation Nursing Students. 7th National Summit for Building Healthy Academic Communities (BHAC), Charlottesville, Virginia.
Graber, J., Saylor, J., Leonardo, I., & Speakman, E. (April, 2025). Creating a Culture of Well- Being for Nursing Students Through a Serenity Room. 7th National Summit for Building Healthy Academic Communities (BHAC), Charlottesville, Virginia.
Graber, J., Saylor, J., Leonardo, I, Speakman, E. (March, 2025). Resilience and Self-Care: A Serenity Room Project for Nursing Academia. International Society of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing 2025 Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Thompson, M., Leonardo, I., Graber, J., Saylor, J., Wurster, R., & Speakman, E. (October, 2024). Innovative Leadership: Shaping the Future of RN Preparedness with an Academic & Clinical Practice Partnership. 9th DONL Future of Nursing Leadership Summit. Newark, DE.
Leonardo, I., Saylor, J., Graber, J., Wurster, R., & Speakman, E. (March 2024). Feasibility of an intervention to reduce unplanned readmissions of patients hospitalized for heart failure within 30 days of discharge. University of Delaware College of Health Sciences 6th Annual Research Day, Newark, DE.
Leonardo, I., Saylor, J., Graber, J., Wurster, R., & Speakman, E. (April 2024). A Clinical Partner Initiative: Nursing Clinical Scholars Program. Beta Xi’s Evidence-Based Practice Dinner Meeting and End of Year Bash, Newark, DE.
Speakman, E. Farabaugh, D & Yarrish, J. (2020, March), Collaborating Across Boarders 2019. Preparing Healthcare Professionals for the Role as a Virtualist. San Diego CA.
Giordano, C., Speakman, E., Sicks, S., & Collins, L. (2016). Jefferson Teamwork Observational Guide Goes Digital. 8th Annual Jefferson Faculty Days. Philadelphia, PA
Bouchaud, M., & Speakman, E. (2015, September) The Use of Narrative Pedagogy and Unfolding Case "Ivan" To Promote Interprofessional Collaboration and Education Among Nursing and Radiology Students. NLN Educational Summit. Las Vegas, NV.
Herge, E.A., Ankam, N., Hopkins, D., Sicks, S., Speakman, E., Wainwright, S., & Wheeler, J. (2015, September). The Role of Critical Case Analysis in Interprofessional Education. CAB V. Roanoke, VA.
Ankram, N., Herge, E. A., Dillinger, A., Hopkins, D. A., Sicks, S., Speakman, E., Wainwright, S. & Wheeler, J. (2015, April). The Role of Critical Case Analysis in Interprofessional Education. American Occupational Therapy Association National Conference and Expo. Nashville, TN.
Michalec, B., Giordano, C., Pugh, B., Arenson, C., & Speakman, E. (2014, June). Extrinsic and Intrinsic Elements that may Impact Students’ Perceptions and Willingness to Internalize Interprofessional Education Program Goals. All Together Better Health. Pittsburgh, PA.
Giordano, C., Michalec, B., Koeuth, S., Arenson, C., & Speakman, E. (2014, June). A Longitudinal Study of Students’ Perceptions of Health Profession Groups: Exploring the Impact of Interprofessional Education Stereotypes. All Together Better Health. Pittsburgh PA
Lyons, K.J., Giordano, C., & Speakman, E. (2013, April). Jefferson Interprofessional Clinical Rounding Project: An innovative approach to clinical education. National Academies of Practice. Alexandria, VA.
Ankam, N.S., Panichelli, A., Brown, K., Jerpbak, C.M., Speakman, E., Umland, E.M., & Arenson, C.A. (2013, March). Student appreciation of the interaction between a person’s health conditions and impairments and their personal and environmental factors after Health Mentors Program (HMP). Association of Academic Physiatrists. New Orleans, LA.
Lyons K, Giordano C, Speakman E, & Antony R. (2013, June). Interprofessional Clinical Rounding: An Innovative Approach to Clinical Rounding. CAB IV, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Lyons, K., Giordano, C., Speakman, E., & Arenson. (2013, October). Interprofessional Education Competency Based Curricular Map. ASAHP. Washington, DC.
Brown, D., Black, K., & Speakman, E. (September 2013). An Innovative Teaching Strategy to Improve Interprofessional Communication. National League for Nursing Education Summit. Washington, DC.
Speakman E. (2008, November). Building Bridges for Associate Degree Students: A Transition Program That is True Re-conceptualization of BSN Education. National Organization for Association Degree Nursing (N-OADN). Myrtle Beach, SC.
Speakman E. (2008, April). Reducing Obesity in Adolescent Girls Education Modules for PAL (Police Athletic League) Positive Image Program: Does Service Learning for RN-BSN students Promote Professional Transformation. Atlanticare Regional Medical Center 5th Annual Research Conference. Atlantic City, NJ.
Speakman E. (2005, April). Creating Caring Practitioners for Underserved Populations. The 42nd Annual Isabel Maitland Stewart Conference, Teachers College, Columbia University. New York, NY.
Speakman E. (2004, April). Transformation into baccalaureate nursing education by utilizing a new way to look at self: Tipping one’s hat metaphorically speaking. Poster Session at 41st Annual Isabel Maitland Stewart Research Conference, Teachers College, Columbia University. New York, NY.
2023-2024 Co-Chair, CHS Taskforce on Articulation Agreements
2021-Present DTCC, Terry Campus Advisory Board
2020-Present Margaret H. Rollins, School of Nursing Advisory Board
2019- Present National League for Nursing, TEQBlog Editorial Board
2017- 2020 LaSalle University, School of Nursing & Health Sciences, Advisory Board
2017- Present National League for Nursing, Academy Review Board
2016- Present Community College of Philadelphia, Nursing Program Advisory Board
2013-2017 Strategic Steering Committee, National League for Nursing
2012-2013 Executive Committee, National League for Nursing Board of Governor
2006-2013 Board of Governor, National League for Nursing
2015-2016 Peer Reviewer, American Journal of Medical Quality
2012-Present Peer Reviewer, Journal of Nursing Education
2010-Present Peer Reviewer, International Journal of Nursing Education
2006-Present Peer Reviewer, Nursing Education Perspectives
2006-Present Member, Nurse Residency Advisory Committee, TJU.
2003-2012 Member, Nursing Advisory Board Community College of Philadelphia
2003-2012 Member, Nursing Advisory Board, Camden County College
2003-2012 Member, Nursing Advisory Board, Burlington County College
2003-2012 Member, Nursing Advisory Board, Montgomery County College
2014-Present National Academies of Practice
2014-Present American Academy of Nursing
2014-2017 Society for Simulation in Healthcare
2014-2017 American Organization of Nurse Executives
2012-Present American Nurses Association
2000-Present Sigma Theta Tau, National Nursing Honor Society- Alpha Zeta Chapter
2000-Present Teachers College, Columbia University NEAA Alumni Association
2000-Present Teachers College, Columbia University Alumni Mentor Program
1990-Present National League for Nursing
National Academies of Practice [NAP]
2021-2022 Chair, National Academies of Practice-Nursing Academy
2019-2021 Vice Chair, National Academies of Practice- Nursing Academy
2019-Present NAP 2020 Forum Planning Committee
2018-2019 Co-Chair Keynote Speaker Committee
2018-2019 NAP 2019 Forum Planning Committee
Partners In Health
2018-Present Nursing Strategic and Clinical Advisory Board
Interprofessional Education Collaborative [IPEC]
2018- 2021 Planning Committee
Society for Simulation in Healthcare [SSIH]
2018- 2019 IPE Research Sub-Group
American Interprofessional Health Collaborative (AIHC)
2016- 2018 Regional Conference Task Force Committee
National League for Nursing Committee (NLN)
2023-Present Grant Reviewer, National League for Nursing
2019-Present Advisory Board, NLN EDge Blog and Podcast
2018-2020 Chair, ESCAPE Room Simulation Workgroup
2017-2018 Member, Academy of Nursing Education
2015-2017 Member, Strategic Planning Committee
2015-2017 Chair-Strategic Action Group: Interprofessional Education
2007-2012 Board Liaison, Academy of Nursing Education
2007-2011 Chair, Academy of Nursing Education
2009-2011 Member, Task Group on Developing a Code of Ethics for Nurse Educators
2006-2010 Ambassador, National League for Nursing
2006-2007 Board Liaison, Nursing Education and Workforce Advisory Committee
2006-2008 Board Liaison, Education Technology and Informatics Advisory Committee
2006-2007 Board Liaison, NLN Elections
2005-2007 Chair, NLN Advisory Council Task Group on Innovation in Nursing Education
2003-2005 Member, NLN Advisory Council Task Group on Innovation in Nursing Education
American Association of College Nursing (AACN)
2010-2014 Member, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation- New Careers in Nursing Scholarship Program- Pre-entry Immersion Task force
2010-2013 Member, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation- New Career in Nursing Scholarship Program Summit Planning Committee
Sigma Theta Tau International: (STTI)
2013-Present Education Advisory Council Member
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF)
2017-2018 Future of RWJ ENF Committee
2015-2016 Nurses on 10,000 Boards Committee.
2000-2018 Founder and Lead Volunteer, Cherry Hill In-service and Refresher Program (C.H.I.R.P).annual program CHAP Organization
2000-2012 Member, CHAP (Cherry Hill Aquatic Programs) Board
2009 Chair, Cherry Hill High School Field Hockey Booster Club, Cherry Hill, NJ
2009 Chair, Cherry Hill High School Lacrosse Booster Club, Cherry Hill, NJ
2006 Chair, Cherry Hill High School Field Hockey Booster Club, Cherry Hill, NJ
2006 Chair, Cherry Hill High School Lacrosse Booster Club, Cherry Hill, NJ
2000-2006 Board Member, Fox Hollow Swim Club
2002-2009 Member, Tri-County Swimming Association Scorer Official
2002-2009 Member, Cherry Hill High School, PTA, Cherry Hill, New Jersey
2002-2009 Member, Cherry Hill High School Field Hockey Booster Club,Cherry Hill, NJ
2002-2009 Member, Cherry Hill High School Lacrosse Booster Club, Cherry Hill, NJ
1999-2003 Rosa International Middle School, PTA, Cherry Hill, NJ
1995-1999 Richard Stockton Elementary School, PTA & Room Mom, Cherry Hill, NJ