Ellen Wruble
Ellen Wruble
Associate Professor
Director, DPT Program
Director, MS in Anatomy and Clinical Health Science
Office Location:
210G Health Sciences Complex
Physical Therapist, State of Maryland, #17936
Physical Therapist, State of Delaware, #J1-0002704
Credentialed Clinical Instructor, American Physical Therapy Association, 1997
Diplomate, American Board of Wound Management – Certified Wound Specialist, 1998
Fellow of American College of Certified Wound Specialists, 2005
Ithaca College | BS | 1993 | Clinical Science |
Ithaca College | MSPT | 1994 | Physical Therapy |
University of Maryland | DScPT | 2003 | Physical Therapy |
2011-Present | University of Delaware, Department of Physical Therapy
Clinical | |
1994-1996 | Staff Physical Therapist, Johns Hopkins Hospital |
1996-1997 | Physical Therapist II, Johns Hopkins Hospital |
1996-1997 | Staff Physical Therapist, Johns Hopkins Home Care Group |
1997-1999 | Senior Physical Therapist, Johns Hopkins Hopsital |
1999 | Per-Diem Physical Therapist, Johns Hopkins Hospital |
1998-2002 | Wound Care Consultant, Johnson and Johnson Medical, Inc. |
2005 | Per-Diem Physical Therapist, MedStar Health |
Academic | |
1997-1999 | Clinical Lab Assistant, Adjunct Faculty, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Dept. of Physical Therapy and Rehabiliation Science |
1999-2011 | Assistant Professor (Full-time), University of Maryland School of Medicine, Dept. of Physical Therapy and Rehabiliation Science |
2001-2004 | Adjunct Faculty, DSc Neurology Specialty Track, Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions |
2005 | Adjunct Faculty, Winston-Salem State University, School of Health Sciences, Dept. of Physical Therapy |
2005-2007 | Co-Director, Entry-level DPT PRogram, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Dept. of Physical Therapy and Rehabiliation Science |
2007-2011 | Director, Entry-level DPT Program, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Dept. of Physical Therapy and Rehabiliation Science |
2007-2011 | Vice Chair, Professional Degree Programs, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Dept. of Physical Therapy and Rehabiliation Science |
2008-present | Adjunct Instructor, George Washington University, School of Health Sciences, Dept. of Physical Therapy |
2009-2010 | Guest Lecturer, University of Delaware, Dept. of Physical Therapy |
2010-present | Associate Professor, DPT/OTD Program, Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions |
2011-present | Assistant Professor (Part time), University of Maryland School of Medicine, Dept. of Physical Therapy and Rehabiliation Science |
2011-present | Associate Professor, Director, Doctorate in Physical Therapy Program, University of Delaware, Dept. of Physical Therapy |
- Clinical Instructor of the Year, New York State Clinical Education Consortium, 1997
- University of Maryland School of Medicine
Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science Outstanding Adjunct Faculty of the Year Award, 2000 - Outstanding Adjunct Faculty of the Year Award, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Dept. of Physical Therapy and Rehabiliation Science, 2002
- Outstanding Faculty of the Year Award, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Dept. of Physical Therapy and Rehabiliation Science, 2002, 2003
- Teaching Excellence, Phi Kappa Phi Honors Society, 2005
- Mentor Award, Phi Kappa Phi Honors Society, 2007
- APTA Combined Sections Meeting Acute Care Section 6th Annual Lecturer, 2016
- American Physical Therapy Association – Member, Acute Care, Education and Oncology Sections, 1999-present
- Maryland Chapter of American Physical Therapy Association, Member, 1999-present
- Member, Delaware Chapter of American Physical Therapy Association, 2012-present
Journal Articles (Peer Reviewed)
- Cysyk, B.J., Wruble, E.R., “A Deep Vein Thrombosis Prevention Program for Patients Undergoing Long Term Invasive Epilepsy Monitoring,” Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 1996; 28 (5): 298-304.
- Wruble, E.R., Cooke, L.R., “Postsplenectomy Sepsis – A Complex Medical andRehabilitative Challenge,” Physical Therapy Case Reports, January 2001; 4 (1): 14-21.
- Wruble, E.R., Bender, D.G., “Community Outreach to a Long-Term Care Facility
in an Entry-Level Physical Therapist Curriculum,” Journal of Physical Therapy Education, Summer 2001; 15 (2): 46-49. - Volk, K.A., Wruble, E.R., “Irradiation Side Effects and Their Impact on Physical
Therapy,” Acute Care Perspectives, Spring/Summer, 2001; 10 (1-2): 11-13. - Esser, C., Wruble, E.R., “A Literature Review of Solid Bone Cancers Occurring
During Adulthood and the Implications for Physical Therapy,” Acute Care Perspectives, Spring/Summer, 2001; 10 (1-2): 30-35. - Walz, C., Hakim, E.W., “Facilitating a Smooth Transition from The Acute Care Setting,” Acute Care Perspectives, Spring, 2002; 11 (1): 1-4.
- Muir, E., Hakim, E.W., “A Clinical Approach to the Interpretation of Arterial Blood Gases,” Acute Care Perspectives, Spring, 2002; 11 (1): 5-10, 14.
- Naylor, M., Hakim, E.W., “Chronic Pain: Implications for Physical Therapists and Patients in the Acute Care Setting,” Acute Care Perspectives, Spring, 2002; 11 (1): 20-25.
- Spitzer, A.L., Hakim, E.W., “Rehabilitation Implications for the Patient with Lung Cancer in the Postoperative Management Phase,” Acute Care Perspectives, Winter, 2006; 15 (4): 1-9.
- Spitzer, A.L., Hakim, E.W., “Parkinson’s Disease: The Interplay of Medical and Surgical Treatment Options with Physical Therapy,” Acute Care Perspectives, Winter, 2008; 17 (4): 8-15.
- Gorman, S.L., Hakim, E.W., Johnson, W., Bose, S., Harris, K.S., Crist, M.H., Holtegrefe, K., Ryan, J.M., Simpson, M.S., Coe, J.B., “Nationwide Acute Care Physical Therapist Practice Analysis Identifies Knowledge, Skills, and Behaviors That Reflect Acute Care Practice,” Physical Therapy, October, 2010; 90 (10): 1453 – 1467.
- Reicherter, E.A., Gordes, K.L., Glickman, L.B. Hakim, E.W., “Creating Disseminator Champions for Evidence-Based Practice in Health Professions Education: An Educational Case Report,” Nurse Education Today, Jul 2013; 33 (7): 751-756.
- Hakim, E.W., Heitzman, J., “Wound Management in the Presence of Peripheral Arterial Disease,” Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, July-September, 2013; 29 (3):187-194.
- Hakim, E.W., Moffat, M., Becker, E., Bell, K.A., Manal, T.J., Schmitt, L.A., Ciolek, C., “Application of Educational Theory and Evidence in Support of an Integrated Model of Clinical Education,” Journal of Physical Therapy Education, 2014; 28(Supplement 1): 13 – 21.
Book Reviews
- Myers, B.A. Wound Management: Principles and Practice. Prentice Hall, 2004.
- Ciccone, C. Pharmacology in Rehabilitation, 4th Edition. FA Davis, 2007.
- Myers, B.A. Wound Management: Principles and Practice, 2nd Edition. Prentice Hall, 2007.
- McCulloch, J.M., Kloth, L.C. Wound Healing: Evidence-Based Management, 4th Edition. FA Davis, 2010.
- Wruble, E.R., Cooke, L.R., Hakim, D.J., “A Novel Approach to Training Debridement Skills in an Entry Level Physical Therapy Curriculum,” Proceedings from the 16th Annual Clinical Symposium on Advances in Skin & Wound Care, September, 2001.
- Wruble, E.R., Cooke, L.R., “An Innovative Educational Technique to Foster Clinical Management Strategies,” Proceedings from the 16th Annual Clinical Symposium on Advances in Skin & Wound Care, September, 2001.
- Hakim, E.W., Cooke, L.R., Hakim D.J., “Influence of Manufacturer Interaction on Student Perceptions and Clinical Decision Making,” Proceedings from the 19th Annual Clinical Symposium on Advances in Skin and Wound Care, October, 2004.
- Cooper, L., Azizollahoff, E., Nudell, C., Lynch, A., Steiner, A., Hakim, E.W., “Broadening the Perception of Function Beyond the Purely Physical Domain,” Acute Care Perspectives, Winter, 2006.
- Hakim, E.W., Huber, F. “Multimodal Summative Evaluation of DPT Curriculum,” The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice, http://ijahsp.nova.edu/articles/vol5num2/hpers_abstracts_final.pdf, April, 2007.
- Hakim, E.W., “Changing Academic Culture and Practice to Improve Essential Communication Skills,” The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice, http://ijahsp.nova.edu/articles/vol6num2/pdf/abstracts_2008.pdf, April, 2008: 6(2): 5.
- Hakim, E.W., “Transfer of Learning From Classroom to Clinic,” The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice, http://ijahsp.nova.edu/articles/vol6num2/pdf/abstracts_2008.pdf, April, 2008: 6(2): 13.
- Adams, J., Hakim, D.J., Myers, B.A., Horowitz, J., Hakim, E.W., “A Critical Analysis of Existing Evidence on the Management of a Wound with Malignant Desmoplastic Melanoma and Neurofibromatosis: A Case Report,” Rehabilitation Oncology, 2009; 27 (1).
- Fazio, L., Hakim, E.W, Arnold, J., Reicherter, E.A., Scheufele, L., Conroy, V., “Effect of the Combination of Strain-Counterstrain, Home Dilator Therapy, and Hamstring Stretching on Sexual Function for a Patient with Dyspareunia: A Case Report,” Journal of Women’s Health Physical Therapy, 2010: 34(1): 25-26.
- Hawk, J., Reicherter, E., Hakim, E.W., Geigle, P., “Multimedia Technology in an Entry DPT Curriculum: Promoting Efficiency and Effectiveness to Maximize Student Learning,” Physical Therapy, 2010
- Hakim, D., Cooke, L.R., Myers, B., Horowitz, J., Hakim, E.W., “Ascertaining the Effectiveness and Safety of Contact low-Frequency Ultrasound (LFU) in an Acute, Post-Surgical Wound with Exposed Hardware,” Journal of Acute Care Physical Therapy, 2010: 1(1): 39-40.
- Tarr, K.M., Hakim, E.W., “A Comprehensive Physical Therapy Approach for a Premature Infant in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU): Aligning with the Evidence,” Journal of Acute Care Physical Therapy, 2010: 1(1): 40.
- Russell, T., Conroy, V., Wruble Hakim, E., “Physical Therapy Outcomes Following Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) Using a Minimally Invasive Midvastus Approach With Flexed Knee Primary Closure: A Case Report,” Journal of Acute Care Physical Therapy, 2010: 1(2): 81.
- Wruble Hakim, E., Schmitt, L.A., “Moving Towards a Living, Breathing Acute Care Curriculum,” Journal of Acute Care Physical Therapy, 2011: 2(3): 125-126.
- Schmitt, L.A., Manal, T.J., Wruble Hakim, E. “Many Faces of Simulation: Physical Therapist, Nursing, and Theater Student Collaboration,” Journal of Acute Care Physical Therapy, 2011: 2(3): 129.