Clinical Practicums
paula melancon
Education Coordinator
303A Willard Hall Education Bldg.
Welcome to Medical Laboratory Science Clinical Practicum stage of your education. As a senior student, you know first hand the rigors of being a student here. Beyond the challenging academic expectations, we also expect you to be a positive force as a clinical laboratory science professional. We expect you to shine!
As a senior, you have passed the scrutiny of the admissions department, been selected by the Medical Laboratory Sciences Department, and survived the rigors of medical laboratory science education in lecture and the student laboratory. You have been selected, we want you here, you have worked hard, and your instructors want to help you do your best. The key word is help. You must be a full participant in your education to achieve success.
We have high hopes for each University of Delaware Medical Laboratory Sciences student. Your university and clinical instructors take their roles seriously as your teachers, mentors and advisors. In a few short months, they will be your peers. They expect you to work hard and to bring quality to the field of laboratory medicine. They expect you to “make us proud.”
- Course Objectives
- MMSC 472 – Clinical Urinalysis Practicum
- MMSC 473 – Clinical Chemistry Practicum
- MMSC 475 – Clinical Hematology Practicum
- MMSC 477 – Clinical Microbiology Practicum
- MMSC 479 – Clinical Immunohematology Practicum
- Affective Objectives
- Schedule
- Attendance
- Hazardous Weather
- Checklists and Forms
- Attendance Record
- Orientation & Safety Checklist
- Senior Clinical Practicum Site Evaluation – Online
All University of Delaware Medical Laboratory Science majors assume responsibility for their own attire while in the clinical setting. Each site has established guidelines for employee/students. In addition to abiding by the guidelines of the site at which the rotation occurs, each student must adhere to the following minimum guidelines of the University of Delaware Medical Laboratory Science Program described below.
- Navy medical scrub uniforms are required. Clothing must be neatly pressed and colors must match. White shoes are recommended; flat shoes are required. Socks are required to be worn. Cloth or open-toed shoes, jeans, and sweat shirts are not acceptable.
- A clean, pressed white labcoat is required unless otherwise specified by the clinical site.
- Hair styles which extend below the shoulder must be tied back.
- For safety reasons, most jewelry is limited. Small post earrings that do not extend below the ears are acceptable, long necklaces or dangling bracelets are not. Facial, ear cartilage and tongue piercings must be removed while at the affiliate institution. Tattoos that are visible must be covered.
- The various clinical sites may have additional dress code requirements. The student must adhere to any additional requirements at that site.
- Each student is expected to present a professional appearance and attitude at all times. NO EXCEPTIONS!!
Cell Phone Policy:
Cell phones are not considered appropriate for the clinical practicum educational experience. Their use should be limited to break times. Cell phones are banned in some facilities.
Remember, as students, you are representing the University of Delaware and you are guests in the affiliates’ laboratories. You are expected to be punctual and to adhere to the policies of the institution. Since you may be observed as a potential employee, it is to your benefit to be cooperative and to create a favorable impression.
Code of Ethics of The American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (ASCLS)
You will have access to privileged information, such as case histories, results of tests and diagnoses. There are two important rules that MUST be followed:
- Do not try to interpret results of laboratory procedures to the patient.
- All information learned about patients is confidential, not public information. Patient information and test results are not to be discussed outside the laboratory, e.g., elevators, cafeteria, hallways or home environment. HIPAA violations are cause for removal from the clinical practicum and will result in an “F” for the corresponding practicum course.