Affiliate Assignment Plan
The Christiana Care Health System and other clinical affiliates provide supervised, structured diagnostic laboratory experiences in the winter and spring terms of the senior year for medical laboratory science majors. Typically, each student has the advantage of having undergraduate clinical experience in the large Christiana Care Health System and at least two other clinical affiliates.
Senior clinical practicum rotation packages are developed by the Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences education coordinator in the fall term of the senior year. While students’ concerns are taken into account, when possible, there are many changes in healthcare that are beyond the Department’s control. Be assured that the Department monitors all affiliates and does its best to provide the clinical experiences needed for graduation. However, students may be assigned clinical practicum sites that are not their primary choice.
Students will have an opportunity to give input as to their first, second, and third choices. However, there are no guarantees that students will receive one of their first three choices. Options that are not chosen will automatically become all students fourth, fifth or sixth choice, etc. (depending on the number of options not chosen). Using the students’ input and available practicum slots at the affiliates, the practicum packages will be assigned by the education coordinator. Once practicums have been assigned, a student may discuss any concerns with the education coordinator. All changes must be approved by the education coordinator.
Students with children are exempt from random assignment. Students with children, who wish to be exempt from random assignment, must formally communicate their specific needs to the education coordinator by September 1 of the semester immediately prior to the student’s clinical practicums