Donald C. Lehman
Donald C. Lehman
Dr. Lehman is on retirement leave and can be reached via email dlehman@udel.edu
- Doctor of Education, Educational Leadership, University of Delaware, Newark, DE
- M.S., Microbiology and Immunology, Wright State University, Dayton, OH
- B.S., Medical Technology, Wright State University, Dayton, OH
- Medical Laboratory Scientist, Certificate Maintenance Program
- Specialist Certification Public Health and Medical Laboratory Microbiology
- Medical Technologist
Courses Taught Recently
- MMSC 200 The Language of Medicine
- MMSC 360 Clinical Immunology & Medical Virology
- MMSC 428 Medical Microbiology
I am interested in the scholarship of teaching and technology in education. I have presented at the American Society for Microbiology Conference for Undergraduate Education and the Clinical Laboratory Educators’ Conference on forensic science, critical thinking, computer simulations in education, and other topics.
- The Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiology, 6th ed. Mahon CR, Lehman D. C, and Manuselis G., eds. Saunders Elsevier, 2018
- Success: In Clinical Laboratory Science, 4th ed. Ciulla AP and Lehman D. C., eds. Pearson, 2010
- Lehman, D. C., Goldman K. Study abroad for pre-health profession students. Delaware J Pub Health. July 2018. https://issuu.com/dam-dpha/docs/2018-07_july_djph_global_health_fin?e=14966215/63381816
- Lehman D. C. Immunoproliferative diseases. In: Stevens, C.D. & Miller, L., eds. Clinical immunology & serology, 4th ed. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis; p. 306-325, 2017
- Lehman D. C. Can we teach critical thinking? Is so, should we? General session proposal accepted for the Clinical Laboratory Educators Conference, Baltimore, MD, February 2019
- Lehman D. C. Using the virtual world Second Life for a polymerase chain reaction laboratory simulation. Clinical Laboratory Educators Conference, Houston, TX, Feb.22-24, 2018
- Lehman D. C. Forensic Science. Invited speaker, American Society for Microbiology Conference for Undergraduate Education. Englewood, CO. May 16-19, 2013