- Director's Welcome
- APHY KAAP 868 Research Contract Guidelines
- APHY KAAP 868 Research Contract Template
- Applied Physiology Doctoral Program Student Handbook
- Dissertation Committee Formation
- Dissertation Committee Meeting Report
- Plan of Study Course List
- Results of Dissertation Defense
- Results of Dissertation Proposal
- Results of the Preliminary Exam
- Student Resources
Welcome to the Applied Physiology Doctoral Program.
The mission of our program is to provide advanced training to students in the field of Applied Physiology with the goal of preparing students for research-based careers. Areas of in-depth study are driven by faculty research and encompass cardiovascular physiology, exercise physiology, musculoskeletal physiology, and neurophysiology. The programmatic emphasis is on the regulation, adaptation, and integration of mechanisms across all levels of biological organization from molecules to organ systems.
Along with in-depth, laboratory-based immersion, the mission of the program is to provide high quality classroom-based instruction through a core graduate curriculum, electives, and seminars. Our students are supported by departmental teaching assistantships and research assistantships from grant funding. This support allows our students to present annually at national and international meetings and publish in high impact journals.
In the Applied Physiology PhD program, we believe that diversity and inclusion are key drivers of academic excellence and impactful research. We are committed to supporting all of our students and in particular, those from diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. We are committed to creating a graduate community that is inclusive and respectful of all. Beyond the University’s code of conduct for students and employees, which we fully support, we have additional standards and expectations for members of CHS and the Applied Physiology PhD program.
Students in our program work with their faculty advisor to develop a plan of study to foster and support their research goals. We welcome interested applicants to attend our Graduate Open House held each fall on our STAR campus. If you have any questions, please contact kaap-gradprograms@udel.edu.