Christopher R. Martens
Christopher R. Martens
Associate Professor
Director, Delaware Center for Cognitive Aging Research
Office Location:
201Z Health Sciences Complex
Research Interests
Aging is the primary risk factor for the development of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), which is rapidly becoming a global health concern. Cardiovascular risk factors such as increased blood pressure and stiffening of the elastic arteries occur with aging have been shown to increase risk of cognitive impairment and AD in older adults. My laboratory is interested in understanding the mechanisms by which impaired vascular function contributes to cognitive declines with aging and developing novel pharmacological, lifestyle and dietary (e.g., nutraceutical) interventions to delay or reverse age-associated cognitive decline by increasing blood flow to the brain.
- BS, University of Delaware, Exercise Science
- PhD, University of Delaware, Applied Physiology
- Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Colorado Boulder, Physiology of Aging
- KAAP 430 – Exercise Physiology
- KAAP 440 – Topics in Exercise Science (Healthy Aging)
- KAAP 630 – Advanced Human Physiology I