HBNS Practicum Enrollment Information

Practicum/ Internship Information

Please be sure to use your UDel email account when securing practica sites.  If pursuing multiple sites at the same time, please be sure to decline sites you have decided not to work with.

International Students

International students will need to check with OISS before confirming your placement since there may be additional considerations.

Background Check Information

If the student’s internship site is part of a hospital, clinic,  K-12 school, pre-school/child care center, or site that primarily works with children, background clearances are required prior to the student’s start date.  Registration requests with sites requiring background clearances must be submitted by the dates listed below. 

  • Winter Clearance Deadline - Dec. 16th, 2024
  • Spring Clearance Deadline - Jan. 25th, 2025


Clearance Information for Practicums

This includes all Delaware Schools & clinics or any site that works with minors.


  1. Locate the site you will work with
  2. Have your site supervisor sign your Form A or Practicum Destination Form
  3. Submit for enrollment in your Practicum/Internship course
  4. Obtain clearance information here: General Clearance Information
  5. Receive emailed clearance approval from the Office of Clinical Studies
  6. For questions, please see https://www.ocs.udel.edu/clearances/ or email clinicalstudies@udel.edu
  • Students interested in a site with Christiana Care please note that all CC sites require current vaccinations and immunizations as well as clearances. 

Christiana Care Procedure:

  1. Email Anne Smith, the Christiana Care representative, of your interest in working at the Christiana Care site. 
  2. Submit for enrollment in your course
  3. Clearance information found here: Christiana Care Clearance Requirements
  4. Begin obtaining these immediately
  5. Christiana Care's placement representative, Anne Smith, will reach out to you with any questions and to let you know when you are approved to work with your Christiana Care site. 
  1. Please ask your site supervisor what clearances are required to work with their facility.
  2. Please complete all requirements given
  3. Please have your site supervisor email Jodi Allen at joallen@udel.edu stating that you have completed all state and facility requirements and are approved to work with the facility
  4. Submit for enrollment in your course as soon as your Form A or Practicum Destination Form is signed. 

Students interested in a site with Christina School District need to know that due to CSD’s recent policy changes

  • Students may not contact any CSD employee directly
  • Students are not guaranteed placement at any CSD site
  • OT shadow hours are not guaranteed, however you may be placed with a  teacher  of IEP student where an OT visits the classroom on a regular basis which allows for a limited number of OT hours
  • Child Protection Registry clearance is counted by CSD as valid for one year (if you had one previously, you will need to create a new log in to submit for  a new CPR)


*If you are interested in working with a CSD site: Please email Jodi Allen  joallen@udel.edu and Include in your email:

  1. Your practicum/Internship course HBNS 263, HBNS 403 or HBNS 464
  2. Record the semester or session you are intending to take the course (summer, fall, winter, spring)
  3. Name the school or program at CSD such as Brennan school, Reach Program etc…)
  4. Name the age group, student population that you prefer to work with
  5. Specify if you are looking for Para, PT or OT hours


CSD Process steps:

  1. Email Jodi Allen with all specified information listed above joallen@udel.edu
  2. School official will send in a placement form to CSD with your information and preferences
  3. CSD information to obtain your clearances:  Christina School District Clearance Information
  4. Once you have obtained all clearances and the Office of Clinical Studies approves you
  5. You will email OCS at Clinicalstudies@udel.edu  and request that they send your clearances on to CSD
  6. After CSD receives your clearances you will then receive your supervisor’s contact information via email - This can take approximately two weeks from CSD receiving your clearances
  7. You may email your supervisor and have them sign your Form A or Practicum Destination form
  8. Submit for enrollment in the practicum course intended

Practicum Course Information

HBNS263 – Health Behavior Science Practicum

2024 - 2025 Academic Year Information


Purpose: To provide the student with early experience in careers available for Health Behavior Science majors. The primary determination is to enhance the student’s decision-making process in choosing the location for the required senior internship and beyond.

Setting: Health Behavior Science related environments include, but are not limited to, non-profits, corporate wellness sites, health management organizations, medical facilities, local and state health departments, etc.

Syllabi Below: 

Winter Syllabus  - Please read thoroughly

Spring Syllabus - Please read thoroughly


Enrollment Information

Students will have the following options to complete the HBNS263 practicum requirement (variable credit):

  1. Remote hours at an internship site overseen by an internship site supervisor.

  2. On-site hours at an internship site overseen by an internship site supervisor.

  3. A combination of remote/on-site hours at an internship site overseen by an internship site supervisor. 

Hours required per credit: 

  • 1 Credit = 40 hours
  • 2 Credits = 80 hours
  • 3 Credits = 120 hours


Only 1 credit is required for graduation. For specific requirements for each option please refer to the information provided in the course syllabus.


Enrollment Forms

To register for HBNS263: Health Behavior Science Practicum, ALL students MUST submit a completed and signed Practicum Destination Form (found in the course syllabus above) attached to their HBNS263 Enrollment Request Form.

Please allow 3-5 business days to process your registration request.



WINTER 2025: Please email Dr. Lodyga at mlodyga@udel.edu  with any questions.

SPRING 2025: Please email Professor Leonard at taral@udel.edu with any questions.

HBNS403 - Practicum in Adapted Physical Activity

2024 - 2025 Academic Year Information


Purpose: Supervised learning experiences in designing, implementing, and evaluating appropriate physical activity programs and interventions for individuals with special needs participating in a variety of clinical settings. Additionally, this course is an opportunity to enter into a professional service position to learn through experience and/or accumulate clinical hours necessary for graduate school admission.

Setting: After-school programs, community centers, fitness centers, school classrooms, hospitals, or other therapeutic settings (students must work with at least 3 individuals with a disability).

Syllabi Below:

Winter Syllabus - Please read thoroughly

Spring Syllabus - Please read thoroughly    


Enrollment Information

Students will have the following options to complete the HBNS403 practicum requirement (variable credit):

  1. Remote hours at an internship site overseen by an internship site supervisor.
  2. On-site hours at an internship site overseen by an internship site supervisor.
  3. A combination of remote/on-site hours at an internship site overseen by an internship site supervisor. 

Hours required per credit:

  • 1 Credit = 40 hours
  • 2 Credits = 80 hours
  • 3 Credits = 120 hours

For specific requirements for each option please refer to the information provided in the course syllabus.

*Students with a major in Health Behavior Science with a concentration in Health and Disability and students with a minor in Health, Physical Activity and Disability are required to complete 3 credits of HBNS403.

Hours must be completed with a site chosen by the student and approved by the teaching faculty member, Dr. Iva Obrusnikova (Winter/Summer Courses) and Dr. DH Lee (Spring/Fall Courses).

Once the enrollment request is submitted, Dr. DH Lee or Dr. Obrusnikova will approve, and staff will complete the registration process. 


Enrollment Forms

To register for HBNS403, Practicum in Adapted Physical Activity: ALL students MUST submit a completed and signed Form A (found in the course syllabus above) attached to their HBNS403 Enrollment Request Form. 

Please allow 3-5 business days to process your registration request.


WINTER 2025: Please email Dr. Iva Obrusnikova at obrusnik@udel.edu with any questions.

SPRING 2025: Please email Dr. DH Lee at dhlee@udel.edu with any questions. 


HBNS464 – Internship in Health Behavior Science

2024-2025 Academic Year Information

Purpose: Internship is part of the pre-professional program in which students spend full time working in a cooperating agency with a supervising health professional. The period of the internship is a vital phase of the student’s professional preparation. It is during this time that the student is able to make practical use of principles, methods, knowledge, and skills that have been developed during their academic career.

FYI: Please be sure to use your UDel email account when securing Practica sites.  If pursuing multiple sites at the same time, please be sure to decline sites you have decided not to work with.

Internship Manual – please read thoroughly


Enrollment Information

Students will have the following options to complete their internship requirement - 9 credits (most students), or 6 credits (Health and Disability Concentration students ONLY):

  1. Remote hours at an internship site overseen by an internship site supervisor.

  2. On-site hours at an internship site overseen by an internship site supervisor.

  3. A combination of remote/on-site hours at an internship site overseen by an internship site supervisor.  

Hours must be completed with a site chosen by the student and approved by the teaching faculty member, Dr. Michael Peterson, EdD. For specific requirements for each option please refer to the information provided in the Internship Manual, as well as additional information presented in your BHAN490 course. If you still have questions please contact Dr. Peterson, pmpeter@udel.edu.


Enrollment Forms

To register for HBNS464, Health Behavior Science Internship: ALL students MUST submit a completed and signed Form A (found in the internship manual above) attached to their HBNS464 Online Enrollment Request Form. 

Please allow 3-5 business days to process your registration request. 



Please email Dr. Peterson at pmpeter@udel.edu.