biostatistics core
Advancing UD Research
The Biostatistics Core supports the development, conduct, and dissemination of research conducted in the College of Health Sciences and across the University of Delaware. In addition to CHS faculty researchers, we also support the development of student researcher through teaching graduate level courses student and mentorship. The work of the Biostatistics Core is critical for research progress in the College, which is ranked highly in terms of funding received from the National Institutes of Health for Schools of Allied Health. The Core supports a wide portfolio of externally-funded projects including R01s, R21s, the ACCEL-Center for Translational Research, and the Center for Biomedical Research Excellence in Cardiovascular Health (COBRE). Our statisticians are collaborators and an integral part of research teams. As such, they help shape the direction of research by providing methodological expertise that can improve science, build stronger teams, and lead to more competitive proposals for external funding.
What We Do - Building Research Partnerships
The core provides support in three main areas: collaboration around proposal development and research design; analysis and publication of data collected as part of funded research; and education.
How the Core is Funded
Members of the Biostatistics Core serve as Key Personnel on proposals to NIH, NSF, and other funders. The services offered by the Core are provided with the intent that the statisticians’ effort be included in grants.
For typical multi-year grants (i.e. R01’s) it is expected that statistician’s time will be included at a minimum of 5% for each year, often increasing to 10% or more for the final years when the most work is expected. For large center or research infrastructure grants, statisticians should be funded between 15-25%. For smaller grants (<$250,000), 5% is expected, but we will work with PI’s if budget limitations exist. The Biostatistics Core can be included in the budget and budget justification without a named biostatistician for smaller budgets. If funded, the biostatistician with the appropriate availability and expertise will be allocated to the grant.
The Biostatistics Core partners with Principal Investigators on the development of Specific Aims, Research Questions, and Hypotheses; advises on research design; and provides power analyses and statistical analysis plans
The Biostatistics Core performs data analyses, assists Principal Investigators in the interpretation of results, and contributes to the methods, results, and discussion sections of peer-reviewed abstracts and manuscripts.
The Biostatistics Core teaches in the MPH in Epidemiology Program, offering courses to graduate students across the College of Health Sciences. In addition to formal courses, members of the Core may teach workshops and serve as mentors to individual graduate students, for example as members of a thesis or dissertation committee.
Courses Offered:
- EPID 603 - Biostatistics for Health Sciences I: An introductory statistics course for graduate students in the College of Health Sciences with applications for clinical and population health. The course is taught using statistical software.
- EPID 604 - Introduction to Epidemiologic Data Analysis in SAS: Overview of basic analytical epidemiologic methods using SAS Statistical Software. The course covers working with SAS Statistical Software to import, modify, merge, analyze, store, and document the steps of data analysis from the collection of data through the dissemination of results.
- EPID 613 - Biostatistics for Health Sciences II: An intermediate statistics course for graduate students in the College of Health Sciences with applications for population health. The course covers research designs, analysis of confounding, and logistic regression. The course is taught using SAS statistical software.
- EPID 614 - Biostatistics for Health Sciences III: An intermediate statistics course for graduate students in the College of Health Sciences with applications to clinical health. The course covers research designs, ANOVA, linear regression, and multiple regression. The course is taught using SPSS software.
- EPID 631 - Analyzing Epidemiologic Data Using R Software: Analyze epidemiologic data using R, software, organize, data, make plots ranging from the basic (boxplots, histograms, scatterplots), to the more advanced (beanplots, volcano, and Manhattan plots), and present results from your data in a compelling way.
The Biostatistics Core is staffed by experienced professional biostatisticians and graduate students with experience to advance the research mission of the College of Health Sciences. We look forward to working with you.
The Biostatistics Core Help Desk is available to assist students in the College of Health Sciences with:
- Biostatistics coursework (tutoring, assignments, study prep)
- Guidance on research design and design of data collection/data analysis
- Biostatistics consultation in thesis or dissertation development
WEDNESDAYS, 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
STAR TOWER, 4th Floor, Front Desk
Can't make drop-in hours? Make an appointment by emailing biostats-helpdesk@udel.edu