communication sciences & disorders research
Our Research Labs

Aphasia and Rehabilitation Lab
The primary focus of this lab is to work with people with aphasia – a language impairment that sometimes follows stroke – to better understand language processes and ways to improve aphasia treatment outcomes.
Website: Aphasia and Rehabilitation Lab
Director: Rebecca H. Pompon

Infant Speech Lab
The primary focus of this lab is to study how infants learn to produce and perceive their native language using a variety of infant-friendly methods. Research in the Infant Speech lab focuses on multisensory cues and their roles in the development of language perception and production in infants and young children.
Website: Infant Speech Lab
Director: Amanda Seidl

Interpersonal Neurophysiology Lab
The primary focus of this lab is to improve treatment approaches for people with fluency and motor speech disorders by better understanding how individual differences in language, emotion, and cognition contribute to the neurodevelopment of atypical speech motor control.
Website: Interpersonal Neurophysiology Lab
Director: Evan Usler

Memory & Perception of Speech Lab
The primary focus of this lab is to investigate how linguistic experience shapes our perception of spoken language. Their methods combine behavioral with neuroimaging (fMRI, ERP) techniques to better understand the neural underpinnings of perceptual phenomena.
Website: MAPS Lab
Director: F. Sayako Earle

Neurobiology of Speech & Language Lab
The primary focus of this lab is to develop new treatment approaches for developmental speech disorders by better understanding the biological and neural mechanisms of normal and disordered speech and language processing. This lab employs various techniques including animal model, genetic analysis and neuroimaging to elucidate the connections among genes, the brain and speech disorders.
Website: Neurobiology of Speech & Language Lab
Director: Ho Ming Chow

Resilient Cognitive Aging Lab (RECALL)
The primary focus of this lab is to serve individuals with cognitive and language disorders, by developing and disseminating tools and practices that assess health outcomes that matter.
Website: Resilient Cognitive Aging Lab (RECALL)
Directors: Matthew Cohen and Alyssa Lanzi

Speech Language Acquisitions & Multilingualism Lab
The primary focus of this lab is working with infants and young children to explore how children learn language. Their studies are meant to be fun for participants and their families.
Website: SLAM Lab
Director: Dr. Giovanna Morini

Treatment Efficiency & Language Learning Lab
The primary focus of this lab is studying how and when children acquire the use of language. They hope that their research will lead to improved speech and language interventions.
Website: TELL Lab
Director: Amanda Owen Van Horne

Voice and Motor Learning Lab
The primary focus of this lab is voice – in all its manifestations, including biomechanical, biological, perceptual-motor, social, emotional, artistic, and spiritual. Their projects incorporate a variety of technologies to investigate voice including computational modeling, in vivo, and human studies.
Website: Voice and Motor Learning Lab
Director: Kittie Verdolini-Abbott