speech-language pathology ma

The M.A. in speech-language pathology provides opportunities for learning the theoretical bases for clinical practice and the application of knowledge to clinical practice. We cultivate a learning community that values diversity, advocates for life-long learning, and promotes a culture of respect for others. Our program guides the development of professionals who provide competent and compassionate service to people with communication and swallowing disorders and their families through the lifespan in educational and health care settings. The curriculum is designed to provide a comprehensive balance of academic and clinical experiences that addresses all KASA 2020 requirements and prepares students to meet the ASHA standards for professional certification following successful completion of the PRAXIS exam and a clinical fellowship period. The Speech Language and Hearing Clinic serves as the first hands-on clinical experience for the students of the program.
All M.A. program applicants are required to apply online through CSDCAS. Within a few days of your CSDCAS application being verified, the University of Delaware Graduate College will send you a link to the Slate supplemental application that you will need to complete. Please ONLY create a Slate application through the link you will be sent, and reach out to cscd-admissions@udel.edu if you created a Slate application without this link so that we can remove that application, as it will conflict with the one created via the link we send. Please see the “Admissions” tab below for more information!
For the 2024-2025 academic year, tuition costs $1,069 per credit.
Program cost comparison for SLP programs in the region
University of Delaware |
Temple University |
University of Maryland |
University of Pittsburgh
Tuition Cost (per credit) |
$1,069/credit |
Residents: $1,161 Non-residents: $1,590 |
Residents: $844.56 Non-residents: $1,841.10 |
Residents: $1,255 Non-residents: $1,534 |
Yearly Cost of Tuition |
~ $32,000 |
Residents: ~ $34,250 Non-residents: ~ $46,905 |
Residents: ~ $34,390 Non-residents: ~ $48,340 |
Residents: ~ $30,984 Non-residents: ~ $37,618 |
Yearly Cost of Living |
Newark, DE ~ $14,234 |
Philadelphia, PA ~ $15, 746 |
College Park, MD ~ $15,877 |
Pittsburgh, PA ~ $16,693 |
Last updated Aug. 2024.
In-person tours are available –
The live tours will primarily be to see the facilities. Contact Jacquie Robinson (jtruluck@udel.edu) with the subject line “LIVE TOUR”
For detailed information about the program and admissions process, please register to attend one of our open houses here.
About the program
The Master of Arts (M.A.) education program in Speech-Language Pathology residential at The University of Delaware is accredited by the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2200 Research Boulevard, #310, Rockville, MD 20850, 800-498-2071 or 301-296-5700.
Application Deadline: February 1st
- Degree - Applicants must have completed a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution of higher education prior to matriculation. Although applicants with any undergraduate major may apply, only students who have completed all of the program prerequisites can be accepted as regular graduate students.
- Prerequisite Coursework - Applicants are required to complete both the prerequisite course required for certification by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) and those required by the University of Delaware Speech-Language Pathology program before starting the M.A. program in Speech-Language Pathology.
- American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Prerequisites for certification - The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association mandates certain additional course work for certification in speech-language pathology. These courses are not requirements or prerequisites for the M.A. program, but they are required for the Certificate of Clinical Competence and thus for entry into the profession. The requirement may be satisfied by a grade of C or higher in one full-semester undergraduate course in each of the four areas. If a course was taken between Spring 2020 and Fall 2021 and had Pass/Fail grading, a Pass is also accepted. These courses must be taken outside a department granting degrees in speech-language-hearing. Advanced placement courses taken in high school also count, as does successful performance on the CLEP examination. The four required areas are
- Biological Science (e.g., biology, human anatomy and physiology, and human genetics)
- Physical Science (physics or chemistry)
- Behavioral and Social Sciences (e.g. psychology, sociology, and anthropology)
- Statistics (Stand-alone course in statistics. Research methodology courses in communication sciences and disorders cannot be used to satisfy the statistics requirement).
Most undergraduate university students have this background, but you should consult your advisor to make sure you have taken courses in all 4 areas.
- University of Delaware – MA in Speech-Language Pathology Prerequisites - Listed below are the prerequisite courses for the University of Delaware’s Master’s Degree Program in Speech-Language Pathology[1]. Successful completion of the program prerequisite courses is required. Note that the exact title of these courses can vary across different programs. If your undergraduate major is in speech-language-hearing or communication disorders, it is highly likely that most or all of these prerequisites have already been fulfilled. Majors or minors in cognate fields such as psychology and linguistics also typically include some of this content, often distributed differently. No matter what your background, however, it is your responsibility to demonstrate that these prerequisites have been fulfilled. If you have not fulfilled all the prerequisites, you can consider applying for our Extended Track MA program.
- Phonetics and Phonology
- Speech Science
- Speech-Language Development
- Intro to Audiology
*Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology is not a pre-requisite, but is highly recommended.
Applicants should also have completed or be in the process of completing the required 25 hours of clinical observation that have been signed by an ASHA certified Speech-Language Pathologist.
The general test is optional for admission. If you choose to submit your GRE result, the tests must have been taken within 5 years of application. If you choose to include the GRE scores as part of your application, we strongly recommend that you take the test a minimum of 8 weeks before your application deadline. Applicants should request all official test scores to be reported to the University of Delaware when applying in CSDCAS (institution code 7459). - TOEFL/IELTS
All applicants whose native language is not English and have not completed a baccalaureate degree at a college or university where the primary language of instruction is English, must demonstrate English language proficiency through either the TOEFL or IELTS testing systems. The test must have been taken within two (2) years of the first semester of enrollment. The minimum TOEFL score required is 102 (TOEFLibt). The TOEFL code for the University of Delaware is 5811. Score reports can be obtained by contacting Educational Testing Service. An IELTS score of 7.5 or better may be submitted in place of a TOEFL score.
Official transcripts from every accredited U.S. college and university attended need to be submitted. DO NOT include transcripts for study abroad classes that are itemized on a U.S. college or university transcript. Please refer to our program page in CSDCAS for additional information. All official transcripts should be sent directly to CSDCAS.
Foreign Transcripts: Applicants who did not receive an undergraduate degree in the United States must have their degree transcript evaluated by World Education Services. This evaluation must document equivalency to a U.S. baccalaureate degree. When requesting a transcript evaluation, request a “course-by-course” evaluation with grades. Please allow for additional time for your application to be processed.
All applicants are asked to compose short essays that address the applicant’s skills and experiences. The exact question to be addressed can be found in the CSDCAS application. The essays should be submitted directly to CSDCAS.
Three letters of recommendation are required for admission. It is preferred that college instructors provide these recommendations, but past supervisors during employment or volunteer positions are also acceptable. Applicants will enter the names and contact information (including email addresses) of three (3) individuals into the online CSDCAS application. The application system will prompt the references to submit a reference letter and automatically send them to CSDCAS. Please refer to our program page in CSDCAS for additional information.
All applicants are required to apply online through CSDCAS. The application opens on September 1st. The application process through CSDCAS will require you to:
- Complete demographic information
- Enter pre-requisite courses taken
- Upload essays
- Identify individuals who will write letters of recommendations (email address required)
- GRE scores (optional)
- Official Transcripts
Within a few days of your CSDCAS application being verified, University of Delaware Grad Office will send you a link to the Slate supplemental application that you will need to complete. If you receive a prompt for essays as a part of the Slate supplemental application, please know that they are not required and will not be read as a part of the application process.
By default, all students are admitted to the summer term. As soon as students meet with their advisors and confirm all prerequisites are met, the admit term will be updated to Fall.
Upon acceptance into the program, a $500 nonrefundable deposit is required.
Academic Program
The Communication Sciences and Disorders program provides academic and clinical training commensurate with the Masters in Speech-Language Pathology degree. This entry-level degree program provides students the necessary coursework and practicum experiences to apply for certification in speech-language pathology (CCC-SLP) from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Graduates are also eligible to apply for licensure as a speech-language pathologist in Delaware. The UD CSCD program is full-time and of two years duration, including two winter sessions and one summer session. Part-time matriculation is not permitted.
The curriculum is designed to provide a comprehensive balance of academic and clinical experiences that addresses all Knowledge and Skills Acquisition (KASA) requirements and American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) standards for professional certification. Students who enter the program with all pre-requisite courses should complete the program in 21 months (4 academic semesters, one summer and one winter sessions).
Requirements |
Credits |
Minimum required academic credits | 42 |
Minimum elective academic credits | 0 |
Minimum required practicum/clinical credits | 16 |
Minimum elective practicum/clinical credits | |
Minimum required research, include dissertation and/or research credits, if applicable | |
Minimum elective research, include dissertation and/or research credits, if applicable | |
Other (specify): Academic/Clinical | 2 |
TOTAL | 60 |
Please see the Program of Study linked above on the right side of the page for more information about previous years’ course and credit breakdown.
CSCD 610 Introduction to Clinical Assessment
This course will cover the essential elements of evidence-based practice in speech-language pathology. This includes searching for existing evidence, appraising the quality of evidence, and synthesizing multiple sources of evidence. This course will also provide a strong theoretical and practical foundation for the clinical measurement of individual clients, as well as aspects of clinical reasoning and decision making based on data and other evidence.
CSCD 611 Language Disorders in Children (Birth to 5)
Assessment and intervention strategies for children ages birth to 5 years with semantic, pragmatic, and morphosyntactic receptive and expressive problems deficits Language differences and disorders in various populations are covered, as well as means of assessment and intervention.
CSCD 612 Acquired Language Disorders
Overview of acquired neurogenic language disorders, their classification, features, assessment, and treatment. Course provides a review of the neurological bases for language impairment, clinically useful models of cognitive-linguistic processing, principles of and approaches to evidence-based assessment and treatment, and factors that contribute to rehabilitation and communicative function.
CSCD 613 Speech Sound Disorders
Current theoretical approaches to phonetic analysis and typical speech acquisition applied to assessment and intervention with children who have speech sound disorders. Practice with formal and informal articulation/phonological analysis procedures.
CSCD 615 Cultural Humility in Clinical Practice
The content of this course explores how both micro- and macro-cultures influence attitudes, behavioral norms, communication, policies, and clinical practice. Students will identify and examine their own cultural norms, beliefs, and practices; discuss historic and current racism, ableism, ageism, genderism, and other forms of discrimination along with related biases and microaggressions; discuss disparities in service access and delivery; and investigate varying approaches to advocacy and culturally responsive clinical practice.
CSCD 620 Professional Practice in Speech-Language Pathology
Concepts of clinical practice related to Scope of Practice, ethical practice, insurance and reimbursement of services, and differences in service delivery models (including telepractice) and documentation related to individuals with speech, language, and hearing disorders. Students address practical exercises related to presenting oneself clinically and professionally in written form (resume and application) as well as in verbal form (interviews). Students gain foundational knowledge about ASHA certification, state licensing, and the clinical fellowship experience.
CSCD 621 Fluency Disorders
Theoretical perspectives on the nature of stuttering, including onset and development, and maintenance of disfluent speech; differentiation of normal vs. stuttered disfluencies; approaches to assessment and intervention across age range, settings, and severity levels; familial considerations, counseling, and environmental modifications; treatment principles.
CSCD 622 Language Disorders in Children-School Age
A review of research in oral and written language development of school-age children; and contemporary literature on management of language disorders of school age children and adolescents. Emphasis on assessment and service delivery models; classroom management; and teaching, adaption, and implementation of IEPs.
CSCD 623 Acquired Cognitive Communication Disorders
Theoretical overview of cognitive domains and application to clinical assessment and treatment for adults with cognitive-communication disorders. Particular emphasis will be placed on the counseling, assessment, and treatment of adults at-risk for and who experience mild and major neurocognitive disorders from right hemisphere stroke, acquired brain injury and concussion, and Alzheimer's disease and related dementias.
CSCD 624 Dysphagia
Presents information on the anatomy, physiology, and neural bases of normal swallowing, the various diseases that can affect swallowing function, the nature of swallowing dysfunction and ways to assess it, and treatment options for patients with swallowing disorders.
CSCD 625 Voice and Resonance Disorders
Basic foundations for management of voice disorders. Techniques applicable to children and adults with disorders of voice, both functional and organic in origin.
CSCD 626 Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Approaches to development of alternate modes of communication for individuals with significant motor, cognitive, and/or perceptual disabilities. System design (hardware and software) useful in building augmentative and alternative communication devices for the profoundly impaired.
CSCD 627 Communication in Autism Spectrum Disorders
Basic theories and principles associated with communication assessment and intervention for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders are addressed.
CSCD 628 Aural Rehabilitation
Theory, procedures for assessment, (re)habilitation of speech, hearing, and language deficits of people with hearing impairment.
CSCD 629 Grand Clinical Rounds
Provide students in speech-language pathology exposure to clinical decision making in a safe learning environment. Using a system-based approach, students will become comfortable with and more skilled at communicating with clients/patients and their families, assessing speech and language skills in children and adults, and developing evidence-based interventions.
CSCD 651 Clinical Practicum
Student clinicians participate in the evaluation and treatment of individuals demonstrating medical necessity in the areas of communication and swallowing through in-person and tele-practice sessions in an outpatient medical facility (UD SLH Clinic). Student clinicians are trained in case management, documentation, collaboration, billing, and reimbursement. Student clinicians are also assigned opportunities supporting the community such as hearing screenings in schools and life participation groups, targeting populations in need of communication and swallowing support.
CSCD 665 Counseling in Speech-Language Pathology
Overview of interpersonal communication and counseling skills to improve assessment practices, treatment relevance and adherence in a range of clinical environments. This course reviews the application of skills and approaches suitable within the scope of practice of speech-language pathologists to meet the needs, values, and cultural background of the client.
CSCD 710 Advanced Topics in Evidence-Based Practice
This course builds on Introduction to Clinical Assessment and covers advanced topics related to evidence-based practice (EBP). In particular, it emphasizes aspects of EBP that are relevant to students’ work on their Evidence-Based Capstone Project. This includes finding “external” evidence, critically consuming that evidence, synthesizing evidence, and reporting well-reasoned positions orally and in writing.
CSCD 711 Neurogenic Disorders of Speech
Review of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology of brain motor systems. Characteristics of the dysarthrias and apraxia in children and adults due to congenital or acquired etiologies, including degenerative diseases. Focus on diagnosis and prognosis, and development of treatment goals.
CSCD 713 Seminar: Special Topics
Lecture with or without laboratory component on current topics in normal aspects of communication or identification, treatment and research in speech-language pathology and audiology.
CSCD 714 Directed Research
Supervised laboratory experience in conducting research in communication sciences and disorders.
CSCD 715 Interprofessional Practice in a Specialty Area (Pediatric Feeding)
This course will look at the skills and perspective needed to support individuals with communication and/or feeding disorders within a multi-disciplinary model. The importance of a multidisciplinary perspective, along with partnering with caregivers, will be reviewed. Case studies along with discussion regarding the roles of other professional disciplines will be provided in order to facilitate a broader perspective of the scope of feeding issues and treatment.
CSCD 716 Complex Cases
This course combines interprofessional presentations from various medical specialists, ethical debates, and practical labs to apply new learning. The course includes medical rounds in hospital setting. Focus will be on increasing knowledge of our health care partnerships for best-practice patient centered care. Instructional methodology includes lectures, class discussion, demonstrations, audio and video presentations, collaborative peer presentations, clinical rounding and hands-on experiences / labs.
CSCD 717 Management of Individuals with Voice and Resonance Disorders (Cleft Palate)
Lecture with a focus on primarily cleft lip and palate, one of the most frequently occurring congenital anomalies found in infants. Using a developmental approach, a number of aspects of the cleft condition and coexisting problems are discussed, with the major aim of assessment and treatment of speech disorders and velopharyngeal function.
CSCD 750 Advanced Clinical Practicum Seminar
Course is taken during winter of Year Two and is intended to provide sessions for the preparation of the praxis, the Clinical Fellowship Experience and the job search. Opportunity provided for resume review and interview practice with community partners.
CSCD 751 Advanced Clinical Practicum
Supervised practicum in health care facility or school setting.
CSCD 780 Comprehensive Academic-Clinical Project
CSCD 869 Thesis
Students are provided various opportunities to work with individuals across the life span and the continuum of care: early intervention in the homes, daycares and preschools, K-12, outpatient clinics, hospital for children and adults, and sub-acute nursing facilities. Sites are primarily located in New Castle, Kent, and Sussex counties of Delaware.
First year students’ practicum experience opportunities include: UD Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic, home and day care based early intervention, school-based hearing screenings, simulation, research-based assessments/interventions and summer camp/programs.
Second year students are ideally placed in a minimum of two externship sites; one serving adults and one children. Some students return to the UD SLH Clinic for specialty clinics.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The University of Delaware is required to comply with state and federal laws regarding the delivery of distance education (e.g., clinical externship practicum). Please see the University’s State Authorization page for more information.
The Communication Sciences and Disorders Department offers limited merit-based financial assistance in the form of tuition remission. There are also some opportunities for part time or assistantship funding through the department and university.
In addition to the tuition scholarships offered by the Communication Sciences and Disorders Department, students may apply for the State of Delaware Loan Repayment Program:
As well as the Delaware Department of Education “Educator Support Scholarship” open to individuals who are full-time graduate students attending a Delaware public or private college who intend to pursue a career in Speech Language Pathology in Delaware schools. For further information on this scholarship, please click on link below.
For additional information on financial aid and tuition rates, please access the Graduate College’s Grad Student Funding page, the Graduate Course Catalog’s Fees and Financial Aid page, and/or the UD’s Cost of Attendance page. Please keep in mind that these websites are general for all programs and usually not program-specific.
Currently, there is no data for the Extended Track MA Program. The student outcome data listed below are historical data of the traditional MA program.
On-time Program Completion Rates
Reporting Period (Cohort) |
Number Completed Within Expected Time Frame |
Percentage Completing |
2022 - 2024 |
26 |
100% |
2021 - 2023 |
20 |
100% |
2020 - 2022 |
21 |
100% |
Praxis Pass Rates
Reporting Period (Cohort) |
Number Taking Exam |
Number Passed the Exam |
Percent Passed Exam |
2022 - 2024 |
17 |
17 |
100% |
2021 - 2023 |
20 |
20 |
100% |
2020 - 2022 |
21 |
21 |
100% |
Employment Rates of Graduates
Reporting Period (Cohort) | Number of Graduates Employed in Profession |
Percent of Graduates Employed in Profession |
2022 -2024 |
25 |
96.15% |
2021 - 2023 |
20 |
100% |
2020 - 2022 |
21 |
100% |