Michael Peterson
michael peterson, EdD
Office Location:
010 Carpenter Sports Bldg.
Dr. Michael Peterson is a full professor with graduate degrees in Health Promotion and Behavioral Medicine from the University of Kentucky. He served as Chair of the Department of Health Behavior and Nutrition Sciences from 2010 to 2021. Dr. Peterson has extensive experience in Health Promotion program planning, implementation and evaluation in corporate, government, and educational settings. His research area has focused on the relationship between corporate culture, work, and health. He is widely published, a sought-after speaker and consultant, and internationally recognized as a leading authority on workplace culture, stress, and the dualistic approach to organizational and employee health. He has been the director of various worksite wellness programs. Dr. Peterson also specializes in social marketing research and development, and is the director of the Social Marketing and Health Communication Lab. As the director of the Clinical Health Coaching Research and Training Center, he works on the integration of health coaches into clinical settings and third party reimbursement. He was the founding director of the Graduate Program in Health Promotion and the Clinical Health Coaching Certificate program at the University of Delaware. Dr. Peterson is the creator of the “Culture-Work-Health” model which has been instrumental in helping the profession move towards more effective strategies in the workplace, and he is the creator and director of the on-going Get Up and Do Something healthy lifestyle initiative which began in 2001. He also serves as the Marketing and Communications director for the ACCEL NIH Clinical and Translational Research grant.
Research Projects
- Implementation of the Get Up and Do Something Healthy Lifestyle campaign
- Clinical Health Coaching Integration into Health Care
- HLPR 823 Human Response to Stress
- HLPR 819 Social Marketing
- HLPR 610 Health and the Media
- BHAN 311 Issues in Health Behavior Science
- BHAN 464 Internship in Health Behavior Science
- HLPR 864 Internship in Health Promotion
Robson, S, Orsega-Smith E, Greenwalt K, Peterson M (2017) The association between fruit and vegetable consumption and fruit and vegetable stages of change in underserved communities. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 49(9):772-776
Peterson M (2016) Social marketing food and beverage choice: It is all in the way you say it. Delaware Journal of Public Health. June. 14-16
Peterson M (2015). Graduate training in Health Coaching. The Health Psychologist. Available Online: http://div38healthpsychologist.com/2015/03/13/health-policy-corner-graduate-training-in-health-coaching/
Woolley P, Peterson M. (2012) Efficacy of a Health-related Facebook social networking site on health-seeking behaviors. Social Marketing Quarterly. 18(1); 29-39.
Massimini M, Peterson M (2009) Information and Communication Technology: affect on US college students. Cyberpsychology. 3(1). Online at www.cyberpsychology.eu
Peterson M, Chandlee M, Abraham A. (2008) Cost-benefit analysis of a statewide media campaign to promote adolescent physical activity. Health Promotion Practice. 9(4),426-433
Gemmill E, Peterson M. (2006) Technology use among college students: implications for student affairs professionals. NASPA Journal. 43(2), 280-300.
Peterson M, Abraham A, Waterfield A. (2005) Marketing physical activity: Lessons learned from a Statewide Media Campaign. Journal of Health Promotion Practice 6: 437-446.
Peterson M (2004). What Men and Women Value at Work: Implications for Workplace Health. Journal of Gender Medicine. 1(2),106-124.
Peterson M, Wilson J. (2004). Work Stress in America. International Journal of Stress Management. Vol 11, May. 11(2);91-113.
Peterson, M., & Wilson, J. (2002) The Culture-Work-Health model and work stress. American Journal of Health Behavior 26(1), 16-24.
Dunnagan, T., Peterson, M., & Haynes G. (2001) Mental health issues in the workplace: a case for a new managerial approach. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 43(12), 1073-1080.
Peterson, M., & Wilson, J. (1998) A culture-work-health model: A theoretical perspective. American Journal of Health Behavior. 22(5). 378-390.
Peterson, P.M. (1997) Work, Corporate Culture and Stress: Implications for Worksite Health Promotion. American Journal of Health Behavior. 21(4), 243-252.