Kelebogile T. Setiloane
Kelebogile T. Setiloane
Director, African Studies Program
Office Location:
029 Carpenter Sports Bldg.
Research Interests
- Maternal & Infant & Child Health
- Global Health/Nutrition
- Immigrant Health/Nutrition
- Cultural Competency/Social Justice and Health Disparities
- Nutrition & Health in Subsaharan Africa
- PhD. Tufts University, School of Nutrition Science and Policy – 1996
International Nutrition: Malnutrition & Socioeconomic Development - MSc. Tufts University School of Nutrition Science & Policy – 1990
Human Nutrition: Maternal & Infant Nutrition - MSc. Human Nutrition, Louisiana State University – 1987
- BSc Biology, University of Botswana – 1981
- NTDT 200, Nutrition Concepts
- NTDT 255, Multicultural Food Habits
- HLPR/UAPP233 Introduction to Global Health
- NTDT 305, Nutrition in the Life-Span
- NTDT 445, Teaching Methods: Nutrition/Foods
- NTDT 455/655, Issues in International Nutrition
- NTDT4/620, Maternal and Infant Nutrition
- Setiloane, Kelebogile, T. & Abdul Karim Bangura (eds). (2020) Africa and Globalization: Novel Multidisciplinary Perspectives.(Eds) Palgrave Macmillan Press, New York, NY.
- Tade Akin Aina, Ibinabo Agiobu-Kemmer, F. Ebam Etta, Marian F. Zeitlin and Kelebogile Setiloane , (2008) Beyond Benign Neglect: Early Childhood Care, Development & Nutrition in Metropolitan Lagos, Nigeria Malthouse Press Ltd. Lagos, Nigeria,
Book Chapters
- Setiloane, K. (2020) Re-Africanizing breast-feeding as Africa’s gift to Global Health in the era of Globalization. In: K. Setiloane & A.K. Bangura (eds) Africa and Globalization: Novel Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan Press
- Takeda W., Banwell C., Setiloane, K., and Melby MK, (2018) Beyond Nutrition: Case Studies of sugar and meat from Australia, Japan, Thailand and Nigeria. In: A. Karpyn (ed) Food and Public Health. Oxford University Press.
- Setiloane, K. (2014) Lessons from Mandela, In: Toyin Falola (ed). Tributes to a Global Icon. Carolina Academic Press,
- Babatunde, E. and Setiloane, K. (2014) Changing Patterns of Yoruba Parenting in Nigeria. In H. Selin (ed). Parenting Across Cultures: Childrearing, Motherhood and Fatherhood in Non-Western Cultures, 241-252. Dordrecht, Springer Science
Refereed Journal Articles:
*Mentored Undergraduate or Graduate Student
- DK Mukaz*, MA Papas, MK Melby, Y Commodore-Mensah, KT Setiloane
- Diabetes and Acculturation in African Immigrants to the United States: Analysis of the 2010-2017 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) Ethnicity and Health, (accepted for publication)
- Setiloane, KT, Mukaz DK* (2019) Household Food Security among African Immigrants of the United States: Evidence from the National Health Interview Survey, Journal of Hunger and Environmental Science.
- Chai, Sheau Ching, Heng, Jeng*, Papas, Mia, Fang, Cheng Shun, Setiloane, Kelebogile, (2019) Acculturation, Diet and Psychological Health among Asian Students, Journal of American College Health, 67:5, 433-440
- Setiloane, K.T. (2016) Beyond the Melting Pot and Salad Bowl Views of Cultural Diversity: Advancing Cultural Diversity Education of Nutrition Educators. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 48(9) 664-668
- Babatunde, E and Setiloane K, (2010) Mother is Gold: A Traditional Mother-Centered Community Based Approach to Food Security and Poverty Reduction As the Foundation For Public Health Among Rural Poor Women Of South Western Nigeria, International Journal of Social & Management Sciences. 3(1)