Department Directory
Below you will find information about how to contact our department faculty members, staff and graduate students. Each faculty member has a link to a profile page with more information.
Department leadership
Jillian Trabulsi
Department Chair, Health Behavior & Nutrition Sciences
Anja Leefeldt
Senior Instructor
Assistant Department Chairperson
Dietetic Internship Site Supervisor
Department Faculty Members
Carrie P. Earthman
Director of Research, Nutrition Clinic at UD Health
Andrea Grim
Clinical Associate Instructor
DPD Program Director
Tara Leonard
Associate Instructor
Health Coaching Clinic at UD Health
Donna Paulhamus
Director, Nutrition Clinic at UD Health
Kelebogile Setiloane
Director, African Studies Program
Sharon Collison
Clinical Instructor, Nutrition Clinic at UD Health
Elizabeth M. Orsega-Smith
Director, MS Health Promotion Program
Freda Patterson
Associate Dean of Research, College of Health Sciences
Alisha Rovner
Associate Professor
Director, MS Human Nutrition program
Beth Schwenk
Senior Instructor
Director of the Dietetic Internship and MS/DI program
Jennifer Thorpe
Director, Undergraduate Nutrition Programs
Director, Food and Nutrition Education Lab
- Shannon L. Lennon - Associate Professor, Kinesiology and Applied Physiology
- Leta Aljadir - Professor Emeritus, leta@udel.edu
- David Barlow - Professor Emeritus, barlow@udel.edu
- Nancy Cotugna - Professor Emeritus, ncotugna@udel.edu
- Marie Kuczmarski - Professor Emeritus, mfk@udel.edu
- Louise Little - Professor Emeritus, little@udel.edu
- Carolyn Manning - Professor Emeritus, cmanning@udel.edu
- Arlette Rasmussen - Professor Emeritus, air@udel.edu
Name | Title | Phone | |
Lori Mayhew | Academic Advisor II | lmayhew@udel.edu | 302-831-3047 |
Name | Title | Phone | |
Karen Murphy | Business Administrator | kmurphy@udel.edu | 302-831-2265 |
Carrie G. Johns | Administrative Assistant III | cbonnett@udel.edu | 302-831-8729 |
Marlaina Kloepfer | Graduate Support Coordinator | kloepfer@udel.edu | 302-831-6222 |
Jodi Allen | Academic Support Coordinator | joallen@udel.edu | 302-831-0706 |
Name | Title | Phone | |
Michelle Delahanty | Research Coordinator | mdelahan@udel.edu | 302-831-2320 |
Name | Class | |
Bridget Baldwin | baldwinb@udel.edu | HBNS 120 |
Barbara Buckanavage | barbbuck@udel.edu | HBNS 120 |
Andrea Boulden | bouldena@udel.edu | HBNS 120 |
Kathy Corbitt | kcorbitt@udel.edu | HBNS 155 |
Rita Crowley | rcrowley@udel.edu | HBNS 120 |
Jennifer Eppes | iceace@udel.edu | HBNS 120 |
John Groth | groth@udel.edu | HBNS 130 |
Cindy Holland | clh@udel.edu | HBNS 155 |
Elizabeth Hunt | eahunt@udel.edu |
HBNS 120 |
Lisa Jones | jonesl@udel.edu | HBNS 120 |
Brittany Knick | blknick@udel.edu | HBNS 130 |
Jennifer Maslow | jmaslow@udel.edu | HBNS 155 |
Kate McCleary | kwm@udel.edu | HBNS 130 |
Renee Paoli |
rpaoli@udel.edu | HBNS 130 |
Melanie Rojas | mortiz@udel.edu | Demonstration Kitchen Manager HBNS 130, HBNS 200 |
Constance Rosa | crosahk@udel.edu | HBNS 120 |
Christine Shaw | ctshaw@udel.edu | HBNS 120 |
Megan Smith | megsmit@udel.edu | HBNS 155 |
Laura Soltys | gimbutas@udel.edu | HBNS 605 |
Irene Soucy | isoucy@udel.edu | HBNS 200/201 |
Karyn Stockar | kstockar@udel.edu | HBNS 155 |