Senior To-Do List
What is a Degree Checkout (also known as a Senior Checkout)?
The Degree Checkout is a webform that is emailed to your UD email address approximately one year before your expected graduation date listed in UDSIS. The webform asks you to confirm your graduation date and majors, concentrations, and/or minors, may contain specialized notes regarding your remaining degree requirements, and includes an attached summary of your degree progress.
Be sure to watch your Inbox for the document. Once received, you can refer back to your Degree Checkout by following the link in the original email, or by logging on to your Webforms.
The Degree Checkout is the document that will be used to determine degree clearance. It is the document to which you should refer, in conjunction with your Degree Audit report and in consultation with your advisor, when planning courses to complete your degree.
How do I get a Degree Checkout?
Your Degree Checkout will automatically be prepared approximately one year prior to the Graduation Term stated in UDSIS.
What if there is an error in my Degree Checkout?
Please use the webform to confirm that you have read the document and use the comments box to explain any inconsistencies that you see. The Dean's Office Contact who reviewed your Degree Checkout will then contact you to resolve or clarify the issue(s). You may also send an email directly to the person responsible for your Degree Checkout. Their name and email will be listed at the bottom of your Degree Checkout as the "Dean's Office Contact".
How do I change my expected graduation date?
To change your graduation term, log into UDSIS and choose "Change of Major, Minor, Concentration & Graduation Term" form from the list under Forms. Use the drop down box under "new expected graduation term" and select the semester in which you plan to finish your last course. Take the next step and click "Finish and Submit."
How can I avoid delays of graduation?
Examine your Degree Checkout carefully after you receive it via your UD email (as a webform labeled "Degree Checkout").
Confirm that the graduation term on your Degree Checkout and UDSIS match.
Confirm that the major(s), minor(s) and concentration(s) you will complete appear correctly on your Degree Checkout. Make necessary corrections in UDSIS or email the Dean's Office Contact listed at the bottom of your Degree Checkout.
Additionally, check final grades for your last semester as soon as they are available. If you notice any discrepancies, act immediately to rectify them.
When do I walk in the Commencement ceremony?
The University of Delaware confers degrees at the end of the fall, spring, winter and second summer sessions, and has one Commencement ceremony held at the end of spring semester. The spring Commencement program and ceremony includes those undergraduate students who completed degree requirements in the previous summer, fall and winter and those expected to complete degree requirements in the upcoming spring and summer.
For additional information, please visit the Registrar's website about Graduation & Diplomas.
Diplomas are not distributed during the Commencement ceremony. Commencement is the University's collaboration with your faculty, friends and family to celebrate your accomplishment.
NOTE: Graduation ceremonies typically happen before all final grades are posted. Walking at graduation does not mean that you have earned your degree. It is only the final degree clearance process that determines whether you are eligible for your degree.
What is degree clearance and conferral?
The official business of graduation is degree clearance and conferral. Once the CHS Undergraduate Student Services (USS) Office has cleared your degree, the Registrar's Office confers the degree, posts your degree to your transcript, and orders diplomas. Neither of those business actions will occur until after you have satisfactorily completed all requirements for your degree. Participation in the Commencement ceremony does not signify that you have graduated.
What happens if I don’t complete a minor or second major?
If you have a minor or second major on your record that you are not planning to complete, you will not be cleared for graduation. If you currently have a program declared on your record that you do not plan to complete, please delete it immediately through UDSIS using the "Change of Major, Minor, Concentration & Graduation Term" webform.
How do I qualify for academic or Latin honors at graduation (cum laude, etc.)?
The Registrar's Office administers conferral of academic honors after final grades have been entered and adds the notation of "Cum Laude," "Magna Cum Laude," or "Summa Cum Laude" on the diploma and transcript, according to policies established by the University. Consult the Registrar's Office website for detailed information on how academic honors are determined.
Please note: Because final grades post after the Commencement ceremony, there are no graduation cords for Latin Honors, but transcripts and diplomas reflect the honor.