School Directory
Below you will find information about out to contact our department faculty members, postdoctoral researchers, graduate students and staff. Each faculty member has a link to a profile page listing their research interests, appointments and more information. You can also browse the department's research focus areas or the college's research themes to find faculty who work in each area.
Katharina Billups
Director, School of Marine Science and Policy
Wei-Jun Cai
Associate Dean for Research and Mary A.S. Lighthipe Chair of Earth, Ocean, and Environment
Jonathan Cohen
Professor and Marine Science Undergraduate Coordinator
Mi-Ling Li
Assistant Professor of Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology
Xinfeng Liang
Associate Professor and Graduate Director
Mark A. Moline
Maxwell P. and Mildred H. Harrington Professor of Marine Studies
Matthew Oliver
Patricia and Charles Robertson Distinguished Professor of Marine Science and Policy
Fabrice Veron
Dean, College of Earth, Ocean and Environment
Joanna York
Associate Professor; Director, Delaware Sea Grant College Program
Joint Appointments
Cristina L. Archer
Professor and Unidel Howard Cosgrove Career Development Chair in Environment
Assistant Professor of Economics, Alfred Lerner College of Business & Economics
Associate Professor and Director, Energy and Environmental Policy program
Edward C. Davis Professor; Director for the Center for the Study of Pollutants in the Environment
Department Chair and Professor, Department of Applied Economics and Statistics
Maik Kecinski
Associate Professor of Applied Economics
Edward C. Davis Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
John A. Madsen
Associate Professor and Graduate Student Coordinator
S. Hallock du Pont Professor, Department of Applied Economics and Statistics
Holly Michael
Director, Delaware Environmental Institute, and Professor, Unidel Fraser Russell Career Development Chair for the Environment
Associate Director of the Center for Experimental & Applied Economics
Professor and Chair, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Michelle Segovia
Genuardi Assistant Professor of Food and Agribusiness Marketing and Management
A. R. Siders
Associate Professor and Co-Director, Gerard J. Mangone Climate Change Science and Policy Hub
Professor of Environmental Microbiology, Plant and Soil Sciences
- Dewayne Fox
- Helga Huntley, Assistant Professor, Rowan University
- Young-Heon Jo, Pusan National University
- David Lawson, Program Director, Ratcliffe Eco-Entrepreneurship Fellows
- Evelyn Maurmeyer, President, Coastal and Estuarine Research
- Robert Nicholson, Navy Space Command
- Donald Nuzzio
- Nathan Paldor, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- David Rickard, Cardiff University
- Christian Schwarz, Kasteelpark Arenberg
- Andrew Thaler, Blackbeard Biologic: Science and Environmental Advisors
- David Velinsky, The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University
- John Wehmiller, Professor Emeritus, Department of Earth Sciences
- Jennifer Wyffels, Center for Bioinformatics & Computational Biology
- Mollie Yacano, Delaware National Estuarine Research Reserve and Coastal Management Program
- James Corbett
- Stephen Dexter
- Charles Epifanio
- Pat Gaffney
- David Kirchman
- George Luther
- Jonathan Sharp
- Timothy Targett
- Carolyn Thoroughgood
- Ferris Webster
- William Ullman
Name | Title | Research and publications |
Research interests | |
Ibrahim Farag | Associate Scientist | faragif@udel.edu | Google Scholar | Microbiology |
Chris Marsay | Associate Scientist | cmarsay@udel.edu | Google Scholar | Chemical oceanography, trace element biogeochemistry, atmospheric deposition, aerosols |
First Name | Last Name | |
Kleio | Baxevani | kleiobax@udel.edu |
Cameron | Bodine | cbodine@udel.edu |
Brendan | Campbell | bpc@udel.edu |
Garrett | Ejzak | gejzak@udel.edu |
Serena | Hackerott | shackero@udel.edu |
Samuel | Katz | sdkatz@udel.edu |
Zhangxian | Ouyang | ouyzhx@udel.edu |
Jerome | Pinti | jpinti@udel.edu |
Yanfei | Wang | yfwang@udel.edu |
Name | Advisor | |
Felix Agblemanyo | Wozniak | fedufia@udel.edu |
Tess Avery | Carlisle | tmavery@udel.edu |
Sachin Badole | Heintzelman | sbadole@udel.edu |
Erinn Bell | Birkenbach/Oremus | eabell@udel.edu |
Alexa Bennett (Prange) | Hanson | aprange@udel.edu |
Frederike Benz | Moffat | fbenz@udel.edu |
Kaleigh Block | Shah Walter | kblock@udel.edu |
Emma Borgsmiller | Veron, F. | emborgs@udel.edu |
Malique Bowen | Biddle | maliqueb@udel.edu |
Bethany Brodbeck | Carlisle | brodbeck@udel.edu |
Alyssa Campbell | Biddle | alcamp@udel.edu |
Michael Cappola | Moffat | mcappola@udel.edu |
Jacqueline Carroll | Li, M | jacq@udel.edu |
Alek Crossman | Warner | alekcros@udel.edu |
Seleni Cruz | Oremus/Birkenbach | seleni@udel.edu |
Casey Derieux | Hanson | derieux@udel.edu |
Lannis James Dodge | Birkenbach | dodge@udel.edu |
Bo Dong | Cai | bodong@udel.edu |
Samuel Fielding | Firestone | samuelmf@udel.edu |
Julia Fontana | Cohen | jfontana@udel.edu |
Jakob Gessay | Moffat | jsgessay@udel.edu |
Scott Goldberg | Carlisle | scottgol@udel.edu |
Yuleny Gomez Rodriguez | Oliver | ygomezro@udel.edu |
Julia Greco | Trembanis | jmgreco@udel.edu |
Qiaoyu He | Liang | qiaoyuhe@udel.edu |
Sawyer Hilt | Shah Walter | shilt@udel.edu |
Rileigh Hudock | Hale | hudockr@udel.edu |
Robert Jaquette | Veron, F. | jaquette@udel.edu |
Zhendong Ji | Cai | jzd@udel.edu |
Caroline Johnson | Parsons | cej@udel.edu |
Shannon Jones | Li, M | sejones@udel.edu |
Emma Korein | Firestone | ekorein@udel.edu |
Rebecca LeBlanc | Cohen | rleblanc@udel.edu |
Andrea Leontiou | Carlisle | aleonti@udel.edu |
Joshua Lewis | Trembanis | jmlewis@udel.edu |
Xinyou Lin | Yan | xinyou@udel.edu |
Rachel Loughran | Hanson | loughray@udel.edu |
Christina Marchak | Veron, D | cmarchak@udel.edu |
Benjamin Marsaly | Carlisle | bmarsaly@udel.edu |
Robert (Alan) Mason | Kukulka | ramason@udel.edu |
Peyton McCain | Hale | pmccain@udel.edu |
Shannon McConaghy | Kukulka | mcconag@udel.edu |
Daniel Millea | Hale | dmillea@udel.edu |
Noah Motz | Carlisle | nmotz@udel.edu |
Xingyu Niu | Cai | xfniu@udel.edu |
Vadesse Lhilhi Noundou | Hanson | vadln@udel.edu |
Natalie O'Hern | Li, M | nohern@udel.edu |
Isabella Orrantia | Warner | imo@udel.edu |
Anthony O'Toole | Hale | amotoole@udel.edu |
Tianyin Ouyang | Wozniak | touyang@udel.edu |
Li Pan | Liang | lipan@udel.edu |
Ju Young Park | Li, M | juyoung@udel.edu |
Sara Parkison | Kempton | parkison@udel.edu |
Lucia Yah Paye-Layleh | Deliberty | luciayah@udel.edu |
Travis Pluck | Oremus | tpluck@udel.edu |
Jennifer Repp | Trembanis | jrepp@udel.edu |
Adrian Ring | Li, Y | ringa@udel.edu |
Rachel Roday | Hale | rroday@udel.edu |
Aerin Rost-Nasshan | Hanson | arona@udel.edu |
Lorren Ruscetta | Firestone | ruscetta@udel.edu |
Anthony Shepherd | Hanson | ashep@udel.edu |
Muhammad Tahmid | Rising | tahmid@udel.edu |
Songying Tang | Cai | tinatang@udel.edu |
Todd Thoman | Kukulka | txthoman@udel.edu |
Shun Tong | Rising | shuntong@udel.edu |
Rebecca Walsh | Oliver | walshreb@udel.edu |
Jordan Watson | Cai/Luther | jordyw@udel.edu |
Kent Wicker | Birkenbach/Oremus | kwicker@udel.edu |
Caroline Wiernicki | Carlisle | cwiernic@udel.edu |
Jacob Williams | Biddle | jraw@udel.edu |
Hollin Williams | Ray | hrw@udel.edu |
Caitlin Wilson | Rising | wilsoca@udel.edu |
Richard Wong | Carlisle | richwong@udel.edu |
Leland Wood | Shah Walter | ljwood@udel.edu |
Zelun Wu | Yan/Cai | zelunwu@udel.edu |
Fu-Chia Yeh | Kukulka | fcyeh@udel.edu |
Yang Zhang | Liang | yzhangud@udel.edu |
Tianyu Zhou | Li, Y | tyzhou@udel.edu |
Name | Title | Phone | |
Christopher Bogan |
Second Mate, R/V Sharp |
Hunter Bunting |
Ship's Steward, R/V Sharp |
Huxley Conner |
Second Mate, Small Boat Support |
Timothy Deering |
Manager, Oceanographic Svc. |
302-645-4338 |
Alex Dominguez |
Marine Oceanographic Tech |
Evan Falgowski |
Captain, RV Daiber |
Joy Harms |
Business Administrator |
302-645-4292 |
John Kenyon |
Captain, R/V Sharp |
Christian Kernisan |
Oceanographic Technician |
Josef Lachmann |
Maintenance Assistant |
Sean McNulty |
Chief Mate, R/V Sharp |
Samuel Palmer |
Chief Engineer, R/V Sharp |
Spencer Sturla |
Asst. Chief Engineer |
Jon Swallow |
Director, Marine Operations |
302-396-8565 |
First Name | Last Name | Title | Phone | |
Luci | Angeline | Administrative Assistant III | 302-831-3797 | lucic@udel.edu |
Michael | Birns | Dive Safety Officer | 302-831-1175 | mbirns@udel.edu |
Alyssa | Campbell | Lab Coordinator | N/A | alcamp@udel.edu |
Rebecca | Cox | Administrative Assistant IV | 302-831-2336 | rlcox@udel.edu |
Najid | Hussain | Lab Coordinator I | 302-831-2471 | nhussain@udel.edu |
Taylor | Link | Administrative Assistant II | 302-831-7044 | taylink@udel.edu |
Carlos | Moffat | Graduate Director | 302-831-4698 | cmoffat@udel.edu |
Grant | Otto | Ops Manager, Advanced Underwater Systems | N/A | gotto@udel.edu |
Royce | Robbins | Systems Programmer III | 302-377-1257 | arobbins@udel.edu |
Erik | White | Research Project Engineer | 302-645-4376 | erik@udel.edu |
Sharon | Wiegner | Business Administrator II | 302-831-6836 | swiegner@udel.edu |
Sonya | Yasack | Administrative Assistant III | 302-831-1587 | sonya@udel.edu |