Marine Sciences Summer Program

2022 REU students on UD's Lewes Campus

Supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation's Division of Ocean Sciences, this Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program offers undergraduates in STEM an opportunity to conduct guided research internships in marine science.

Under the guidance of a faculty mentor, interns work in a research-intensive atmosphere on a topic in chemical, physical, or biological oceanography or marine biology/geology/ biogeochemistry. The program includes weekly research seminars, professional development presentations, and field trips to nearby coastal marine systems. Interns will also present written and oral reports at the close of the program. For more information, contact Dr. Joanna York at or 1-302-831-7040.

The Summer 2025 program will run for 10 weeks from Monday, June 2 to Friday, August 8 (pending funding). Student support includes a $7,750 stipend, free housing, and travel assistance for the 10-week program.

Who can participate 

Participants must be currently enrolled in a program leading to an undergraduate degree, as well as U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident. Students from community colleges and institutions with limited research opportunities are especially encouraged to apply.

Where we study 

Research and teaching facilities are located at UD’s Hugh R. Sharp Campus in Lewes, DE. Interns live at the Daiber Housing Complex, which is fully furnished with washer, dryer, air-conditioning and Wi-Fi. The complex is less than 2 miles from the Hugh R. Sharp Campus and within walking distance of downtown Lewes.


How to apply

Please apply via the NSF Education Training and Application Portal (ETAP). Applications are due by February 14, 2025. The application requires:

  • Application form
  • Short essays
  • Unofficial Transcript(s)
  • One (1) reference letter

Program Features

REU faculty mentor Kathy Coyne examining vials in a lab

Faculty Mentors

Throughout the ten-week program, students will work with faculty mentors on a research project. Mentors provide guidance in the first weeks of the internship on selection of an appropriate project. Throughout the summer, interns are guided through the process of executing the project, possibly including field work, lab analyses, and other activities. In the final weeks of the summer, students prepare a final presentation and report, again under the supervision of their faculty mentor.

Two REU students onboard the R/V Daiber

Workshops, Seminars and Field Trips

Students in the Marine Sciences Summer Program are offered workshops and seminars by faculty and research experts at the University of Delaware and throughout the field of marine science.

Workshop, Seminar or Field Trip


Orientation (introductions, program overview, safety, facilities tour)

J. York

Field Trip: Marsh Walk

J. York

Meet and Greet with Graduate Students


Honor, Integrity, and Responsible Conduct of Research

J. York

Field Trip: Rutgers Aquaculture tour with Rutgers RIOS REU students

J. York

Intern Presentations: Proposed Research

All interns

Air-Sea Interactions and Breaking Waves

F. Veron

Small Boat Course

J. Swallow

Abiotic and Biotic Chemistry at Hydrothermal Vents

G. Luther

Field Trip: Delaware Bay, R/V Daiber

J. York

How's that Data Looking? Preliminary Results Discussion

All interns, J. York

Communicating Results from Scientific Research

D. Kirchman

So, you wanna get a job someday?

J. York

Big Fish in a Bigger Ocean- How Do You Study Mobile Marine Predators?

A. Carlisle

Tour of the Robotics Discovery Lab

A. Trembanis

Finding New Life in the Deep Ocean

J. Biddle

Small Boat Practical

J. Swallow

Going Autonomous: Mapping Coastal Ecosystems

A. Trembanis

How to Find a Grad Opportunity and How to Pay for It

J. York

Final Presentations and Lunch

All interns

REU student taking notes in a lab, with microscope

Summer Research Projects

Marine Sciences Summer Program interns present their research projects and findings as a part of their experience, giving them both the benefit of conducting research and that of presenting their research, skills that will prepare them for science careers.




Olivia Hines

Art Trembanis

Influence of Geophysical Factors in Marine Benthic Structure Site Formation at DNREC’s Redbird Reef Artificial Reef Site

Maxwell Collins

Ed Hale

Seeing through the Soup: A comparative analysis of video-based approaches for monitoring fishes in turbid coastal water

David Neu

Matt Oliver

Fitness of Predator Speed: The Equatorial Pacific

A. Diederik Boonman Morales

Matt Oliver

Fast and famished: Do faster endothermic sharks encounter more prey than slower ectothermic sharks in the Arabian Sea?

Porscha Persad

Jen Biddle

Seasonal Effects on Microbial Growth in Delaware Estuarine Sediment

Samantha Reynolds

Suni Walter

Carbon Substrates and Iron Oxides Influence Methane Production and Iron Reduction in Salt Marsh Sediments

Fiona Buck

Nick Ray

Investigating controls of N2O production from salt marsh sediment

Elijah Garcia

Jon Cohen

Visual Speed and Metabolism in Minuca pugnax

Yareliz Quintana Almodovar

Jon Cohen

Microplastics Ingestion in Delaware Bay Blue Crabs (Callinectes sapidus)

Kristin Lewis

Aaron Carlisle

The Couch Potato Effect: Comparing the Metabolic Rates of Captive and Wild Clearnose Skates

Funding for this Research Experiences for Undergraduates site is provided by the National Science Foundation's Division of Ocean Sciences located in Alexandria, Virginia. The NSF contact for this program is Elizabeth Rom. NSF does not handle REU applications; please contact each REU site directly for application information. This program is currently up for renewal in 2025. Once a funding decision has been made by NSF, we will proceed with applicant selection and/or notification for next summer's program.