Housing Fees

Two college students pose together for a selfie during an event at the University of Delaware.

Housing Fees by Option

Finding the right housing is an important part of your experience with the English Language Institute (ELI) at the University of Delaware. Housing choices and fees vary depending on the ELI program you enroll in, ensuring options that fit your needs and preferences. Students can choose from homestays, on-campus residences like the George Read Residence Hall, ELI’s Global Community at The Waverly, or The INNternationale. For those seeking more independence, off-campus apartments are also available. Explore our diverse housing options to find the ideal living arrangement to support your language studies and make the most of your time at UD. For help, contact eli-housing@udel.edu

Learn more about

Global Community Fees

In the Global Community at The Waverly, ELI and UD students live four students to an apartment. Each student has their own bedroom and bathroom. Students share common areas in the apartment and socialize with other community members in the beautiful, modern complex shared spaces.

  • Each ELI student must pay a rent of US $1,100 per month for Global Community apartments.* The rent includes all utilities (cable, electricity, internet, etc.) and amenities.
  • UD students may also rent a room in the Global Community on a 12-month lease, September 1 – August 31.
  • New residents must also pay a one-time deposit of one month’s rent when they move in. Special note: The deposit will be returned to the student after they move out if the apartment is left in good condition and is clean.

*Prices are subject to change without notice.

Homestay Fees

Homestay is a wonderful way to learn about American culture, as students and their hosts can share meals and participate in activities and outings together.

  • The following prices are valid until July 2025. Prices subject to change at any time without notice.
  • Homestay fees must be paid directly to the homestay host on the day that the student moves into the home.
  • Prices listed are for each ELI session. Each session lasts 7–8 weeks (approximately 2 months). These prices cover the student’s accommodations from the official move-in date to the official move-out date. If the student moves in with the host earlier than the official move-in date or moves out after the official move-out date, the student will be responsible for paying the price for each “Extra Night,” as listed in the table above.
  • There are additional fees that must be paid for homestay accommodations. Please see the table below.

Traditional Option

Includes 7 breakfasts, 7 dinners, & 2 lunches each week.

Price Per Session

  • 8 weeks: $2,245
  • 7 weeks: $1,964
  • 4 weeks (half session): $1,122
  • Extra nights: $40.09



Standard Option

Includes 7 breakfasts and 5 dinners each week.

Price Per Session

  • 8 weeks: $2,021
  • 7 weeks: $1,768
  • 4 weeks (half session): $1,011
  • Extra nights: $36.09



Dinner Only Option

Includes 7 dinners each week; no other meals.

Price Per Session

  • 8 weeks: $1,858
  • 7 weeks: $1,626
  • 4 weeks (half session): $929
  • Extra nights: $33.18



Breakfast Only Option

Includes 7 breakfasts each week; no other meals.

Price Per Session

  • 8 weeks: $1,677
  • 7 weeks: $1,467
  • 4 weeks (half session): $839
  • Extra nights: $29.94



No Meals Option

No meals provided. Students have kitchen access.

Price Per Session

  • 8 weeks: $1,376
  • 7 weeks: $1,204
  • 4 weeks (half session): $688
  • Extra nights: $24.57



Fee & Description Amount

Homestay Registration Fee

The price that must be paid to the ELI Homestay Team when the student submits a homestay application to find a host for the student. It is non-refundable. This fee is required. All students must pay this fee in order to live with a homestay host.

Pay the homestay registration fee >

$300 for a single person

$500 for a married couple

Security Deposit

The fee that must be paid directly to the homestay host to protect against damage. This fee is refundable. The host will give it back to the student when the student moves out of the house as long as the student leaves no damage to the homestay host’s property. This fee is required. All students must pay this fee in order to live with a homestay host. Note: Students are responsible for paying for any damage to the homestay host’s property that is valued at over US $100.


Late Fee

The fee that must be paid if a student submits the Homestay Application fee after the deadline. The deadline for new students to apply for a homestay host is 2 weeks before the ELI session begins. The deadline for continuing students to apply for a homestay host is Wednesday of Week 5 of the current ELI session. This fee is non-refundable. This fee is optional. It is only necessary if the student does not apply on time for a homestay host.


INNternationale Fees

Please visit the INNternationale’s website to see the most up-to-date fees for ELI students.

Residence Hall Fees

Rooms in the George Read Residence Hall are priced according to room type. To learn more, visit the UD Residence Life and Housing information page.

Off-campus apartments

ELI students reserve their own off-campus apartments. Visit Moving Off Campus by UD's Office of the Dean of Students for a guide to living off campus with tips on budgeting, finding an apartment, lease options and more. For help, students can contact eli-housing@udel.edu.