Health Insurance

Stethoscope sitting next to a laptop

Health Insurance Requirements

Medical care in the USA is expensive, and the ELI’s medical insurance helps to pay for a part of students’ healthcare and medical expenses. The insurance cost will be included on your ELI session bill.

All students are required to purchase the ELI’s health insurance plan.

Failure to have medical insurance in the US can lead to refusal of medical treatment and/or extremely high medical costs to be paid directly from patient to medical care provider. In other words, if you do not have medical insurance, you may not be able to see a medical person and could get extremely high bills that you must pay. This is why the ELI requires all students to have medical insurance.

Sponsored students: Students who have a scholarship from their government (with scholarships that include a health insurance plan) do not need to buy ELI insurance. If you are not sure if your government scholarship has a health insurance plan, contact

For students with families: Geoblue also provides medical coverage of spouses and dependents. Please email if you would like this coverage.

Special note: American insurance plans do NOT cover illnesses or medical needs you developed before coming here (eg: diabetes, pregnancy, emphysema). These are called “pre-existing conditions.”

See details of the ELI's medical insurance plan (PDF)

Medical Tests and Forms

Students at the University of Delaware ELI are required to have certain immunizations and medical tests before coming to Delaware.

Immunization Requirements and medical forms

Health Insurance Access

Any current student who paid the ELI insurance fee for their session is enrolled and can access their insurance card one of two ways:

  • Electronic ID Cards: Members can conveniently view, fax or email their ID card through the Geoblue mobile app under “Eligibility.” 
  • Members can also access an electronic copy of the ID card on the Member Hub, at OR you can email and we will email you a PDF copy of your insurance card.

Students who are on leave of absence (LOA) or vacation are not enrolled in ELI’s health insurance. Students who are staying in the United States and would like ELI health insurance coverage should contact with their full name, student ID number, and state that they would like to have health insurance coverage. The cost is $330, and payment will be required before health insurance cards will be issued. Students will also need to pay the $179 student wellbeing fee if they want to have access to the UD Health Center during their time away.