Service Learning

SErvice Learning

We believe in the value of exposing students to unique aspects of American culture and values, as well as providing a rewarding language learning opportunity outside of the classroom.

We offer service learning as a part of our Cohort program at the ELI.



Some examples of community activities that ELI Cohort students have joined in the past include:

  • White Clay Creek wetland planting
  • Visiting classrooms in the public schools
  • Planting beach grass
  • Christina River cleanup
  • Emmanuel Dining Room
  • Special Olympics
  • Delaware Food Bank
  • Senior Center/Nursing Home visitations

For Community Members

If you are a member of the Newark, Delaware or UD community and you have a service activity in which our international Cohort students can make a contribution, or if you would like our international students to come to your school of group to talk about their culture and learn about what your organization does, please contact our Academic Transitions and Graduate Conditional Admissions Advisor to speak with us about how we might be able to collaborate.