Arrival Information

Welcome to UD ELI!

We are so happy that you will be joining us in Delaware. We are eager to provide you with an effective and fun program that will help you to improve your English while enjoying the unique cultural experience that the ELI can provide!

This page contains important information for new students regarding arrival and orientation. Please review the information and contact us if you have any questions ( We are happy to help you!


All new students are required to submit the Immunization Form and the Health History Form at least 4 weeks before coming to Delaware.

View all health requirements


Here is some information that will help you to know what to expect once your admissions process is complete and when you are ready to come to Delaware.



After you apply to the ELI, you will receive a Welcome Package that contains the following items:



Please see your acceptance letter for the exact date and location of your orientation. Students should plan to arrive no later than the Wednesday before the beginning of a new session. This will allow you to participate in ELI Orientation. If you do not attend all days of ELI Orientation, you will be charged a fee of $100 on your first ELI bill.

Location markers and a cark symbolizing travel



All students who plan to travel by plane must have a final destination at Philadelphia International Airport (airport code: PHL).

If there is no direct flight from your country to Philadelphia, please do not worry–you can arrive in a different airport and then take a connecting flight to Philadelphia. The most important thing is for you to buy a ticket that shows a final destination of PHL.

  • The Philadelphia International Airport is 30 minutes away from the University of Delaware. We can help you reserve a shuttle (i.e., a van) to pick you up from the airport and to drive you safely to Delaware. The shuttle company is called Delaware Express.
  • In order for us to reserve a shuttle to pick you up from the Philadelphia International Airport, you must submit the Arrival Form that you received one month before your program start date. At the same time, you also must send us a copy of your student visa and your plane ticket by fa. We cannot make a shuttle reservation for you until we have received these three documents.
  • Your should submit the Arrival Form no later than 2 weeks before the beginning of the session. If you have questions, you can email us at
  • The cost of a shuttle is about $100 (though very late-night pickups may cost up to $130). You must provide us with a credit card number on the Arrival Form in order to reserve the shuttle. You must also provide your airline, flight number, and arrival time on the form.
  • Do not use a taxi. We highly recommend that you use Delaware Express. This will provide you with a safe method of transportation.


Late Orientation Fee: All students are required to attend all days of orientation as listed on their acceptance letter. If you do not attend orientation, you will be charged a $100 Late Orientation Fee, which must be paid before you can begin your ELI classes.

If you stay at a hotel through the ELI, we will arrange transportation for you to orientation.

What to expect at ELI orientation?

All orientations in 2022 will have both online and in-person components.

  • Students who will attend the ELI are required to attend the online orientation.
  • Students who will attend the ELI in Newark must attend both the online and in-person orientations.

Online Orientation: During our online orientation, you will learn about University resources and how to succeed at online courses. You will also meet ELI staff and faculty, including the ELI director, your academic advisor, and the Admissions and Student Life Team.

In-Person Orientation: During in-person orientation you will receive important information about immigration, UD COVID-19 safety requirements, and living in the United States. You will also receive your UD ID card and go on a campus tour.