Our People

A large group of ELI faculty standing on a balcony with colorful international flags.

Meet Our People


Welcome to the English Language Institute people directory. The majority of administrators at the English Language Institute hold master’s and/or doctoral degrees in a variety of areas, from TESOL to Business Administration and more.

All have extensive experience working with international students, living overseas, and/or recruiting abroad.

All of our administrators and staff strive to provide the best possible services and assistance for ELI students, from admissions and orientation to the financial office and more.

While aiming to make students feel like they are at a “home away from home” in Newark, we are here to help students in any way that we can.

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Program Staff

Name Title Email
Ernst, Cheryl Center Director cheryle@udel.edu
Arban, Dru Business Administrator II druarb@udel.edu
Boyle, Rebecca ELI SABIC Program Coordinator beccalee@udel.edu
Brown, Kirsten Asst Director, ELI kjbrown@udel.edu
Bushong, Robert Asst Dir, ELI Academic Dev rbushong@udel.edu
Connery, Leslie Graduate CAP Cohort Coordinator lconnery@udel.edu
Diehl, Kaitlyn Communications Specialist II thediehl@udel.edu
Duarte, Scott Assistant Director of Academic Programs duarte@udel.edu
Herring, Tamara Academic Support Coordinator I herringt@udel.edu
Hyde, Kenneth Manager, ELI Tutoring Ctr kenny@udel.edu
Janick, Jamie Project Manager, DELITE jforrest@udel.edu
Liu, Chang Affiliated Professionals  
Lopez, Julie Academic Programs Coordinator and Accelerate-U Delaware Advisor  
Matterer, Matt Financial Coordinator lauwhite@udel.edu
Miller, Avery Asst Director, ELI admill@udel.edu
O'Connor, Elizabeth ELI Student Life Manager oconnore@udel.edu
Riera, Maria-Jose Manager, Special Academic Programs mjriera@udel.edu
Scott, Aigner ELI Receptionist and Academic Support ayscott@udel.edu
Vazquez, Amy TESL Student Teacher Supervisor avazquez@udel.edu

Our Tutors

Name Email
Catherine Ciferni cciferni@udel.edu
Rosana Dempsey rdem@udel.edu
Aura Draper amdraper@udel.edu
Lori Fisher lofisher@udel.edu
Susan Foy sfoy@udel.edu
Joan French jyfrench@udel.edu
Cyndi Funk cfunk@udel.edu
Kristin Grant kbeahmg@udel.edu
Terri Hartel tnhartel@udel.edu
Richard Herring rherring@udel.edu
Lee Horzempa leemary@udel.edu
Nina Leech nileech@udel.edu
Charles Lutz clutz@udel.edu
Jill McCracken jjmcreate@udel.edu
Myrna Zaetta zaetta@udel.edu