Internships and Practicum
Community Partners
The Women & Gender Studies department offers many opportunities for students to explore their career interests through practical field experience. Internships are highly valued not only in this department but also throughout the University, engaging students in making connections, exploring different opportunities, and achieving a better understanding of the career they would like to pursue. The Women & Gender Studies department is constantly expanding its public and private partnerships locally and nationally.
Students in the DVPS Concentration must complete one 3 credit internship, WOMS 498, while students in the minor have the option of taking WOMS498 for 3 DVPS elective credits.
To learn more about these opportunities feel free to make an appointment to talk with a faculty member.
Current Field Service Placements
CHILD, Inc.: Domestic Violence Advocacy Program
This program helps to empower victims of domestic violence by guiding them through the Family Court system as they seek protection from their abusive partners.
CHILD, Inc. DV Shelters
CHILD, Inc. operates two shelters for battered women and their children in Southern New Castle County (Sarah's House) and Northern New Castle County (Martha's Carriage House). The mission of CHILD, Inc.'s sheltering program is to reduce domestic violence by providing safety, support and advocacy to victims. If a Spanish-speaking client seeks refuge at either Martha's Carriage House or Sarah's House, she will receive additional help from bilingual case managers.
The Newark Police Department
The Newark Police Department is committed to servicing the needs of victims and witnesses within the City of Newark. The Newark Police Department has a Victim Services Unit to help those affected by crime. Information and services offered include trauma-informed intervention for victims and witnesses, short term crisis intervention, criminal justice system information and case status updates, aas well as other services.
People's Place - SAFE (Shelter Advocacy Freedom & Empowerment)
SAFE provides a safe environment, shelter and support for women and children in domestic violence situations in Kent and Sussex Counties. Emergency shelter (45 days) in a safe supportive environment is provided. In addition to providing shelter, family therapy, case management and transition services are provided, helping families to establish a new safe home environment on their own with improved skills and resources.
Family Visitation Centers: Delaware Health and Social Services
Family Visitation Centers provide a continuum of services designed to help address custody and visitation issues in families with a history of domestic violence and abuse. Visitation centers are located statewide and offer an appropriate way to provide for safe visitation and exchange, along with flexible visitation alternatives on weekends, evenings and holidays. Clients are referred by family court.
State of Delaware: Department of Justice: Victim Witness Assistance Program
The mission of the Department of Justice is to enforce the laws of the state in a fair, efficient and effective manner, as well as provide legal services to State agencies, boards, commissions, officials and the public. The Victim Witness Assistance Program is part of the Criminal Division of the Department. Victim Service Staff, whether specialists or social workers, work on the team with prosecutors, paralegals and investigators to prosecute criminal charges in either Superior Court, the Court of Common Pleas and Family Court. Victim Services Staff help meet this mission by providing services to victims and witnesses of crime so that they can fully participate in the criminal case.
YWCA Sexual Assault Response Center (SARC)
The Sexual Assault Response Center (SARC) provides rape crises services to survivors 12 and older as well as their non-offending family members, friends and partners throughout Delaware. The services are comprehensive, free and confidential. SARC aims to heal, instill hope and empower individuals whose lives have been affected by sexual violence, no matter how long ago the assault occurred. Services include a 24/7 sexual assault response hotline, medical and legal accompaniment, information and referrals, aftercare follow-up, trauma-informed counseling, support groups, and community outreach and prevention education. Centers are located in Newark, Wilmington and Georgetown.
The Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence (DCADV)
DCADV is the statewide, nonprofit coalition of agencies and individuals working to end domestic violence in Delaware. DCADV works in partnership with direct service providers, government officials and business and community partners to promote equality in relationships as we strive to alter the social conditions that allow violence and abuse to occur.
The Domestic Violence Coordinating Council
The Domestic Violence Coordinating Council (DVCC) is a state agency created to improve Delaware's response to domestic violence and sexual assault. The DVCC brings together all stakeholders including service providers, policy-level officials and community partners to eradicate domestic violence. The DVCC is committed to leading the nation through innovative legislative action, community education and an outstanding coordinated system response to violence in families and the community.
Delaware Alliance Against Sexual Violence (DAASV)
DAASV is Delaware's federally recognized state sexual assault coalition. Their mission is to address sexual violence in Delaware by creating an inclusive community that supports survivors through advocacy, intervention and awareness.