Andrea Glass-Heffner
Andrea Glass-Heffner, PhD, is an assistant professor in the Department of Women & Gender Studies at the University of Delaware. Dr. Glass received her PhD in American Studies from The Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, with concentrations in Gender and Sexuality, Urban Culture and History, Space and Place, Visual and Popular Culture, and Folklore and Ethnography. Dr. Glass teaches at the University of Delaware, Labouré College, Boston, MA, Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ, and The Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg, PA, with particular focus on Sexualities and Gender Studies, Women's Studies, American Studies, Interdisciplinary Studies and Research, and Museum Education and Interpretation. Dr. Glass has served as a board member of the LGBT Center of Central Pennsylvania; president of the Ephrata Performing Arts Center, a theater dedicated to showcasing diverse voices; and executive director of the Ephrata Area Chamber of Commerce, leading community efforts in economic development and social justice. She is a 2020 grant recipient for the "Teaching Online Together Program," from the University of Delaware.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Glass, Andrea. "Scenes Through the Rear-View Mirror: 1970s New York and the Cultural and Spatial Influence of Martin Scorsese's Taxi Driver." Journal of Popular Film and Television 45, No. 4 (2017).
Glass, Andrea. "'I Want to be a Witness:' Blogging for Urban Authenticity and Cultural Authority in the East Village." New Directions in Folklore 14, No. 1 (2017): 3-39.
Book Chapter
Glass, Andrea. "Postcards, Pussy Hats, and Protest Pins: Documenting the Folklore of Feminist Resistance at Mio Studio in Lancaster." In Pussy Hats, Politics, and Public Protest, edited by Rachelle H. Saltzman. Jackson, MS: University of Mississippi Press, November 2020.
Reference Articles
Glass, Andrea and Simon J. Bronner. "Charleston and Lowcountry, South Carolina."
In Encyclopedia of American Folklife, ed. Simon Bronner. Armonk, NY: ME Sharpe, Inc., 2006.
Queer Becomes Her: The Death and Life of Spaces, Places, Saints, and Heroes.
Select Panel Presentations
"La Virgencita, Fridolatry, and Saint AOC: Crafting a Transnational Feminist Folk Religion for the 21st Century." National Women's Studies Association Annual Meeting, Minnesota, MN, 2020. (Presentation accepted, but conference cancelled due to COVID-19).
"Street Tacos, Hot Chicken, and Bao Buns: The Gentrification of Food and the Re-Colonization of Urban Foodways in Popular Culture." Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 2020. (Presentation accepted, but conference cancelled due to COVID-19).
"Lesbutantes, Guerilla Queers, and Dyke Nights: Transgressing Heteronormative Borders and the Politics of Queer Resistance." National Women's Studies Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 2019.
"From White Coffee to Hot Chicken: The Gentrification of Food and the Re-Colonization of Urban Foodways." American Studies Association Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI, November 2019.