King Lear

King Lear Production Artwork

King Lear


by William Shakespeare

A classic tale full of betrayal and chaos that only the Bard could weave!

Set in a world of political intrigue, King Lear tells the story of an aging monarch who divides his kingdom among his daughters, only to be betrayed by those he trusts most. As Lear navigates the betrayal, the consequences of his decisions lead to a heartbreaking unraveling of his family and his sanity.

King Lear’s themes of loyalty, justice, and the corrupting nature of power are particularly resonant in today’s world, making this play an essential theatrical experience for audiences of all ages.

RUN TIME: approximately 2.5 hours
WARNINGS: violence




​Thursday (Preview) ​Apr. 10
​7:30 PM
​Friday (Preview) ​Apr. ​11
​7:30 PM​
​Saturday (Opening) ​Apr. ​12
​7:30 PM​
​Sunday ​Apr. ​13
​2 PM
​Wednesday ​Apr. ​16
​7:30 PM​
​Thursday (Talkback) ​Apr. ​17
​7:30 PM​
​Friday ​Apr. ​18
​7:30 PM​
​Saturday (Prologue) ​Apr. ​19
​2 PM​
​Saturday ​Apr. ​19
​7:30 PM​
​Thursday ​Apr. ​24
​7:30 PM​
​Friday (Talkback) ​Apr. ​25
​7:30 PM​
​Saturday ​Apr. ​26
​2 PM​
​Saturday ​Apr. ​26
​7:30 PM​
Sunday (Prologue) ​Apr. ​27
​2 PM​

Join us before these matinees for a free an informal discussion about the play. (Prologues start promptly at 1:15PM.)

Saturday, April 19th - with Matthew Kinservik, Professor of English. Stay tuned for additional information on the King Lear Saturday Symposium!

Sunday, April 27th - "Lear's Other Shadow: A Cultural History of Queen Lear" with Dr. Thomas Olsen, professor emeritus at the State University of New York, New Paltz.

Stick around after these performances for a fun Q+A session with the cast!

Thursday, April 17th
Friday, April 25th


Whichever option is easiest for you. You can:

  1. Call the REP Box Office at (302) 831-2204.
  2. Visit us in person at the REP Box Office, Tue-Fri 12-5PM.PURCHASE TICKETS ONLINE​

​​​REP productions are supported, in part, by a grant from the Delaware Division of the Arts, a state agency, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts. The Division promotes Delaware arts events on​​