Audience Enrichment

Talk-Back Discussions

Meet the actors and join the conversation!

Join us immediately following a performance for a lively Q&A with our artists. This is a forum for you to ask questions, offer insight, and engage the actors in a conversation about the show.​

Production Title 1st Date 2nd Date

​What the Constitution Means to Me

​Friday, Sep. 20

​The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged) [revised] [again]

​Thursday, Sep. 26
​Friday, ​Oct. 4
​Rough Crossing
​Thursday, ​Nov. 14
​Friday, ​Nov. 22
​Misery ​Thursday, ​Feb. 20
​Friday, ​Feb. 28
King Lear
​Thursday, ​Apr. 17
​Friday, ​Apr. 25


Prologue Discussions

​​Join us in the theatre 45-minutes before a matinee for a free and informal talk designed to enhance patrons' enjoyment and understanding of what they are about to experience.​

Production Title First Date Second Date
​The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged) [revised] [again]​ ​Saturday, Sep. 28​​
​Sunday, Oct. 6
​​Rough Crossing​ ​Saturday, ​Nov. 16
​Sunday, ​Nov. 24
​​Misery​ ​Saturday, ​Feb. 22
​Sunday, ​Mar. 2
King Lear​ ​Saturday, ​Apr. 19
​Sunday, ​Apr. 27