About Us

The Resident Ensemble Players (REP) exists to engage audiences with frequent and outstanding professional productions of a wide variety of classic, modern, and contemporary plays performed in a wide variety of styles, with a particular emphasis on plays that are distinguished by one or more of the following characteristics:
- considered to be a masterwork of dramatic literature,
- quality of script,
- merit of theme,
- power as a theatrical experience;
Make these professional productions available at low prices so that they are accessible and affordable to everyone regardless of income.
Celebrate and demonstrate the possibility and power of an ensemble of actors trained in the same way and working together over long periods of time, with a particular emphasis on showcasing the range, variety, ability to transform, and capacity to work in many different ways that are the traditional hallmarks of outstanding resident acting companies.
Provide long-term employment security and respectable compensation to outstanding professional stage actors, while affording them, on a regular basis:
- acting challenges and opportunities in excellent professional productions,
- opportunities to meaningfully contribute to actors entering the profession, and
- opportunities to contribute to undergraduate education and the creation of lifelong theatergoers.
Contribute to UD’s curriculum and create life-long theatregoers by:
- presenting plays that are studied, are worthy of study, or which illuminate matters studied in the curriculum;
- offering outstanding courses in Theatre taught by REP actors to students from all academic disciplines that build confidence, poise, and self-esteem in front of groups while expanding individual self-expression and instilling a life-long love of theatre, and by
- making available to courses throughout UD’s Colleges and Departments frequent classroom visits of professional actors to illuminate texts, illustrate ideas, and promote learning in a way unique to live theatre.