Aaron Kupchik

Aaron Kupchik

Professor of Sociology & Criminal Justice


  • Ph.D. – New York University, New York, NY
  • M.A.  – New York University, New York, NY
  • B.A. – Boston University, Boston, MA


Aaron Kupchik is a professor of sociology and criminal Justice at the University of Delaware. His research focuses on the policing and punishment of juveniles in schools, courts and correctional facilities. 

Kupchik has published six books, including The Real School Safety Problem: The Long-Term Consequences of Harsh School Punishment and Judging Juveniles: Prosecuting Adolescents in Adult and Juvenile Courts. He is the recipient of a number of awards, including the American Society of Criminology's Ruth Shonle Cavan Young Scholar Award, and its Michael Hindelang Book Award, in addition to the American Society of Criminology Division on Corrections and Sentencing New Scholar Award.

Kupchik is the former president of the American Society of Criminology Division on Corrections and Sentencing, and currently an executive counselor for the American Society of Criminology. He serves on several editorial boards and is invited regularly to present research on juvenile justice to different audiences, including multiple presentations for committees of the National Academies of Sciences. He is a member of UD’s Race, Justice, and Policy Research Initiative. 

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