Merit or Honors Private Study

Merit or Honors Private Study

What is merit or honors private study?

Both Honors and Merit Private Study Programs consist of weekly private lessons on a student’s primary instrument, plus concurrent enrollment in an approved school ensemble.

These private lessons and ensemble participation can count as elective credits toward a student’s degree program. Merit and Honors students must attend Ensemble Auditions for placement in a school ensemble.

The opportunity to take private lessons for academic credit is not open to beginners, but is intended for those who wish to continue previous study.

Who is eligible?

Private music instruction is available to non-music majors on a space-dependent basis and by audition through the Merit or Honors Private Study Programs.

Freshmen in the Honors Program are eligible for Honors Private Study in their first fall and spring semesters. Beyond the first year of study, Honors students may continue their private music instruction through the Merit Private Study Program or through an applied music minor. The Honors Program will send out more information about Honors Private Study during New Student Orientation.

To schedule an audition for Merit Private Study, please get in touch with the applied professor for your instrument:​

How do I learn an instrument?

Students who are not eligible for Honors or Merit private study may still register for music classes (for additional fees) through the University of Delaware’s Community Music School (CMS). Lessons through CMS do not provide any academic credit.