Our Alumni

Our alumni

The University of Delaware's School of Music has a rich history of producing talented alumni who have gone on to make significant contributions to the music industry and their communities. These Blue Hens have not only found success in their own careers, but have also remained deeply connected to their alma mater, providing invaluable support and mentorship to current students. Their achievements and ongoing engagement with the School of Music are a testament to the transformative power of a UD education and the lasting impact of the university's music programs

Alumni Stories
  • Campus building

    For the Record, Friday, Aug. 30, 2024

    August 30, 2024 | Written by UDaily staff
    University of Delaware community reports new publications, presentations, honors, service
  • 10 things to know about UDMB

    April 02, 2024 | Written by Megan M.F. Everhart
    Ask any member of the UD Marching Band—past or present—and they will likely agree with Gene Carlisle, AS61, a member of the first alumni band in 1970, who has returned to campus every year since to perform: "This is your extended family."
  • I’d like to teach the world to sing

    September 08, 2023 | Written by Diane Stopyra
    All the world’s a stage. The Shakspearean phrase rings especially true for members of the University of Delaware Chorale, one of the most highly regarded University choirs in the United States.