UDMB Frequently Asked Questions
University of Delaware Marching Band Frequently Asked Questions
About the marching band
The University of Delaware Fightin' Blue Hen Marching Band is known throughout the northeast as a performance ensemble with an innovative approach to entertainment and an emphasis on musicality. Considered to be on the cutting edge of the marching band activity, the band achieves its goals through the incorporation of a variety of musical styles appealing to its wide variety of audiences.
The UDMB averages 300–340 members. This includes all wind players, percussion and auxiliary members. General breakdowns of each area are approximately 220–240 brass/woodwind members, 34–38 percussionists, 38–42 color guard members and 3–5 twirlers.
The UDMB marches corps style.
Joining the marching band
Auditions for membership in all sections of the UDMB are required. Visit our audition page for more information: Brass & Woodwind, Percussion, Colorguard and Golden Girl Twirlers.
Yes. Members must be enrolled as a full–student at UD or as a full–time student at the Associate in Arts programs at the UD branch campuses.
Yes. All members of the UDMB, upon acceptance to the program following a successful audition, must register for MUSC 470, section 010 (brass, woodwinds, guard, twirlers) or MUSC 470, section 011 (percussion). The course is worth 1 academic credit. Students receive a grade for the course. It will show on your official transcript and count in your overall grade point average. Marching Band also counts toward partial fulfillment of electives in most undergraduate degree programs. Music majors can use Marching Band as partial fulfillment of their ensemble requirements. Music Education majors are required to take 2 semesters of Marching Band as part of their curriculum.
No. Over 80% of the UDMB members are non–music majors. Students from all of the colleges within the University are represented each year. On average, over 90 different majors and degree programs are represented by the total membership.
Yes. Every member of the UDMB is eligible to receive a Financial Aid Participation Award. Eligibility means that a student must 1)be registered for the course, 2) attend all of Band Camp, and 3)remain in good standing throughout the entire marching band season, including any and all postseason performances. Failure to fulfill any or all of these requirements will result in a reduction or complete forfeit of the award. The amount a student is awarded is based upon the number of years they are a member of the UDMB. Currently, 1st–year members are eligible for a $400 Award. This amount is subject to change each year due to budgetary constraints. In addition, there are Spirit Awards based upon talent available to members of the Basketball Pep Band. An audition is required. Auditions take place during mid–September.
Time commitment of the marching band
Band Camp is held the week prior to the start of fall semester classes. Watch for specific information on the main UDMB website. Band Camp is held on the main campus of the University of Delaware.
Once the fall semester begins (after Band Camp) rehearsals are every Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 4–6 PM. Saturday rehearsals only occur on days of home games.
A regular season schedule for the UDMB has between 8–10 performances every fall semester. These include, but are not limited to, 6–7 home football games, 1–2 exhibitions at local high school festivals, the Newark Halloween Parade, and the annual Collegiate Marching Band Festival in Allentown, PA. Any NCAA postseason home football games and/or the National Championship game are in addition to the regular season schedule.
1 traditional Pre–Game Show and 2 Halftime shows.