Ensemble Participation

Ensemble Participation


Participation in music ensembles is open to all students university-wide regardless of major. Music majors and other students enrolled in private study are required to participate in an approved ensemble.

Participation in many School of Music ensembles can fulfill the University Arts and Humanities Breadth Area elective, and some may be taken for zero credit. For details, visit the online course catalog.

In order to gain admission into the large instrumental ensembles, students must pass an audition. Students who do not audition or do not perform a passing audition will not be admitted to the ensembles.


​Spring 2025 Audition Process

Instru​​mental​ Ens​embles​

Instrumental Ens​embles are open to students of ANY major.

Spring 2025 Large Instrumental Ensemble Auditions will take place Sunday-Monday, February 2-3, 2025

CLICK HERE for audition excerpts and sign ups!


Choral Ensembles​

​Choral Ensembles are open to students of ANY major. We have many choirs on campus. Read more on our Choral Ensembles page.

Two of our choirs are open to registration without audition. Enroll in Concert Choir (MUSC462) or Resound Gospel Choir (MUSC465) today!

Our other choirs require an audition. Learn more about the audition process.​