UD's Interactive Percussion Seminar

Michael Burritt drumming

Interactive Percussion Seminar


March 11-12, 2023​

​UDIPS is an immersive weekend of percussion focused on presenter/participant interaction through hands-on sessions, engaging performances and Q&A hangouts specifically built into the schedule. UDIPS is FREE to participants of any age or experience level!​​​



​Registration is free, but all participants must register prior to the event. 


UDIPS High School Honors Percussion Ensemble 

​​​The UDIPS High School Honors Percussion Ensemble is a select group of the area's finest high school percussionists. Rehearsals, led by UD percussion faculty, will take place during the festival weekend, culminating in a performance on March 12.

​Students must submit an application and video audition by February 10. As an ensemble member, all selected participants will automatically receive the highest consideration for a generous scholarship to the UD School of Music if they so choose to audition at any point in the future. The application form below provides​ full details and audition information. ​​​

Clinics with guest artists



Artist Collage C​oncert

Saturday, M​​​a​rch 11th • 8 p.m. (Puglisi Hall)
featuring Casey Cangelosi, Michael Dobson, Quey Percussion Duo, Josanne Francis and Allison Miller with the UD Faculty Jazz Ensemble

High School ​​​Honors Percussion Ensemble and Door Prize Giveaways

Sunday, March 12th • 5 p.m. (Gore Hall)

Micha​​el Burritt in Concert

Sunday, March 12 • 6 p.m. (Puglisi Hall)
with special guests and members of the UD Percussion Ensemble​


Full Schedule



Time Event Title
8:30am - 11 am​

High School Honors Percussion Ensemble Rehearsal
(Gore ​and AED 120)
[Not open to the public]
11 am - 12:30 pm
Michael Burritt Clinic / Q&A Hangout
(Puglisi Hall)​
12:30 pm - 2 pm LUNCH BREAK (on your own)
2 pm - 3:30 pm
Angela Zator Nelson Clinic / Q&A Hangout
(Gore Hall)
3:30 pm - 5 pm Allison Miller Clinic / Q&A Hangout
(Puglisi Hall)
5 pm - 6:30 pm Josanne Francis Clinic / Q&A Hangout
(AED 120)
8 pm
Artist Collage Concert
featuring The University of Delaware Graduate Percussion Group, Casey Cangelosi, Quey Percussion Duo Josanne Francis and Allison Miller with the UD Faculty Jazz Ensemble and Friends​
(Puglisi Hall)



Time Event Title
8:30am - 11 am
High School Honors Percussion Ensemble Rehearsal
(Gore and AED 120)
[Not open to the public]
11 am - 12:30 pm Iain Moyer Clinic / Q&A Hangout
(Puglisi Hall)

12:30 pm - 2 pm LUNCH BREAK (on your own)
2 pm - 3:30 pm Casey Cangelosi / Q&A Hangout
(Gore Hall)
3:30 pm - 5 pm Mike Dobson Clinic / Q&A Hangout
(Puglisi Hall)
5 pm - 5:45 pm UDIPS High School HonorsPercussion Ensemble Performance
Doorprize giveaways
(Gore Hall)
6 pm Michael Burritt in Concert
with members of the UD Percussion Ensemble
(Puglisi Hall)​



All events will occur in:

  • ​Puglisi Orchestra Hall (Puglisi) and Gore Recital Hall (Gore), located in the Roselle Center for the Arts (CFA)
  • Amy E. Dupont Music Building (AED 120 - Percussion Room)

The best GPS address to get to this area of campus: 101 Carroll Ct, Newark, DE 19711

PARKING: The CFA parking garage​ is nearby or street parking​ is available.

Please do not hesitate to ask for directions. UD Percussion Faculty and Students will be around and are glad to help guide you to your desired location!​​​​

UD Campus map shoing the Roselle Center for the Arts


Special thanks to these sponsors for allowing us to offer this event free to all participants

  • University of Delaware School of Music
  • University of Delaware Faculty Senate Committee on Cultural Activities and Public Events (CAPE)​
  • Bachovich Music Publications
  • Black Swamp Percussion
  • Malletech
  • Marimba One
  • Pearl/Adams Instruments
  • Remo Drumheads
  • Sabian Cymbals
  • Steve Weiss Music
  • Tapspace
  • Vic Firth Sticks and Mallets
  • Zildjian Cymbals​