CMS Private Study

Community Music School

Mary Margaret Wilson​

Emme Whisner
Administrative Assistant

Private Instruction is available in-person and online!

All piano studios are currently full. If you would like to join the waitlist, please reach out to

Semester Dates:
- Fall Semester: 9/8-12/21
- Winter Session: 12/29-2/8

Private study lessons can be 30, 45 or 60 minutes in length. Everyone should begin with and register for 30-minute lessons unless you are an existing UDCMS private study student who has worked out an arrangement with your private study instructor.

Learn about our Suzuki programs.​

Why Different Levels?

We offer four different tiers of instructors as listed below.  These levels do not indicate the level of the student but only of the experience level of the instructor. We accept students of all ages.




Current Bachelor of Music undergraduate students in the University of Delaware School of Music that have been carefully selected for their musicianship and ability to teach. These instructors are gifted and supervised. It can be an inspiring experience for young, beginning musicians to have an enthusiastic, talented instructor who isn’t too much older than they are.

  • Please email to see if an instructor is available for your instrument:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Current Master of Music graduate students and Bachelor of Music graduates with at least one year of experience.

  • Online and In-person lessons available. See our list of available instructors below for availability.
  • Please email to see if an instructor is available for your instrument:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Professional instructors with at least three years of experience and Masters of Music graduates with at least two years of experience. Online lessons available for summer.

  • Online and In-person lessons available. See our list of available instructors below for availability.
  • Please email to see if an instructor is available for your instrument:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Professional, performing musicians and University of Delaware faculty. Those wishing to study at this level will be asked to audition to ensure proper placement.

  • Audition required and subject to availability


Current Instructors

​Teaching availability may be limited during Winter and Summer sessions. For questions about instructor availability, please reach out to

Name Instrument Tier
Emme Whisner ​Cello (Returning students only) ​Tier 2
Joe Gonzales Clarinet Tier 2
Kelvin Ventura Concert Percussion Tier 1
Timothy Bonaventure Drum Set Tier 1
Miracle Johnson Flute (Returning students only) Tier 2
​Adrienne Harding ​Flute (45 or 60 minute lessons only and returning students only) ​Tier 3
Kevin Cope Suzuki Guitar, Guitar, Music Theory Composition Tier 3
​Tom Palmer Jazz Piano/Drums Tier 4
Mekhi Tyree Oboe Tier 2
Angelina Boback Piano (Returning students only) Tier 1
​​Rachel Herway Piano​ (Returning students only) ​Tier 1
Eden Melamed ​Piano (Returning students only) ​Tier 1
Julia Rim Piano (Returning students only) ​Tier 3
​Lydia Bak ​Suzuki Piano, Piano (Returning students only) Tier 3
​Emily Eisenberg​ ​Saxophone (Returning students only)
​Tier 1​​
AJ Fiore Trombone Tier 1
Becca Wertenberger Trumpet Tier 2
Jackson Duffy Tuba/Euphonium (Returning students only) Tier 2
​Dallas Noble Violin​ (Returning students only) Tier 2​
Dalia Shvartsman Violin (Little Master Players) Tier 2
Jacob Burk Violin/Viola (Returning students only) Tier 2
Max Niedziejko Voice Tier 1
Viktoriia Riabukhina Voice Tier 2
​Rachel Pomeranz Voice​ (Virtual) ​Tier 3

​Private instruction is offered on a semester basis. You may begin at any point in the semester and lessons will be prorated. Please note that tuition is usually non refundable for students who register after the first three weeks of the semester.


- current Bachelor of Music undergraduate students

Lesson Length ​6 Lessons 12 Lessons
​30 minutes ​$150 ​$285
​45 minutes ​$225 ​$428
​60 minutes ​$300 ​$570



- current Master of Music graduate students

- Bachelor of Music graduates with at least 1 year experience

Lesson Length ​6 Lessons 12 Lessons
​30 minutes ​$180 ​$342
​45 minutes ​$270 ​$513
​60 minutes ​$360 ​$684



- professional instructors with at least 3 years experience

- Masters of Music graduates with at least 2 years experience

Lesson Length ​6 Lessons 12 Lessons
​30 minutes ​$210 ​$399
​45 minutes ​$315 ​$599
​60 minutes ​$420 ​$798



- artistic instructors

- rates are minimum and vary depending on instructor

- audition required

Lesson Length ​6 Lessons 12 Lessons
​30 minutes ​$360 ​$684
​45 minutes ​$540 ​$1026
​60 minutes ​$720 ​$1368

You must register for each session separately, but it is possible to prorate a session if you want to start after a session has already begun by contacting the CMS office,​​​.

When private lessons are taught in person, instruction must be done in the Amy du Pont Music Building or the Center of the Arts on the University of Delaware campus.​

After registration is complete, a private study instructor will be assigned for new students. Returning students should note their instructor in the registration process. Prior to the beginning of each session, the private study instructor will contact you directly to establish a mutually convenient day and time for lessons. It is important to include a working email in the registration process to enable easy communication between student and teacher.

Students must provide their own instrument (except for piano) and have access to a practice instrument (including piano).  UDCMS does not rent or sell instruments nor provide space or instruments for practice purposes.  There are several local companies that have instrument purchase and rental programs. ​

Performing in a recital is an exciting way to share one's music with others! Private Study recitals are scheduled at the discretion of the administration and teachers. Private Study students are not required to participate in recitals, although the Suzuki program does include an expectation to perform. 

Recital Policy

Any student who is properly prepared for a recital may apply through his/her teacher for inclusion on a specific recital date. Only the private study or ensemble instructor can approve the student’s readiness for a recital. 

It is CMS policy for all recitalists to stay for the full duration of their recital.

Recital Procedure

Your CMS instructor must be notified of desire to perform and agree that student is adequately prepared. Information must then be submitted via email by the instructor for inclusion in a recital. Recitals are filled on a first-come first-served basis and CMS reserves the right to cancel any recital due to low enrollment, weather, or facility needs.