PSYC100 Research Requirement

UD Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences Research Requirements for General Psychology (PSYC100):

Kristen Begosh Headshot
Kristen Begosh

Research Participation Requirement Director


General Psychology (PSYC 100) is a required course for all Psychological and Brain Sciences undergraduate programs. It also satisfies breadth requirements for the University and the College of Arts and Sciences. 

Research Participation Requirement

Every student enrolled in general psychology (PSYC 100) must acquire detailed experience in psychological research studies to meet the research participation requirement (RPR). All students in PSYC 100 should sign up on the online participation sign-up system (SONA) to manage RPR credits. 

Understanding the RPR is important for your successful completion of PSYC 100. Please carefully read the RPR Student Handbook.

Review the PSYC100 Research Participation Requirement Handbook