Robert West

Robert West

Interim Chair

Office location

University of Delaware, 105 The Green, Room 213, Wolf Hall, Newark, DE 19716


Email Robert West


  • Ph.D. – University of South Carolina
  • M.A.  – Western Kentucky University
  • B.A.  – Western Kentucky University


The ability to adapt to an ever changing world is a critical component of our success as we navigate daily life. This adaptation can happen quickly. For instance, when we correct an error while typing. Or it can emerge from experience over a longer period of time, such as when we learn from feedback that accumulates over time. In my research, I seek to understand the neural events that allow us to adapt to the world over time as related to the control of attention directed to the external and internal worlds, reward processing, ethical decision-making, and prospective memory. In addition to studying basic neurocognitive processes in this area, I am also interested in how these processes may be shaped by individual differences in technology use (e.g., video games, smartphones, social media) and development in adulthood. My laboratory primarily uses behavioral and electrophysiological methods to explore these areas of interest.​

Robert West, Ph.D., Chairperson and Professor, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, University of Delaware

Courses Regularly Taught

​PSY340 - Cognition​

Research Area

Cognitive Psychology

Resources and Links

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