SUSI Women’s Leadership

Study of the U.S. Institute on Women’s Leadership Group Photo

Study of the U.S. Institute on Women’s Leadership

The Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSI) for Student Leaders, by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of State, are 5 to 6 week academic programs for international undergraduate students hosted by colleges and universities across the United States. These programs are designed to provide participants a deeper understanding of U.S. society, culture and institutions through leadership training, civic engagement, domestic study tours and interactions with Americans of all walks of life. ​The SUSI on Women’s Leadership (SUSI-WL) focuses on the history and participation of women in public life in the United States. 


​As a part of the Women's Global Leadership Consortium, the University of Delaware is host to the SUSI-WL for participants from sub-Saharan Africa. Twenty participants annually engage in an academically grounded program that includes community service and cultural activities throughout Newark, Delaware and in nearby metropolitan areas. In addition to the Delaware-based experiences, study tours include trips to Atlanta, New York City, Lancaster, and Washington, D.C.

The University of Delaware has long been recognized as a leader in international education. It was an early pioneer in study abroad and now regularly hosts groups of undergraduate, graduate and professional students from abroad, providing them with creative programs blending academics and cultural enrichment.

This is a program of the U.S. Department of State, administered by the University of Delaware.​​

Program Goals

  • Develop leadership skills in areas such as critical thinking, communication, decision-making and managerial abilities;
  • Place these abilities in the context of women’s engagement in U.S. politics, economics, culture and society; and
  • Utilize the knowledge gained during the program to activate projects in their home communities.​

​Institute Staff​

Amanda Bullough
Academic Director

Dan Bottomley
Administrative Director