Public Diplomacy

Group of Department of Political Science and International Relations Students with Blue Rocks mascot

Public Diplomacy

Since 2009, the University of Delaware has welcomed over 700 world leaders and scholars from more than 30 countries as participants in internationally-recognized State Department programs. While representative of diverse cultures and backgrounds, leaders and scholars share a dedication to learning more about the United States, sharing their knowledge with U.S. citizens, and ultimately making the world a better, safer and more prosperous place.

Hosted by the Department of Political Science & International Relations since 2021, State Department program participants depart from UD after several weeks of intensive training with a toolkit of new knowledge, ideas and connections to the United States to take back to their home communities. They also leave behind a lasting impression on the many friends, host families and peer collaborators they meet while in the United States. The programs have successfully facilitated international learning in a virtual setting by engaging participants in intensive dialogue and activities among their peers and staff, as well as experts in their respective topics. This is public diplomacy in action.

Two students smiling with cameras from the Middle East Partnership Initiative Student Leaders Program

Middle East Partnership Initiative

The MEPI Student Leaders Program annually brings 15 college students from the Middle East and North Africa to UD for a five-week intensive training program on leadership and civic engagement. ​




Three students afiliated with the U.S. Institute on Foreign Policymaking

Study of the U.S. Institute on Foreign Policymaking

The Study of the U.S. Institute on Foreign Policymaking increases mid-career scholars’ and practitioners’ understanding of U.S. foreign policymaking and fosters a community of content experts from around the world.​



Two students affiliated with the Institute on Women’s Leadership

Study of the U.S. Institute on Women’s Leadership

The Study of the U.S. ​Institute on Women’s Leadership Program prepares participants from Sub-Saharan Africa for the future by sharpening their critical thinking, leadership, communication and managerial skills.​