Robert A. Denemark

Robert A. Denemark

International Relations

Office: 404 Smith Hall

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​Robert A. Denemark, Ph.D. (University of Minnesota, 1987) joined the department in 1988. He teaches courses in International Political Economy, International Relations Theory and International Diplomacy. His current research interests are in the history and evolution of the global system, and in the ability of theories of world politics to apprehend that long-term view.


“After Globalization: The Political Economy of Mercantilism,” in Christian Suter and Patrick Ziltener eds. After Globalization: The Future of World Society, Wien/Zürich/Münster: Lit. 2024.

“World-Systems Analysis,” co-authored with Smriti Upadhyay, in The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies. 2023.  Oxford: Oxford University Press.  

“The ‘Clash of Civilizations’ as Historical Libel,” coauthored with Matthew Hoffmann and Hasan Yonten, Histories 3: 46–61 (2023).

“Pandemics in Global and Historical Perspective,” Globalizations.  19:3, 380-396, (2022).  

“Pre-Emptive Decline,” Journal of World-Systems Research.  27(1) (2021), pp. 149-176.