Philip Edward Jones

Philip Edward Jones

Associate Professor
American Politics, Political Psychology
Research Director, Center for Political Communication

Office: 302 Smith Hall


Philip Edward Jones, Ph.D. (Harvard University 2009) joined the department in 2009. His research interests are in public opinion, political behavior and political communication, with a particular focus on LGBTQ politics. He teaches courses on American politics, voting and elections, and LGBTQ politics. He is also the research director for the Center for Political Communication at UD, and an associate editor at Editor in Chief of Public Opinion Quarterly.


Jones, P. E. (2024). Language and LGBTQ politics: The effect of changing group labels on public attitudes. American Politics Research.

Jones, P. E. (2023). Political awareness and the identity-to-politics link in public opinion. Journal of Politics, 85(2):510-523.

Jones, P. E. & Becker, A.B. (2023). Affect toward transgender people, political awareness, and support for transgender rights. American Politics Research, 51(1):76-80.

Jones, P. E. (2022). Respectability politics and straight support for LGB rights. Political Research Quarterly, 75(4):935-949.

Jones, P. E. (2021). Political distinctiveness and diversity among LGBT Americans. Public Opinion Quarterly, 85(2):594-622.