Our People
Meet Our People
The Department of Political Science and International Relations at the University of Delaware boasts a distinguished faculty and staff dedicated to excellence in teaching, research, and service. This dynamic team comprises scholars and professionals with diverse backgrounds and expertise, united by a shared passion for exploring the intricate realms of politics, governance, and global affairs. Their collective knowledge spans a wide array of specializations, from comparative politics and international relations to public policy and political theory, ensuring a comprehensive and multifaceted approach to academic inquiry.
With a commitment to fostering critical thinking, intellectual discourse, and practical application, the faculty and staff of this esteemed department serve as invaluable resources for students seeking to navigate the complexities of the political landscape.
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David P. Redlawsk
Chair of Department and James R. Soles Professor
American Politics, Research Methods and Political PsychologyOffice: 344 Smith Hall
Phone: (302) 831-2355
Email: redlawsk@udel.edu
Alice Ba
Emma Smith Morris Professor
International Relations and Comparative PoliticsOffice: 402 Smith Hall
Phone: (302) 831-2355
Email: aliceba@udel.edu
Benjamin Bagozzi
Research Methods and International Relations
Office: 405 Smith Hall
Phone: (302) 831-2355
Email: bagozzib@udel.edu
Wayne Batchis
Associate Professor
Political Theory and Constitutional Law
Director, Legal Studies ProgramOffice: 466 Smith Hall
Phone: (302) 831-2355
Email: batchisw@udel.edu
Gretchen Bauer
Comparative Politics, African Politics and Gender and PoliticsOffice: 461 Smith Hall
Phone: (302) 831-2355
Email: gbauer@udel.edu
Daniel Bottomley
Director of Public Diplomacy & Global Initiatives
Office: 303 Smith Hall
Phone: (302) 831-2355
Email: dbott@udel.edu
Pascha Bueno-Hansen
Associate Professor
Comparative Politics, International Relations and Gender and PoliticsOffice: 463 Smith Hall
Phone: (302) 831-3297
Email: pbh@udel.edu
Julio Carrión
Comparative Politics; Latin American Politics; PopulismOffice: 467 Smith Hall
Phone: (302) 831-2355
Email: jcarrion@udel.edu
Erin Cassese
American Politics, Political Psychology and Gender and PoliticsOffice: 458 Smith Hall
Phone: (302) 831-2355
Email: ecassese@udel.edu
Theodore J. Davis
American Politics, Contemporary Black Politics and Politics of InequalityOffice: 306 Smith Hall
Phone: (302) 831-2355
Email: teddavis@udel.edu
Robert A. Denemark
International RelationsOffice: 404 Smith Hall
Phone: (302) 831-2355
Email: denemark@udel.edu
Kara Ellerby
Associate Professor
International Relations and Gender and Politics
Director of Undergraduate StudiesOffice: 465 Smith Hall
Phone: (302) 831-2355
Email: kellerby@udel.edu
Daniel M. Green
Associate Professor
International Relations and Political TheoryOffice: 464 Smith Hall
Phone: (302) 831-2355
Email: dgreen@udel.edu
Philip Edward Jones
Associate Professor
American Politics, Political Psychology
Research Director, Center for Political CommunicationOffice: 302 Smith Hall
Phone: (302) 831-2355
Email: pejones@udel.edu
Stuart Kaufman
International Relations, Comparative Politics and Political PsychologyOffice: 308 Smith Hall
Phone: (302) 831-2355
Email: skaufman@udel.edu
Muqtedar Khan
Comparative Politics, International Relations and Political TheoryOffice: 467 Smith Hall
Phone: (302) 831-2355
Email: mkhan@udel.edu
Daniel Kinderman
Associate Professor
Comparative Politics and International Relations
Director, European Studies ProgramOffice: 304 Smith Hall
Phone: (302) 831-2355
Email: kindermd@udel.edu
Jennifer Kubota
Associate Professor
Joint Appointment, Department of Political Science and International Relations
Office: 105 The Green, Room, Wolf Hall
Phone: (302) 831-4813
Email: jtkubota@udel.edu
Joanne Miller
American Politics, Research Methods and Political Psychology
Director of Graduate Studies, Political ScienceOffice: 455 Smith Hall
Phone: (302) 831-2355
Email: jomiller@udel.edu
Jason D. Mycoff
Associate Professor
American Politics and Research MethodsOffice: 468 Smith Hall
Phone: (302) 831-2355
Email: mycoff@udel.edu
Kassra A.R. Oskooii
Associate Professor
American Politics, Political Psychology and Race and Ethnic Politics
Director of InternshipsOffice: 403 Smith Hall
Phone: (302) 831-2355
Email: oskooiik@udel.edu
Claire Rasmussen
Associate Professor
Political Theory and Gender and PoliticsOffice: 460 Smith Hall
Phone: (302) 831-2355
Email: cerasmus@udel.edu
Kyong-Min Son
Associate Professor
Political TheoryOffice: 457 Smith Hall
Phone: (302) 831-2355
Email: kmson@udel.edu
Matthew S. Weinert
International Relations and Political TheoryOffice: 462 Smith Hall
Phone: (302) 831-2355
Email: mweinert@udel.edu
Name | Affiliation | |
Bokhari, Kamran | Adjunct Faculty | kbokhari@udel.edu |
Cooksey Esq., Michael | Adjunct Faculty | mcooks@udel.edu |
Jenks, Andrew | Adjunct Faculty
ajenks@udel.edu |
Martin, Dr. John | Adjunct Faculty | jmartin@udel.edu |
Renni, Judge Sheldon | Adjunct Faculty | srennie@udel.edu |
Schwaber, Stacey | Adjunct Faculty , B&E Accounting & MIS | sschwabe@udel.edu |
Wickenheiser, Rachel | Adjunct Faculty |
Name | Affiliation | |
Brewer, Paul | Professor, Department of Communication | prbrewer@udel.edu |
Hoffman, Lindsay | Associate Professor, Department of Communication | lindsayh@udel.edu |
Lobasz, Jennifer | Associate Professor, Women and Gender Studies | jlobasz@udel.edu |
Young, Danna | Professor, Department of Communication | dgyoung@udel.edu |
Name | Affiliation | |
Campbell, Dr. Kenneth J. | Associate Professor Emeritus | kjcamp@udel.edu |
Davis, Dr. Sue | Professor Emerita | suedavis@udel.edu |
Goldstein, Dr. Leslie F. | Judge Hugh M. Morris Professor Emerita | lesl@udel.edu |
Johnson, Dr. Janet B. | Associate Professor Emerita | jbj@udel.edu |
Magee, Dr. James J. | Judge Hugh M. Morris Professor Emeritus | jjmagee@udel.edu |
Meyer, Dr. William H. | Professor of Political Science Emeritus | whmeyer@udel.edu |
Miller, Dr. Mark J. | Emma Smith Morris Professor Emeritus | mjmiller@udel.edu |
Oliver, Dr. James K. | Emma Smith Morris Professor Emeritus | jkoliver@udel.edu |
Palley, Dr. Marian L. | Professor Emerita | mpalley@udel.edu |
Pika, Dr. Joseph A. | James R. Soles Professor Emeritus | jpika@udel.edu |
Sylves, Dr. Richard T. | Professor Emeritus | sylves@udel.edu |
Name | Title | |
Whittle, Monique | Business Administrator I | mwhittle@udel.edu |
Berry, Lisa | Academic Program Coordinator | lberry@udel.edu |
Bottomley, Daniel | Director of Public Diplomacy & Global Initiatives | dbott@udel.edu |
Ford, Barbara | Academic Program Coordinator | barbford@udel.edu |
Hoseth, Angela | Computer Support Specialist I | hoseth@udel.edu |
Name | Affiliation | |
Agyarkwa, Richmond | Graduate Student | richagya@udel.edu |
Aksu, Ibrahim Enes | Graduate Student | ieaksu@udel.edu |
Barbera, Matthew | Graduate Student | barbera@udel.edu |
Basdinkci, Murat | Graduate Student | muratb@udel.edu |
Bielinski, Piotr | Graduate Student | piotr@udel.edu |
Blinova, Daria | Graduate Student | blinovad@udel.edu |
Boakye, Baffour Agyeman Prempeh | Graduate Student | baffour@udel.edu |
Brown, Brandon | Graduate Student | bmbrown@udel.edu |
Collier, Justin | Graduate Student | collierj@udel.edu |
Despi, Dianne Faye | Graduate Student | dcdespi@udel.edu |
Dwyre, Kevin | Graduate Student | kdwyre@udel.edu |
Eleias, Gena | Graduate Student | genan@udel.edu |
Galileo, Amara | Graduate Student | amara@udel.edu |
Haug-Pavlak, Gunter | Graduate Student |
ghaug@udel.edu |
Hernandez, Nicolas | Graduate Student | nicolas@udel.edu |
Iltekin, Sumeyye Mine | Graduate Student | sumeyye@udel.edu |
Khalilova, Gunay | Graduate Student | gunay@udel.edu |
Kipp, Stephen | Graduate Student | kipps@udel.edu |
Ko, Yongjun | Graduate Student | repkjkyj@udel.edu |
Lee, Danbi | Graduate Student | danbilee@udel.edu |
Lee, Heon | Graduate Student | heon@udel.edu |
Li, Wenxin | Graduate Student | wenxinli@udel.edu |
Long, Yueshan | Graduate Student | yslong@udel.edu |
Lutful, Rifat Binte | Graduate Student | rifat@udel.edu |
Mumma, Ian | Graduate Student | ianmumma@udel.edu |
Nam, Jiwon | Graduate Student | jiwonnam@udel.edu |
Ogunbodede, Nife Elizabeth | Graduate Student | nifemi@udel.edu |
Pandey, Shivani Narendra | Graduate Student |
shivanii@udel.edu |
Rahaman, Arafat | Graduate Student |
arafat@udel.edu |
Rātfelders, Toms | Graduate Student | tomsrat@udel.edu |
Sadia, Tasmiha | Graduate Student | tasmiha@udel.edu |
Salma Tarin, Umme | Graduate Student | tarin@udel.edu |
Schenk, Caroline | Graduate Student | caschenk@udel.edu |
Sharma, Yatan | Graduate Student | yatan@udel.edu |
Singh, Navroz | Graduate Student | nvzsingh@udel.edu |
Soong, Kao Chu | Graduate Student | claus@udel.edu |
Standridge, Natalie | Graduate Student | nstandri@udel.edu |
Tharp, Christopher | Graduate Student | ctharp@udel.edu |
Trenchi, Ronald | Graduate Student | rtrenchi@udel.edu |
Whyte, Spencer | Graduate Student | swhyte@udel.edu |
Yucel, Sumeyra Yildiz | Graduate Student | sumeyra@udel.edu |
Zaman, Fahmida | Graduate Student | fzaman@udel.edu |