Funding Opportunities


One award will be given annually to recognize an exceptional graduate student teaching assistant. Faculty may nominate a graduate student who has performed exceptionally well in their role as TA in the previous year. To nominate a graduate student, faculty should write 2-3 paragraphs providing evidence of exceptional performance and include any supporting documentation such as comments on teaching evaluations, samples of work completed as TA, etc. The recipient will be selected by a committee chosen by the Graduate Policy Committee and will receive a $100 award.

One award will be given annually to a graduate student who has written an exceptional professional paper. The winning paper will be selected by a faculty committee determined by the Graduate Policy Committee. Papers qualifying for the award including 1) work selected for presentation at a conference (paper or poster presentation) or 2) work submitted to a journal for publication. Graduate students may self-nominate conference or publication submissions by submitting a copy of their paper as well as information about the conference at which the paper was presented, the name of the panel, and the date on which the presentation was given or information about the journal to which the paper was submitted and the current status. Faculty members may also nominate their students for conference or journal submissions. They should submit the same materials (the paper, with information about the conference, date of the long paper defense, or submission to a journal.) The paper must have been given in the previous academic year. The recipient will receive a $100 award.

This award is an annual award for excellence for a paper on the topic of Islam and Global Affairs. Eligible papers include the following: long papers defended in the previous year, or papers presented at a professional conference or submitted for publication in the previous year. Papers may be nominated by faculty or via self-nomination by graduate students. Students should submit a copy of the paper and the date defended, date and location of presentation, or date and status of journal publication as applicable. The Graduate Policy Committee will determine the recipient of the $200 for the best paper